High School Block:

Science 9

Ecosystem dynamics enables learners to explore the relationship between matter and energy interactions on a
macro scale. Learners deepen their understanding of the origins of matter, diversity of life, heredity, and ecology,
as well as the main principles of environmental stewardship and conservation. The unifying ideas of diversity,
equilibrium, matter, models, and systems serve as sense-making strategies to consolidate science learning from
elementary and middle school.

Learners use hands-on investigations to learn how energy-releasing and energy-requiring chemical reactions
connect living systems to the physical components of the biosphere. They are introduced to chemical thinking
skills and develop a wider scientific world view applying the main theories and general laws to biological inquiries.
Learners explore concepts related to the Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health and Well-being (3), Climate
Action (13), Life on Land (14), and Life Below Water (15).




  • Earth and the solar system
  • Earth systems


  • Energy
  • Ecosystems
  • Energetics
  • Structure and properties of matter
  • Biochemical reactions


  • Structure and function of molecules and organisms
  • Organization of matter
  • Energy flow in organisms


  • Biodiversity and humans
  • Inheritance of traits
  • Adaptations


  • Knowledge and application of safety guidelines


  • Earth and human activity
  • Conservation and stewardship


  • Design challenge

Strand: Scientific Literacy

Big Idea: Investigation

Skill Descriptor: Plan investigations to answer questions about relationships between and among variables observed in the solar system, ecosystems, and molecules and organisms.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Formulate hypotheses using if, then and because giving plausible reasons based on understandings and/or research
  • Identify major variables to be controlled
  • Define design problems that involve the development of processes or systems with interacting components
  • Propose alternative solutions by developing plans for given problems
  • Select appropriate methods for collecting data and information
  • Respond to the ideas of others and acknowledge their contributions

Skill Descriptor: Collect and represent accurate data using tools and methods appropriate for investigations of the solar system, ecosystems, and molecules and organisms.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Select and use scientific instruments to collect accurate data
  • Conduct investigations, fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and/or technological design solutions to collect accurate data
  • Create models that describe relationships amongst variables
  • Assess risk associated with the applied investigation methods
  • Assess ethical issues associated with the applied investigation methods
  • Organize data using forms that are appropriate to the investigations
  • Develop classification keys for qualification data

Big Idea: Sensemaking

Skill Descriptor: Analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative data to construct explanations and conclusions.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Represent and organize titled and labelled collected data using drawings, digital technologies, simple text, tables and other graphical formats
  • Analyze data by describing relationships between variables
  • Evaluate the precision/validity/reliability of tests and identify reasonable sources and amounts of error
  • Identify inconsistencies and outliers in analyzed data
  • Describe specific ways to improve the quality of data
  • Confirm or refute hypotheses using collected data, other sources, and/or reliable media
  • Evaluate potential application of findings
  • Identify new questions and/or problems that come from learning new information

Big Idea: Communication

Skill Descriptor: Communicate procedure, result, and conclusion using a variety of media and working collaboratively.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Communicate procedures, results, and conclusions of scientific inquiry in a clear and logical order
  • Compare findings to hypotheses, other models, products, and knowledge, and address applicable variation
  • Defend given positions on issues or problems based on findings
  • Support or refute hypotheses using evidence from data analysis
  • Use formal science, mathematics, and technology language, conventions, and representations
  • Discuss limitations of models as representations of systems, processes, or designs
  • Suggest ways available evidence or design specifications can improve models
  • Work collaboratively with team members to develop and carry out plans, and examine own knowledge and knowledge of peers

Strand: Learning and Living Sustainably

Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application

Skill Descriptor: Apply scientific and technological knowledge and an understanding of sustainable practices responsibly with respect to the solar system, ecosystems, and molecules and organisms.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Research the impact land access and use has had on Wabanaki and other Indigenous societies over time (food scarcity, loss of water access, forced agrarianism, etc.)
  • Examine how social relationships and identity are shaped by the natural environment
  • Compare Indigenous and Western views of the natural environment
  • Describe how ecological knowledge is carried through story
  • Research how the degradation of the natural environment impacts Indigenous Peoples around the world and research an action to mitigate it
  • Use equipment safely while carrying out scientific inquiry
  • Use tools and materials safely when building models and prototypes
  • Conduct science experiments/field investigations while following environmentally sustainable practices
  • Develop models to make testable predictions based on scientific evidence
  • Test designs of constructed devices or systems
  • Evaluate designs or prototypes in terms of function reliability, safety, use of materials, and impact on the environment
  • Refine models based on empirical evidence to improve accuracy, explanatory power, or quality
  • Demonstrate knowledge of WHMIS standards by using proper techniques for handling and disposing of materials
  • Explain why practical solutions to scientific or technological problems may require compromise between competing priorities
  • Explore solution criteria to identify effects of chosen solutions on people and the environment
  • Evaluate the effects of various technologies developed to improve living conditions
  • Explore Canadian-based science and technology careers in related areas of personal interest

Skill Descriptor: Identify community-based challenges connected to at least two of Sustainable Development Goals 3, 13, 14, and 15, and apply iterative processes to design solutions.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss power relations and analyze how and why Western perspectives tend to get privileged over Indigenous perspectives in national policies, strategies, planning, etc.
  • Demonstrate a holistic understanding of the interconnections of a person’s well-being and health and the natural environment or community
  • Explore different environmental pollutants and ways to reduce pollution
  • Conduct research into real world challenges for the sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources
  • Analyze results of environmental monitoring to take appropriate climate mitigation actions and adaptation strategies
  • Develop action projects or campaigns related to biodiversity protection in communities or regions