High School Block:
Forestry 110
Forests and sustainable forest management have and will continue to play an essential role in the social, environmental, and economic well-being of New Brunswick. Forestry 110 will create opportunities for learners to develop appreciation and understanding of the societal values placed on forested ecosystems, how forests are managed to achieve these values, and the interactions between humans and forests. The learning outlined will promote literacy, knowledge, and skills to enable students to meaningfully engage in public discourse around forests and the forest sector. The course will also identify multiple career pathways within the forest sector for rewarding employment within the province of New Brunswick. This course develops and utilizes the interdisciplinary skills of observation, reflection, documentation, purposeful/intentional planning, goal-setting, decision-making, and problem-solving. Forestry 110 will incorporate a hands-on approach of both project-based and experiential learning which develops technical and adaptive skills.
It is recommended that learners take Science 10: Science for Sustainable Societies before enrolling in Forestry 110.
For Educators:
New Brunswick Forests
- Biomes
- Forest regions
- Wabanaki Forestry
- History
- Historical Changes
- Land Distribution
- Ownership structure
Living Parts of the Forest
- Tree Silvics
- Forest Development
- Stages
- Forest Stands
- Composition
- Wildlife
- Forest species
Tools and Equipment
- Power Saw
- Safety
- Harvesting
- Forestry machines
- Navigation and Measurement
- Technology
Economic Impacts
- Manufactured Products
- Mills
- Non-Timber Forest Products
- Forest Recreation
Forest Management
- Forest Management Plans
- Silviculture
- Treatments
- Forest Threats
- Forestry Careers
Strand: New Brunswick Forests
Big Idea: Wabanaki Forestry
Skill Descriptor: Discuss the history of First Nations and forestry.
Global Competencies: SGC, SASM, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss Wabanaki understandings of interconnectedness with the land
- Investigate the impact colonization had and continues to have on the ways that Wabanaki people interact with forests
- Research the impact the loss of land access and use has had on Wabanaki and other Indigenous societies over time (e.g., food scarcity, loss of water access, forced agrarianism)
- Compare Wabanaki and multiple Western views of forest management
Big Idea: Historical Changes
Skill Descriptor: Examine how New Brunswick forests have changed over time.
Global Competencies: CTPS, CM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Investigate how New Brunswick forests have evolved since the Last Glacial Period
- Compare human and natural disturbances in New Brunswick forests
- Investigate forests as dynamic systems
- Analyze patterns and trends in forestry data
Big Idea: Land Distribution
Skill Descriptor: Examine the government ownership structure of New Brunswick forests.
Global Competencies: SGC, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss ownership structures of provincial, federal, private, and traditional lands in New Brunswick
- Explain rules and regulations that govern land use in New Brunswick
- Discuss why parks and conservations areas are important to ecosystems
- Debate the rationale of a given conservation area based on sustainability practices
Strand: Living Parts of New Brunswick Forests
Big Idea: Tree Silvics
Skill Descriptor: Examine New Brunswick tree species.
Achievement Indicators:
- Compare characteristics of collected samples of coniferous and deciduous trees
- List New Brunswick tree species
- Identify methods to distinguish New Brunswick tree species
- Label parts of New Brunswick tree species
- Uses dichotomous keys to identify New Brunswick tree species
Big Idea: Forest Development
Skill Descriptor: Examine development stages of a forest.
Achievement Indicators:
- Classify the components of a tree that impact growth and development
- Categorize the development stages of a New Brunswick tree
- Discuss forest carbon sequestration
- Discuss the impact of forest succession on New Brunswick forest composition
Big Idea: Forest Stands
Skill Descriptor: Examine stand composition.
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe prominent forest stand types in New Brunswick
- Distinguish characteristics of a forest stand
Big Idea: Wildlife
Skill Descriptor: Examine New Brunswick wildlife forest species.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Examine the preferred habitats of New Brunswick wildlife species
- Predict changes in New Brunswick wildlife based on changing habitat/ecosystems
Strand: Tools and Equipment
Big Idea: Power Saw Equipment and Safety
Skill Descriptor: Explore tools and safety equipment used in New Brunswick forests.
Achievement Indicators:
- Differentiate between a chainsaw and a spacing saw
- Identify required personal protective equipment needed to operate a chainsaw and spacing saw from the Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Describe safety precautions and techniques when using a chainsaw and spacing saw
Big Idea: Navigation and Measurement
Skill Descriptor: Explore technology used in New Brunswick forests.
Achievement Indicators:
- Examine uses for navigational measurement tools in New Brunswick forests
- Examine uses of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in New Brunswick forests
- Examine uses of data collection tools used in New Brunswick forests
Strand: Economic Impacts
Big Idea: Manufactured Products
Skill Descriptor: Explore mills found in New Brunswick and the products they produce.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- List types of New Brunswick mills by region and compare the products they produce
- Research innovations in forest product manufacturing
- Identify value-added manufactured products from New Brunswick forest
Big Idea: Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP)
Skill Descriptor: Explore non-timber forest products in New Brunswick.
Global Competencies: CM, CL, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Examine New Brunswick non-timber forest products
- Discuss the value of non-timber products to culture and economy in New Brunswick
- Examine how management can provide balance for specific forest usage
Big Idea: Forest Recreation
Skill Descriptor: Explore types of forest recreation in New Brunswick.
Global Competencies: CM, CL, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Examine how forest recreation impacts economies in New Brunswick
- Examine how forest recreation impacts ecosystems in New Brunswick
Strand: Forest Management
Big Idea: Silviculture
Skill Descriptor: Explore silviculture and related treatments and management.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Define silviculture
- Describe silviculture treatments
- Describe silviculture management
- Collect and synthesize data related to an aspect of the silviculture cycle
Big Idea: Forest Threats
Skill Descriptor: Explore threats to New Brunswick forests.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Compare anthropogenic and natural threats to New Brunswick forests
- Identify methods used to prevent and control threats to New Brunswick forests
- Investigate ways forest threats may be treated
Big Idea: Career Opportunities
Skill Descriptor: Investigate career opportunities in forestry.
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe direct and indirect jobs in forestry
- Examine career skill pathways in forestry