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Archives: Resources

Generating Ideas for Businesses and Projects

In this lesson students will identify their passions, interests, and future aspirations. Students will be encouraged to participate in class and small group discussions to share their interests and passions.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11

‘Why Do We Buy Stuff?’

In this lesson students will learn about the two categories (emotional and rational purchases) of why people purchase products, enterprises, and services (PES).

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11

Public Speaking Activities Kit

The activities and resources include a mixture of videos, individual, group, and class activities, to help keep all students interested and engaged as they learn effective public speaking skills. The following activities and resources have been created by the Centre of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and have previously used and well-received by students during Speaking with Confidence workshops that took place during the summer of 2022. The activities and resources are suitable for students of all age groups and abilities, including EAL students.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9

Plastic Reuse Project

In this activity, students will divert plastic from the landfill or a recycling bin and turn it into a sellable product. Students will explore issues with plastic recycling and contemplate how to help solve environmental issues.

  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Income Visualizer

In this activity, students will use an online application to visualize their income taxes using the gross income of their dream career. The application shows calculations for the Canada pension plan, employment insurance, deductions, taxable and net income, along with provincial and federal taxes using tax bracket data.

  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10

From Mystery to Must-Have

Entrepreneurs have incredible creativity and unique perspective – they can turn an everyday, ordinary object and turn it into a product that no one thought of before. In this activity, stretch your learners’ creativity as they take a random mystery object and transform it into a must-have item for customers – just like a real entrepreneur!
*French resource included as attachment

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Classroom-Sized Monopoly

This classic board game has been reinvented into a classroom-sized activity, including many New Brunswick tourist attractions! Learners will work together to plan a budget and make critical financial decisions.

  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Home Field Advantage

Ever wonder what it would be like to have a professional sports team in your hometown? Using their entrepreneurial spirit, learners will be given the opportunity to dream, design, and map out the details of a brand-new team to pitch to their peers. Dig out your jerseys and pennants – sports fever is about to hit your classroom!
*French resource included as attachment

  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Eggs Away!

Prepare to get messy! This inquiry-based learning activity tests learners’ entrepreneurial spirit as they create, construct, re-adjust, and develop a solution to an age-old problem for Humpty Dumpty and his love of walls.
*French resource included as attachment

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Solar Oven Challenge

In this challenge, students will design, build and test a solar oven to be used by NASA in an upcoming trip to the moon.

The moon does not have any wind but it does have an abundance of sunlight. Harnessing that renewable resource will be essential to establishing a colony on the moon.
*French Resources Available As Attachments

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Energy at School

In this lesson, students are introduced to where energy comes from and explore how it’s used at school.

This is the first of three lessons to investigate school energy use and plan actions to promote energy conservation. For more lesson ideas, visit FortisBC Energy Leaders

*French Resources Included as Attachments

  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Solar Boat Activity

Students will engineer custom paddles and propellers and use the solar power to create a boat that can move in the sun.

Students will explore in depth how solar power turns radiant energy into electrical energy, then into mechanical energy. Students will learn the variables that affect solar panels and the factors that influence the performance of paddles and propellers, ultimately building a solar boat that can transport the most weight.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8