primary Block:
Learners explore the foundations of reading and writing music and participate in guided activities involving the elements of music. They engage in active listening with listening maps, play with and explore instruments, including their voice and body percussion, and work with others to make, sing, and play music. Learners compose short melodies and rhythms on their own, sing on pitch, and recognize different instruments from sound.
For Educators:
➔ PL Hub: Creative Arts
- Explore the process of composing music
- Develop aural skills to support performance and composition
- Develop proficiency in performance
- Connect the ways music is important to communication, history and understanding each other
- Discuss artistic intent
Strand: Create
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to compose music using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Experiment with different sound sources
- Experiment with the beat and rhythm
- Differentiate visually between step and skip
Big Idea: Aural Literacy
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to develop aural literacy using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use contour mapping to record simple rhythmic and melodic patterns
- Distinguish between same/different, fast/slow, high/low, loud/soft, long/short (legato/staccato), and singing/speaking voice
Big Idea: Application And Performance
Skill Descriptor: Create and present expressive products for a range of audiences and purposes.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Maintain a steady beat using the body or an instrument
- Perform simple rhythms and/or melody patterns using call and response form
- Sing (alone and with others) with emphasis on matching pitch
Strand: Connect
Big Idea: Art and Culture
Skill Descriptor: Explore the role of music in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- List examples of how music is used at school, home, on the playground, during activities, for celebrations, etc.
- Discuss reasons for why a piece of music exists
Big Idea: Art Form Relationships
Skill Descriptor: Examine the relationship between music and other art forms.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe how music and other art forms can be combined to tell a story, create a mood, and/or evoke emotion
- Use music and role-play to describe personal experience
Strand: Communicate
Big Idea: Reflect and Respond
Skill Descriptor: Explore and discuss artistic intent in their own and others’ expressive works.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe feelings inspired by music
- Discuss why artists are motivated to create
- Describe what feeling(s) a composer means to convey when listening to music
- Discuss own and others’ work using the language of music
- Identify sounds of instruments that have been used in the classroom accurately when listening to music
- Demonstrate how to be a good listener and audience member
Strand: Create
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to compose music using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Experiment with different sound sources for expression
- Express thoughts, experiences, and/or feelings by composing and performing (alone and with others) using adapted notation
- Differentiate visually between step, skip and leap
Big Idea: Aural Literacy
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to develop aural literacy using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Distinguish between beat and rhythm
- Describe melodic direction using words and contour mapping
- Differentiate between step and skip
Big Idea: Application and Performance
Skill Descriptor: Create and present expressive products for a range of audiences and purposes.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Use ta, ti ti, and quarter rest accurately
- Demonstrate duple metre with body percussion and/or instruments
- Sing on pitch (alone and with others) using so, mi, and la accurately using call and response form
- Sing (alone and with others) with emphasis on matching pitch
Strand: Connect
Big Idea: Art and Culture
Skill Descriptor: Explore the role of music in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify music encountered at school, at home, in the community and other places
- List examples of music used for special occasions
- Discuss reasons for why a piece of music exists
Big Idea: Art Form Relationships
Skill Descriptor: Examine the relationship between music and other art forms.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe how music and other art forms can be combined to tell a story, create a mood, and/or evoke emotion
- Use music and role-play to tell a story, create a mood, or evoke emotion
- Combine music with movement to express thoughts, experiences, and feelings
Strand: Communicate
Big Idea: Reflect and Respond
Skill Descriptor: Explore and discuss artistic intent in their own and others’ expressive works.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Share ideas and feelings with others when making music
- Discuss why artists are motivated to create
- Describe what feelings and/or ideas a composer meant to convey when listening to music
- Discuss their own work and the work of others using the language of music
- Identify sounds of instruments that have been used in the classroom accurately when listening to music
- Demonstrate how to be a good listener and audience member
Strand: Create
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to compose music using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Experiment with different sound sources to tell a story, create a mood, and evoke an emotion
- Express thoughts, experiences, and/or feelings by composing and performing (alone and with others) short melodies and/or rhythms using standard and adapted notation
- Improvise short melody excerpts using a pentatonic scale
- Improvise simple melodic and rhythmic ostinati
Big Idea: Aural Literacy
Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of music to develop aural literacy using a variety of sound sources and repertoire.
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify same and different form
- Distinguish between step, skip, and leap
Big Idea: Application and Performance
Skill Descriptor: Create and present expressive products for a range of audiences and purposes.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Use rhythm accurately adding tica tica, ta-a, and half rest
- Demonstrate triple metre with body percussion and/or instruments
- Demonstrate accented beats in a variety of ways
- Sing on pitch (alone and with others) adding re, la, and do accurately using call and response form
- Sing or play using AABA form
- Sing (alone and with others) with emphasis on phrasing and diction
Strand: Connect
Big Idea: Art and Culture
Skill Descriptor: Explore the role of music in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss music encountered at school, at home, in the community and other places
- Describe cultural influences on the music of their community
- Discuss reasons why music might be used for special occasions and/or ceremonies
Big Idea: Art Form Relationships
Skill Descriptor: Examine the relationship between music and other art forms.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Use music and other art forms to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences
- Combine music and another art form to tell a story, create a mood, or evoke an emotion
- Participate in solo and group music-making and movement activities in their school and community
Strand: Communicate
Big Idea: Reflect and Respond
Skill Descriptor: Explore and discuss artistic intent in their own and others’ expressive works.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe personal experiences using music with emphasis on the elements of music
- Discuss why artists are motivated to create
- Determine what feelings and/or ideas a composer meant to convey when listening to music
- Describe their own and others’ music-making with emphasis on the elements of music
- Identify sounds of instruments that have been used in the classroom accurately when listening to music
- Demonstrate how to be a good listener and audience member