primary Block:
English Language Arts
Learners build upon prior knowledge and vocabulary to develop communication skills and share ideas with others. Learners are read to before they read independently, and through these read-aloud activities, they begin to ask questions about stories and facts. Learners engage with a variety of text types including picture books, magazines, non-fiction text, and audio books. They imagine alternate storylines, examine characters through role-play and exploration, and investigate facts and information with curiosity. These interactions help learners to identify their likes and dislikes and to develop skills based upon their interests and emerging identities as readers, writers, and communicators. As learners develop their interests and opinions, they transfer expressive and receptive language skills to social interactions and play. It is this age where learners begin to negotiate, analyze, and express themselves to achieve personal goals.
For Educators:
Foundational Reading Skill Development Companion Documents
Foundational Writing Skill Development Companion Documents
➔ PL Hub: English Language Arts
- Exploring words and their meanings
- Communicating for practice and out of necessity
- Listening to stories
- Demonstrating wonder and preference
- Telling stories
- Playing with language
- Learning about different perspectives
- Showing reading-like behaviours
- Beginning to read independently
- Developing life-long reading habits
- Making marks
- Writing creatively
- llustrating ideas
- Questioning stories
- Making personal connections
Strand: Interactions
Big Idea: Expression
Skill Descriptor: Express feelings and opinions, and give simple descriptions of experiences.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to express a feeling, opinion, or emotion
- Use new words to describe everyday events and personal experiences
- Use simple sentences and/or full thoughts
Skill Descriptor: Present simple facts and ideas to peers and teachers.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to share simple facts and ideas about a specific topic
Skill Descriptor: Explore the language of harmony and respect.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language
- Identify differences between kind and hurtful language
- Begin to use inclusive language that respects gender identity
- Begin to use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect
Big Idea: Exchanges
Skill Descriptor: Begin to ask and respond to questions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use question words to create questions about a specific topic or theme
- Ask questions about a specific topic or theme
- Respond to questions, answering or citing requested information
Skill Descriptor: Give and follow simple, one- or two-step directions or instructions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use words for sequence (first, next, then, etc.), time (today, tomorrow, at noon, etc.), and spatial concepts (under, over there, beside, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Explore appropriate communication conventions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use language specific to topic
- Begin to use language specific to audience
- Begin to use language specific to situation
Skill Descriptor: Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and multimodal text.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Use questions, wonderings, and reflections to respond to new information or visual imagery
Skill Descriptor: Explore social conventions when interacting.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use turn-taking when interacting with others
- Begin to demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
- Begin to use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)
Strand: Reading
Big Idea: Concepts of Print
Skill Descriptor: Identify concepts of print.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify concepts of print when engaging with text
- Explain that printed text carries meaning
- Differentiate between letters and numbers
- Differentiate between words and letters
Big Idea: Phonological Awareness
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate an awareness of words and some sounds in spoken language.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Segment words in a sentence
- Segment compound words
- Identify rhyming words
- Produce rhyming words
- Segment spoken multisyllabic words
- Delete a syllable in a multisyllabic word (including compound words)
- Segment words into onset and rime
- Identify words that start with the same initial sound
- Produce a word starting with a given sound (e.g., “Tell me a word that starts with /b/”)
- Produce the first sound of a given word (e.g., “Tell me what sound the word ‘bat’ starts with”)
- Identify some words with the same final consonant
- Blend two to four sounds orally to make a word
- Segment some one-syllable words into separate sounds (e.g., initial and final sounds)
Big Idea: Phonics
Skill Descriptor: Apply letter-sound knowledge to decode words and simple connected text.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify own name
- Name all letters of a given word
- Match upper-case and lower-case letters
- Order alphabet in sequence
- Blend some initial consonants with common word families
- Attempt to sound out new words
- Decode some single syllable words. For example, consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), and consonant-vowel words (to, me, so, etc.)
Big Idea: Fluency
Skill Descriptor: Name letters and read some words with accuracy and expression.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate automatic naming of all letters
- Demonstrate automatic recall of most letter sounds
- Automatically read some single syllable words. For example, consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), and consonant-vowel words (to, me, so, etc.)
- Begin to read with expression decodable text with single syllable words: (For example, consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), and consonant-vowel words (to, me, so, etc.)
- Automatically read some high frequency words
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use Tier One (common) words in interactions (run, dog, house, etc.)
- Begin to use Tier Two (all-purpose) words in interactions (decide, positive, community, etc.)
- Use describing words
- Describe word relationships (synonyms and opposites, etc.)
- Use kinship vocabulary (brother, sister, sibling, mother, father, grandparent, Elder, etc.)
- Use story vocabulary (Once upon a time, etc.)
- Provide appropriate vocabulary to complete a phrase/sentence
- Sort common objects into categories
- Explain different meaning between similar verbs (stomp vs. march, etc.)
- Ask about word meanings
- Connect prior knowledge of words and word meanings to make predictions and discuss what will happen next
- Identify new meanings for familiar words
- Use vocabulary of feelings (happy, great, sad, frustrated, etc.)
Big Idea: Reading Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from oral stories and when being read to.
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe prior knowledge and connections to text imagery
- Discuss predictions about a text based on cover art, imagery, or other information
- Connect information and events to personal experiences
- Retell one or two events in familiar stories, orally
- Predict a plausible next event in a story
- Retell the main event of a story, orally or through other forms of representation
- Make inferences about a main character
- Retell sequence of events from beginning, middle, and end
- Elaborate on a main topic using a retell or illustrations, providing a few simple details
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
- Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
- Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
- Ask to view texts and be read to
- Seek text linking to prior knowledge or current learnings
- Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
- Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Begin to identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.
Achievement Indicators:
- Talk about information in non-fiction texts and elements of a story from pictures or read-alouds
- Use basic text features to gain obvious information
- Recognize some simple text forms (fiction, non-fiction, visual, oral text, videos, poems, posters, letters, true and imaginary texts, etc.)
- Recognize basic text features and characteristics (author, illustrator, title, etc.)
Strand: Representations
Big Idea: Print Mechanics
Skill Descriptor: Print or represent letters and words using a writing utensil or assistive technology.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Experiment with mark making and illustration
- Represent own name
- Represent most letters
- Represent most upper-case and lower-case letters
- Begin to represent left-to-right and top-to-bottom directionality
- Identify and apply some mechanics (hand posture, grip, paper placement, use of assistive/augmentative technology, etc.)
Big Idea: Spelling
Skill Descriptor: Apply basic spelling conventions when creating written works.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use letters to represent sounds
- Match some letters to sounds in spoken language
- Use abbreviated letter-sound mapping (often omitting consonants and vowels)
- Use some phoneme segmentation during invented spelling
- Attempt to spell and represent single syllable words: consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), and consonant-vowel words (to, me, so, etc.)
- Begin to spell out loud and finger spell to determine sounds in a word
- Represent some of the sounds in a word (“hc” for “hockey” and “mtk” for monster truck, etc.)
- Begin to use short vowels in writing
Big Idea: Sentence Structure
Skill Descriptor: Compose simple sentences.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use drawings, letters, and approximations to record meaning
- Begin to use sequence when representing ideas visually and orally
- Begin to express feelings, opinions, and imaginative ideas orally, and through pictures
- Begin to experiment with meaningful documentation of own thoughts or oral language
- Begin to create simple sentences (e.g., subject-verb-object)
- Begin to ask questions using pictures and other representations
- Begin to represent or write complete thoughts
- Begin to experiment with punctuation
- Begin to use conventional spacing
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written or media texts.
Global Competencies: CM, CL, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Explain picture and story representations
- Begin to represent or tell a story, properly sequenced
- Begin to identify story elements
- Begin to generate ideas for writing and representing (pictures, jot notes, etc.)
- Begin to organize ideas for writing and representing (story map, story plan, etc.)
- Choose forms for specific audiences and purposes
- Begin to gather information for research
- Begin to use strategies for prewriting (storytelling, sharing, drawing, etc.)
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Begin to seek information to support ideas and construct meaning.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Use information to support ideas
- Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem
- Use information to form a simple argument
Strand: Interactions
Big Idea: Expression
Skill Descriptor: Express feelings and opinions and give simple descriptions of experiences.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to express a feeling, opinion, or emotion
- Use a variety of Tier Two (all-purpose) words and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words appropriately
- Use grammatically correct sentences appropriate to context
- Use simple sentences and/or full thoughts to make a point
- Make specific requests
Skill Descriptor: Present simple facts, ideas, and opinions to peers and teachers.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to share simple facts, ideas, and opinions about a specific topic
Skill Descriptor: Explore the language of harmony and respect.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language
- Identify differences between kind and hurtful language
- Use language that is not hurtful or offensive
- Begin to use inclusive language that respects gender identity
- Begin to use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect
Big Idea: Exchanges
Skill Descriptor: Begin to ask and respond to questions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use question words to create questions about a specific topic or theme
- Ask initial and follow-up questions about a specific topic or theme
- Respond to questions, answering or citing requested information
Skill Descriptor: Give and follow simple, one- or two-step directions or instructions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use words for sequence (first, next, then, etc.), time (today, tomorrow, at noon, etc.), and spatial concepts (under, over there, beside, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Explore appropriate communication conventions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use language specific to topic
- Begin to use language specific to audience
- Begin to use language specific to situation
Skill Descriptor: Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and multimodal text.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Use questions, wonderings, and reflections to respond to new information or visual imagery
Skill Descriptor: Explore social conventions when interacting.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use turn-taking when interacting with others
- Begin to demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
- Begin to use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)
Strand: Reading
Big Idea: Concepts of Print
Skill Descriptor: Identify concepts of print.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify concepts of print when engaging with text
- Explain that printed text carries meaning
- Differentiate between letters and numbers
- Differentiate between words and letters
- Explain how punctuation serves a purpose
Big Idea: Phonological Awareness
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate an awareness of sounds in spoken language.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Blend sounds orally to make a word
- Segment one-syllable words into separate sounds
- Identify final sounds
- Produce a word ending with the same final sound
- Identify medial sounds
- Locate a sound within a word (e.g., initial, medial, and final)
- Produce a new word when asked to delete a sound
- Produce a new word when asked to add a sound
- Substitute initial, medial, and final sounds in words with two to four sounds
Big Idea: Phonics
Skill Descriptor: Apply letter-sound knowledge to decode words and connected text.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Decode and read single syllable words: consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), consonant-vowel words (to, me, etc.), consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant words (flat, stop, trap, etc.), and consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant words (back, pond, sick, etc.)
- Read words with:
- all long vowels with marker ‘e’ (bite, cube, robe, etc.)
- two-letter initial and final consonant blends and digraphs (that, chat, moth, etc.)
- vowel digraphs (ea, ee, ie, etc.)
- Read some multisyllabic words accurately
- Use sound/symbol knowledge (word structures, familiar onset and rimes, word chunks, etc.) to decode and write new words
- Use knowledge of affixes to decode new words (un-, re-, -s, -es, -er, -ed, -ing, etc.)
- Use sound/symbol knowledge to decode and write high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
Big Idea: Fluency
Skill Descriptor: Read familiar words in developmentally appropriate text passages with accuracy and expression.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Automatically read single syllable words: consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), consonant-vowel words (to, me, etc.), consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant words (flat, stop, trap, etc.), and consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant words (back, pond, sick, etc.)
- Read decodable text with expression, including: consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), consonant-vowel words (to, me, etc.), consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant words (flat, stop, trap, etc.), and consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant words (back, pond, sick, etc.)
- Read high-frequency words in decodable text
- Repeat and use frequently occurring affixes with voice variation (un-, -ed, -less, etc.)
- Respond to internal and end punctuation when reading aloud
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.
Achievement Indicators:
- Connect prior knowledge of words and word meanings to new words
- Define familiar words by category and by one or more key attributes (animals that have fur: rabbit, cat, raccoon, etc.)
- Use words for sequencing and spatial concepts (first, second, third, on top, under, beside, etc.)
- Use language to explain similarities and differences between objects
- Use prefixes and suffixes with root words to change meaning (zip/unzip, use/reuse, tall/taller/tallest)
- Use Tier Two (all-purpose) words in interactions (decide, positive, community, etc.)
- Use some Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words and more abstract vocabulary (environment, respect, physical activity, etc.)
- Classify information into subcategories (winter sports: hockey, skiing, snowshoeing, etc.; summer sports: track & field, baseball, soccer, etc.)
Big Idea: Reading Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from oral stories, read-alouds, and text.
Achievement Indicators:
When being read to:
- Make simple inferences about a main character’s actions/feelings using concrete examples from text, when prompted
- Recognize that a character’s actions/motives may be related to the conflict
- Retell main idea of a story and the events and provide some general details
When being read to AND/OR reading independently:
- Use knowledge of affixes (un-, re-, -s, -es, -ed, -ing, etc.) to aid meaning
- Make personal connections and relate prior knowledge to text
- Elaborate on prior knowledge connections
- Make obvious comparisons and conclusions from one story to another story
- Ask questions to better understand text
- Make predictions to support comprehension
- Begin to identify specific facts found in one place in the text
When reading independently:
- Self-monitor for understanding by re-reading, reading around, or slowing down
- Retell orally the main events of a story and main idea from non-fiction texts
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
- Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
- Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
- Ask to view texts and be read to
- Seek text linking to prior knowledge or current learnings
- Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
- Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Begin to identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use text features to gain obvious information
- Use some text features to gain additional information from the text
- Identify some simple text forms and describe the general purpose of the form
- Recognize some basic text features and characteristics (author, illustrator, title, etc.)
Strand: Representations
Big Idea: Print Mechanics
Skill Descriptor: Print or represent letters, words, and sentences using a writing utensil or assistive technology.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Represent upper- and lower-case letters
- Represent letters/words using left-to-right and top to bottom directionality
- Represent letters/words using conventional spacing and letter sizing
- Represent own full name and the names of others with upper-case letter at the beginning
- Identify and apply print conventions (upper- and lower-case letters, directionality, conventional spacing, margins, etc.)
- Identify and apply handwriting mechanics (hand posture, grip, paper placement, use of assistive technology, etc.)
- Experiment with representation (print, cursive, stylized fonts, symbols, etc.)
Big Idea: Spelling
Skill Descriptor: Apply basic spelling conventions when creating written works.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Show awareness of predominant sounds with invented spelling/finger spelling
- Use invented spelling or groups of words to represent a thought, idea, or to explain an illustration
- Spell and represent single syllable words: consonant-vowel-consonant words (sit, cat, hop, etc.), vowel-consonant words (it, up, on, etc.), and consonant-vowel words (to, me, so, etc.)
- Use some affixes in spelling (un-, re-, -s, -es, -ed, -ing, etc.)
- Identify and apply knowledge of open and closed syllable types in spelling/writing (sit, cat, hop, to me, so, etc.)
- Spell words in parts/chunks of letter patterns
- Use vowels in invented spelling
- Demonstrate clear correspondence between number of letters in spelling and number of sounds in word (e.g., no additional letters or sounds not represented in spelling)
- Begin to use irregular spellings and high-frequency words in writing/representing
- Use knowledge of some syllable types to spell/write unknown words, including:
- vowel digraphs (ea, ee, ie, etc.)
- marker-e (can/e, tub/e, pin/e, etc.)
- r-influenced vowels (ar, er, ir, or, etc.)
- three-letter blends (scr, thr, spl, etc.)
Big Idea: Sentence Structure
Skill Descriptor: Compose complete thoughts and sentences.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Write/record complete thoughts and sentences
- Use one-to-one correspondence when presenting representations and written ideas
- Use articles and pronouns
- Begin to write legibly and with clarity
- Use repetitive simple sentence patterns (I like…; and then…; etc.)
- Begin to create compound and complex sentences
- Use conversational language
- Write or represent complete sentences (with and without punctuation)
- Experiment with punctuation (e.g., periods after every word, use of exclamation and question marks, etc.)
- Use Tier One, Two, and Three vocabulary to communicate and enhance meaning in written works
- Use simple reference materials (anchor charts, dictionaries, word lists, environmental print, etc.)
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written or media texts.
Global Competencies: CM, CL, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Generate ideas for writing and representing (peer and class discussions, topic lists, personal interests, models, etc.)
- Organize ideas in writing and representing for a specific purpose (drawings, graphic organizers, story boards, etc.)
- Gather information for research
- Identify audience and purpose for writing and representing
- Begin to communicate intended purpose of written works
- Use strategies for prewriting (storytelling, drawing, sharing experiences, discussion, etc.)
- Use strategies for revising, editing, and presenting (read to self or partner, review wording for spelling and clarity, expand upon thoughts or ideas)
- Begin to evaluate personal representations
- Present information to support or refute ideas
- Introduce information or topic in opening section
- Write persuasively or to form an argument
- Create various written or represented forms based on personal interest and choice
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Begin to seek information to support ideas and construct meaning.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Use information to support ideas
- Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem
- Use information to form a simple argument
Strand: Interactions
Big Idea: Expression
Skill Descriptor: Express feelings and opinions, providing some explanation, and give simple descriptions of experiences.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to express a feeling, opinion, or emotion
- Use a variety of Tier Two (all-purpose) words and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words appropriately
- Use grammatically correct sentences appropriate to context
- Use simple sentences and/or full thoughts to make a point
- Make specific requests
Skill Descriptor: Present facts, ideas, or opinions about a specific topic or theme to peers and teachers.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use descriptive language to share simple facts, opinions, and ideas about a specific topic
Skill Descriptor: Explore the language of harmony and respect.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language
- Use language that is not hurtful or offensive
- Identify differences between kind and hurtful language
- Begin to use inclusive language that respects gender identity
- Begin to use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect
Big Idea: Exchanges
Skill Descriptor: Ask and respond to questions to clarify and gather further information.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Use question words to create questions about a specific topic or theme
- Ask initial and follow-up questions about a specific topic or theme
- Respond to questions, answering or citing requested information
Skill Descriptor: Give and follow directions or instructions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use words for sequence (first, next, then, etc.), time (today, tomorrow, at noon, etc.), and spatial concepts (under, over there, beside, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Explore appropriate communication conventions.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use language specific to topic
- Begin to use language specific to audience
- Begin to use language specific to situation
Skill Descriptor: Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and multimodal text.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Use questions, wonderings, and reflections to respond to new information or visual imagery
Skill Descriptor: Explore social conventions when interacting.
Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Begin to use turn-taking when interacting with others
- Begin to demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
- Begin to use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)
Strand: Reading
Big Idea: Phonological Awarness
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate an awareness of sounds in spoken language.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Orally blend four or more sounds to make a word
- Substitute initial, medial, and final sounds in words with four or more sounds
Big Idea: Phonics
Skill Descriptor: Apply letter-sound knowledge to decode connected text.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Represent sounds in various ways when spelling words (a-e, ai, ei, ay)
- Use sound/symbol knowledge (word structures, familiar onset and rimes, word chunks, etc.) to decode and write new words
- Use knowledge of affixes to decode new words (un-, re-, -s, -es, -er, -est, -ed, -en, -ing, etc.)
- Use sound/symbol knowledge to decode and write high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
- Read words with:
- vowel diphthongs (ow, ou, etc.)
- r-influenced vowels (ar, er, ir, or, etc.)
- three-letter blends (scr, thr, spl, etc.)
- other sounds for “y” (yard, my, silly, gym, etc.)
- -le syllable types (handle, puzzle, middle, etc.)
- Use knowledge of syllables when reading multisyllabic words
- Read a variety of high-frequency words
Big Idea: Fluency
Skill Descriptor: Read with accuracy and expression.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Read affixes with voice variation (un-, re-, -less, -ed, -er, etc.)
- Respond to internal and end punctuation when reading aloud with appropriate expression
- Automatically read a variety of words when reading, including high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
- Read familiar passages fluently with appropriate phrasing and expression to convey a sense of text to audience
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.
Achievement Indicators:
- Connect prior knowledge of words and word meanings to new words and themes
- Classify information into subcategories (winter sports: hockey, skiing, snowshoeing, etc.; summer sports: track & field, baseball, soccer, etc.)
- Replace Tier One (common) words with more precise Tier Two (all-purpose) words and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words (school > education, guess > estimate, etc.)
- Use literary techniques, such as similes, to enhance and enrich meaning
- Use known root words as a clue to understand the meaning of a new word (zoology, unicycle, etc.)
Big Idea: Reading Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from printed text when being read to and when reading independently.
Achievement Indicators:
- Explain prior knowledge connections
- Use knowledge of affixes (un-, re-, dis-, -s, -es, -ed, -ing, -er, -est, -en, etc.) to aid meaning
- Use knowledge of root/base words to aid meaning (dis-organiz-ed, un-wrap, re-act, etc.)
- Identify specific facts found in one place in the text
- Make comparisons from one text to another and draw conclusions (“In another story, when Majid was late for school, their mom called a taxi. Maybe Ali’s Grandma will call a taxi to get them to the doctor on time.”)
- Make predictions to support comprehension
- Use context to support comprehension
- Make inferences about a character’s actions or feelings and story events, providing some general contextual details (“I think Majid was disappointed that they were going to be late for school. I could tell when they said, ‘Oh no, Mama, today is going to be awful.’”)
- Answer what if, how, and why questions
- Self-monitor for understanding by re-reading, reading on, or slowing down
- Begin to describe reading comprehension processes (re-reading, reading around, looking for context clues, slowing down, etc.)
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (narrative text, predictable text, repetitive text, decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
- Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
- Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
- Ask to view texts and be read to
- Seek text linking to prior knowledge or current learnings
- Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
- Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)
Skill Descriptor: Identify some characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.
Achievement Indicators:
- Use text features to gain additional information from the text
- Identify simple text forms and describe characteristics and the general purpose of the form
- Recognize some basic text features and characteristics (author, illustrator, title, etc.)
Strand: Representations
Big Idea: Print Mechanics
Skill Descriptor: Print or represent words and sentences using a writing utensil or assistive technology.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Recognize and apply handwriting mechanics (hand posture, grip, paper placement, use of assistive technology, etc.)
- Use print conventions and mechanics for clarity and legibility
- Print, represent, or write in cursive, upper-case and lower-case letters
- Demonstrate left-to-right and top-to-bottom directionality
- Use conventional spacing between words and sentences
- Begin to use indents and spacing for simple paragraphs and separate sections
Big Idea: Spelling
Skill Descriptor: Apply appropriate spelling conventions when creating written works.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Spell, write, and represent words with:
- vowel digraphs (ea, ee, ie, etc.)
- vowel diphthongs (ow, ou, etc.)
- r-influenced vowels (ar, er, ir, or, etc.)
- three-letter blends (scr, thr, spl, etc.)
- other sounds for “y” (yard, my, silly, gym, etc.)
- -le syllable types (handle, puzzle, middle, etc.)
- affixes (dis-, un-, re-, -s, -es, -er, -est, -ed, -en, -ing, etc.)
- Use knowledge of phonics patterns and syllable types to spell unknown multisyllabic words
- Spell a variety of high-frequency words (regular and irregular spellings)
- Use grade level conventional spelling (Tier Two vocabulary, Tier Three curriculum specific vocabulary, etc.)
Big Idea: Sentence Structure
Skill Descriptor: Compose complete thoughts and sentences.
Global Competencies: CM
Achievement Indicators:
- Use Tier One, Two, and Three vocabulary to communicate and enhance the meaning in written works/representations
- Begin to write longer and more complex sentences
- Use compound and complex sentences to share ideas and experiences
- Experiment with paragraph form
- Write with increasing clarity and fluency
- Use consistent regular past tense
- Begin to use irregular past tense
- Use nouns, pronouns, and verbs correctly
- Use simple words to indicate comparisons (but, so, however, etc.)
- Use descriptive language (adjectives, active verbs, adverbs, etc.)
- Begin to use commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks
- Use reference materials (anchor charts, dictionaries, word walls, environmental print, etc.)
Big Idea: Composition
Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written or media texts.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Generate ideas for writing and representing (discussions, topic lists, personal interests, models, etc.)
- Organize ideas in writing and representing (drawings, graphic organizers, lists, research, key words, headings, etc.)
- Identify general topic and purpose (experiences, opinions, facts, feelings, etc.)
- Communicate intended audience and purpose of written works
- Use form and formatting to match intended purpose
- Present information in a logical sequence
- Elaborate on complex topics
- Link ideas in a variety of ways, creating some flow to the writing (e.g., When it stopped raining…)
- Link ideas using a variety of connecting words (and, then, so, first, next, finally, because, etc.)
- Create various written or represented forms based on personal interest and choice
- Draft a piece of writing that has a topic focus, basic sequence, and supporting details
- Include an obvious conclusion restating the topic or purpose
- Re-read and revise written works for clarity, word order, and spelling based on personal observations and teacher or peer feedback
- Edit written works using a simple checklist for conventions (upper-case/lower-case, punctuation, and spelling)
- Share a finished piece of work with others (bulletin board, orally, online, etc.)
Big Idea: Text Analysis
Skill Descriptor: Seek information to support ideas and construct meaning.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Use information from one or two sources to support ideas
- Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem
- Use information to form a simple argument