middle Block:
French Immersion Language Arts
Learners are developing autonomy in their use of French and are embracing the concept of bilingualism. Lessons
are structured using a comprehensive literacy approach whereby learners, with the support of the educator,
develop skills and competencies in oral language, reading, and writing. Learners are engaged in authentic and
personalized learning experiences. They can speak with confidence about subjects with which they have prior
knowledge, and participate in conversations on familiar and studied subjects, subjects of personal interest, some
current events, and concepts explored through other subject areas.
- Engaging in authentic communication regarding subjects related to daily life, current events, personal interests, studied subjects, topics from the imagination, and topics important to adolescents
- Engaging with reading materials of various types and genres
- Developing skills needed for writing in French, such as vocabulary building, literary style, precision, and critical thinking
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Big Idea: Oral Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of different oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of a variety of fiction and non-fiction narrative texts including those studied, topics of social importance, collective interest, social issues, current events, news, and the creative genre (poems, songs, slam poetry, etc.)
- Follow multi-step processes from procedural texts
- Respond to different points of view, arguments, and opinions
- Demonstrate use of critical thinking skills in response to oral text (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment)
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction
Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges.
Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Talk at length in both planned and unplanned situations when presenting information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions related to topics studied, of social importance and of collective or personal interest
- Sustain interactions during both planned and unplanned exchanges with others to share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions
Skill Descriptor: Use oral language with increased accuracy, fluency, coherence, and more sophisticated vocabulary when speaking about a variety of topics.
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate orally with increased accuracy
- Communicate orally with increasingly complex and sophisticated vocabulary
- Communicate orally with increased fluency and spontaneity
- Communicate orally in increasingly coherent and concise ways
- Self-monitor and self-correct to strengthen the quality of oral messages
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss how different languages help to shape cultural identities within our multicultural context
- Use critical thinking skills (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment) to reflect on and describe how language learning shapes identity
Strand: Reading and Viewing
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use expanding vocabulary knowledge to support reading and comprehension of increasingly complex and diverse texts.
Achievement Indicators:
- Apply knowledge of more sophisticated vocabulary to demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex texts
- Deduce the meaning of new or unfamiliar words using vocabulary knowledge
- Recognize a multitude of words in texts with ease
Big Idea: Fluency and Accuracy
Skill Descriptor: Use various strategies to read more complex and diverse texts with increased fluency and accuracy.
Achievement Indicators:
- Decode unfamiliar words with ease using knowledge of phonics with no impact to fluency
- Self-correct errors when reading words
- Maintain fluency while reading increasingly complex texts
- Adjust reading speed to monitor comprehension when necessary
- Self-monitor and reread for additional fluency and accuracy
Big Idea: Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Critically engage with a variety of more complex and diverse texts using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex fiction and non-fiction texts by summarizing, creating graphic organizers, questioning, etc.
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
- Self-monitor reading to ensure ongoing comprehension
- Use critical thinking skills to question, evaluate, justify, analyze, and show deeper understanding of texts
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Identify how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews in written texts.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify how different languages help to shape cultural identities by using critical thinking skills to analyze multicultural texts
Strand: Writing and Representing
Big Idea: Written Production
Skill Descriptor: Write different types of texts about a variety of topics using the writing process.
Achievement Indicators:
- Write narrative texts related to topics of everyday life, personal experiences, and fictional events
- Write information texts related to topics studied, topics of social importance and collective interest, social issues, current events, and news
- Write procedural texts
- Write persuasive texts on a topic of personal or social interest.
- Write creative texts (poems, songs, jokes, etc.)
- Follow the writing process to strengthen the quality of texts
Big Idea: Writing Traits
Skill Descriptor: Apply the writing traits to strengthen the quality of various writing pieces on different topics.
Global Competencies: CM, SASM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Write texts with increasingly coherent ideas and content
- Write texts that are organized according to intent and text type
- Write texts that include varied sentences (i.e., length, type, and structure)
- Write texts that include more complex and sophisticated vocabulary
- Write texts that reflect an increased understanding of linguistic conventions
- Write texts that reflect an emerging personal style and voice
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Big Idea: Oral Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of a variety of fiction and non-fiction narrative texts including those studied, topics of social importance, collective interest, social issues, current events, news, and the creative genre (poems, songs, slam poetry, etc.)
- Follow multi-step processes from procedural texts
- Respond to different points of view, arguments, and opinions
- Demonstrate use of critical thinking skills in response to oral text (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment)
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction
Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges.
Achievement Indicators:
- Talk at length in both planned and unplanned situations when presenting information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions related to topics studied, of social importance and of collective or personal interest
- Sustain interactions during both planned and unplanned exchanges with others to share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate accuracy, fluency, coherence, and use of more sophisticated vocabulary consistently when speaking about a variety of topics.
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate orally with accuracy more consistently
- Communicate orally using complex and sophisticated vocabulary more consistently
- Communicate fluently and spontaneously more consistently
- Communicate orally in coherent and concise ways more consistently
- Self-monitor and self-correct to strengthen the quality of oral messages
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss how different languages help to shape cultural identities within our multicultural context
- Use critical thinking skills (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment) to reflect on and describe how language learning shapes identity
Strand: Reading and Viewing
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use expanding vocabulary knowledge to support reading and comprehension of more complex and diverse texts.
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify and explain different strategies used to comprehend a text
- Discuss reading strategies in groups
- Use knowledge of more sophisticated vocabulary to understand increasingly more complex texts.
- Use vocabulary knowledge to deduce the meaning of new or unfamiliar words
- Recognize with ease a multitude of words in texts
Big Idea: Fluency and Accuracy
Skill Descriptor: Read a variety of complex texts with sustained accuracy and fluency.
Achievement Indicators:
- Decode unfamiliar words with ease using knowledge of phonics with no impact to fluency
- Self-correct errors when reading words
- Maintain fluency while reading increasingly complex texts
- Adjust reading speed to monitor comprehension when necessary
- Self-monitor and reread for additional fluency and accuracy
Big Idea: Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Critically engage with a variety of more complex and diverse texts using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex fiction and non-fiction texts by summarizing, creating graphic organizers, questioning, etc.
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
- Self-monitor reading to ensure ongoing comprehension
- Use critical thinking skills to question, evaluate, justify, analyze, and show deeper understanding of texts
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Identify how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews in written texts.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify how different languages help to shape cultural identities by using critical thinking skills to analyze multicultural texts
Strand: Writing and Representing
Big Idea: Written Production
Skill Descriptor: Write different types of texts about a variety of topics using the writing process.
Achievement Indicators:
- Write narrative texts related to topics of everyday life, personal experiences, and fictional events
- Write information texts related to topics studied, topics of social importance and collective interest, social issues, current events, and news
- Write procedural texts
- Write persuasive texts on a topic of personal or social interest.
- Write creative texts (poems, songs, jokes, etc.)
- Follow the writing process to strengthen the quality of texts
Big Idea: Writing Traits
Skill Descriptor: Apply the writing traits to strengthen the quality of various writing pieces on different topics.
Global Competencies: CM, SASM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Write texts with increasingly coherent ideas and content
- Write texts that are organized according to intent and text type
- Write texts that include varied sentences (i.e., length, type, and structure)
- Write texts that include increasingly complex and sophisticated vocabulary
- Write texts that reflect more consistent use of linguistic conventions
- Write texts that reflect an increasingly present personal style and voice
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Big Idea: Oral Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of a variety of fiction and non-fiction narrative texts including those studied, topics of social importance, collective interest, social issues, current events, news, and the creative genre (poems, songs, slam poetry, etc.)
- Follow multi-step processes from procedural texts
- Respond to different points of view, arguments, and opinions
- Demonstrate use of critical thinking skills in response to oral text (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment)
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction
Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges.
Achievement Indicators:
- Talk at length in both planned and unplanned situations when presenting information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions related to topics studied, of social importance and of collective or personal interest
- Sustain interactions during both planned and unplanned exchanges with others to share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions
Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate accuracy, fluency, coherence, and use of more sophisticated vocabulary consistently when speaking about a variety of topics.
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate orally with accuracy, more consistently
- Communicate orally using complex and sophisticated vocabulary more consistently
- Communicate fluently and spontaneously more consistently
- Communicate orally in coherent and concise ways more consistently
- Self-monitor and self-correct to strengthen the quality of oral messages
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC, CTPS
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss how different languages help to shape cultural identities within our multicultural context
- Use critical thinking skills (i.e., question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and make judgment) to reflect on and describe how language learning shapes identity
Strand: Reading and Viewing
Big Idea: Vocabulary
Skill Descriptor: Use expanding vocabulary knowledge to support reading and comprehension of more complex and diverse texts.
Achievement Indicators:
- Identify and explain different strategies used to comprehend a text
- Discuss reading strategies in groups
- Use knowledge of more sophisticated vocabulary to understand increasingly more complex texts.
- Use vocabulary knowledge to deduce the meaning of new or unfamiliar words
- Recognize with ease a multitude of words in texts
Big Idea: Fluency and Accuracy
Skill Descriptor: Read a variety of complex texts with sustained accuracy and fluency.
Achievement Indicators:
- Decode unfamiliar words with ease using knowledge of phonics with no impact to fluency
- Self-correct errors when reading words
- Maintain fluency while reading increasingly complex texts
- Adjust reading speed to monitor comprehension when necessary
Big Idea: Comprehension
Skill Descriptor: Critically engage with a variety of more complex and diverse texts using comprehension strategies.
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex fiction and non-fiction texts by summarizing, creating graphic organizers, questioning, etc.
- Describe a variety of personal strategies used to support comprehension of oral texts
- Self-monitor reading to ensure ongoing comprehension
- Use critical thinking skills to question, evaluate, justify, analyze, and show deeper understanding of texts
Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation
Skill Descriptor: Analyze how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews in written texts.
Global Competencies: SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Describe how different languages help to shape cultural identities by using critical thinking skills to analyze multicultural texts
Strand: Writing and Representing
Big Idea: Written Production
Skill Descriptor: Write different types of texts about a variety of topics using the writing process.
Achievement Indicators:
- Write narrative texts related to topics of everyday life, personal experiences, and fictional events
- Write information texts related to topics studied, topics of social importance and collective interest, social issues, current events, and news
- Write procedural texts
- Write persuasive texts on a topic of personal or social interest.
- Write creative texts (poems, songs, jokes, etc.)
- Follow the writing process to strengthen the quality of texts
Big Idea: Writing Traits
Skill Descriptor: Apply the writing traits to strengthen the quality of various writing pieces on different topics.
Global Competencies: CM, SASM, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Write texts with increasingly coherent ideas and content
- Write texts that are organized according to intent and text type
- Write texts that include varied sentences (i.e., length, type, and structure)
- Write texts that include increasingly complex and sophisticated vocabulary
- Write texts that reflect more consistent use of linguistic conventions
- Write texts that reflect an increasingly present personal style and voice