High School Block:

French Immersion Language Arts 9

In French Immersion Language Arts 9, the focus is on teaching and learning through the rich perspectives of culture and a critical examination of the world around us. Students gain skills to communicate independently in French for personal and abstract purposes. The exploration of diverse cultural elements equips students to become global citizens and provides engaging and personalized learning experiences. Learners confidently express themselves on familiar subjects while also honing skills to navigate more complex and abstract texts. 



  • Reflecting, communicating and interacting in French with the world around us using a critical lens
  • Embracing the concept of bilingualism or plurilingualism
  • Sharing information and ideas on familiar topics, personal interests, and abstract concepts explored in other fields
  • Maintaining conversations about concepts learned in class and those that spark personal interest

  • Interacting with various types and genres of text
  • Reading and exploring French expressions and stories

  • Developing skills from an emerging writer
  • Integrating vocabulary learned through a variety of subjects in written productions

  • Understanding the ways of knowing, doing and being of other cultures, with a focus on francophone cultures
  • Being aware and reflecting on the role of languages in the formation of identity
  • Implementing abilities and positive attitudes towards cultures and languages

Strand: Listening and speaking

Big Idea: Listening comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Understand a variety of complex oral texts on different topics using comprehension strategies

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify key points and details from diverse spoken texts on concrete and abstract subjects.
  • Identify themes in a variety of complex oral texts on concrete and abstract topics.
  • Understand and recognize different oral text styles (e.g., narrative, informative, procedural/explanatory, persuasive, expressive)
  • Use comprehension strategies best suited for the listening context.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of oral texts using a variety of methods (e.g., debriefing, following directions, visual representation, expressing feelings, gesturing, asking and answering questions).

Skill Descriptor: Listen to a variety of complex oral texts for different needs

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Set specific listening intentions (e.g., to identify important vocabulary, to identify main ideas).
  • Choose oral texts that correspond to specific needs (e.g., discussions for social relationship building, music and slams for entertainment, advertisements, news reports and bulletins for information).
  • Gather, verify, evaluate, and compare information to meet personal, academic, and social
  • React to oral texts that meet entertainment needs (e.g., personal reflection, sharing with a friend, giving verbal and non-verbal cues, recommending oral texts).

Skill Descriptor: Critically analyze a variety of oral texts

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify the speaker’s intention and target audience.
  • Evaluate the content of various texts (e.g., choice of information presented, source, text generation by human or artificial intelligence, reliability/false information, relevance, cultural elements and references).
  • Identify represented and missing perspectives in texts.
  • Identify stylistic elements found in oral texts (e.g., tone of voice, repetition, exaggeration, onomatopoeia, rhetorical questions, personal anecdotes, repetition, simplification).
  • Interpret verbal and non-verbal cues.
  • Take action in response to texts (e.g., share information with a friend, write a petition, post on a social network, suggest solutions, provide recommendations, create an artistic work, perform a slam).

Big Idea: Oral communication

Skill Descriptor: Produce oral texts on a variety of topics, considering different audiences and communication needs

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Speak fluently about topics of personal, social and collective importance (e.g., a speech, a vlog, a video reel, a diatribe, a slam, a monologue).
  • Interact with different audiences on topics of personal, social, and collective interest.
  • Adapt speech to suit audience.
  • Create a variety of oral texts to meet different communication needs (e.g., inform, collaborate, entertain, tell, request, comfort, socialize).

Skill Descriptor: Integrate oral expression characteristics into texts to speak with greater complexity

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Produce coherent messages.
  • Use rich and precise vocabulary (verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, transition markers, lexical frames) related to a theme or topic.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of grammar and syntax to communicate accurately.
  • Express messages fluently and extensively
  • Use self-correction strategies in oral production and interaction.
  • Use stylistic elements in a variety of oral texts (e.g., tone of voice modulation, repetition, exaggeration, onomatopoeia, rhetorical questions, personal anecdotes, ritornello, simplification).
  • Use communication strategies to produce oral messages.

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Reading comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Understand a variety of complex texts on different topics using comprehension strategies

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify the main themes in a variety of texts on concrete and abstract topics.
  • Understand and recognize different text structures, including narrative, informative, procedural/explanatory, persuasive and expressive texts.
  • Identify relevant information and important details in different types of complex texts.
  • Use comprehension strategies best suited for the reading context.
  • Demonstrate understanding of texts through various methods (e.g., debriefing, following directions, visual representation, expressing feelings, asking and answering questions).

Skill Descriptor: Read a variety of complex texts to meet different needs

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Set specific reading intentions (e.g., to identify important vocabulary, identify main ideas).
  • Choose texts that correspond to specific needs (e.g., biographies, newspaper articles and informative texts for information; narratives; literary short stories, song lyrics and illustrated novels for entertainment; advertisements or billboards for decision-making, etc.).
  • Gather, verify, evaluate, and compare information to meet personal, academic and social needs.
  • Demonstrate appreciation of texts that meet entertainment needs (e.g., personal reflection, share with a friend, recommend texts).

Skill Descriptor: Critically analyze a variety of texts

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify the author’s intention and target audience.
  • Evaluate the content of various texts (e.g., choice of information presented, source, text generation by human or artificial intelligence, reliability/false information, relevance, cultural elements, and references).
  • Identify represented and missing perspectives in texts.
  • Identify literary devices found in texts (e.g., repetition, similes, metaphors, allegories, personification, exaggeration, onomatopoeia)
  • Take action in response to texts (e.g., send an e-mail, write in a journal, talk to someone, hold a meeting, make a rant, write a petition, make a video reel, take notes, create an artistic work)

Strand: Writing

Big Idea: Written communication

Skill Descriptor: Write texts about a variety of topics, considering different audiences and communication needs.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write texts on subjects of personal, social and collective interest.
  • Adapt text to audience.
  • Create a variety of texts to meet different communication needs (e.g., inform, collaborate, entertain, tell, request, comfort, socialize).

Big Idea: Writing traits

Skill Descriptor: Integrate writing traits into texts to write more complex texts.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Produce coherent texts.
  • Integrate rich, precise vocabulary (e.g., verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, transition markers, lexical frames) related to a theme or topic.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of grammar and syntax to write accurately.
  • Use self-correction strategies in written work.
  • Use stylistic elements in various texts (e.g., repetition, exaggeration, onomatopoeia, rhetorical questions, personal anecdotes, simplification).

Strand: Intercultural competencies

Big Idea: Intercultural knowledge

Skill Descriptor: Understand the ways of knowing, doing and being of French-speaking cultures

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify the cultural elements of various productions from different Francophone communities (e.g., oral, and written texts, artistic works).
  • Appreciate the diversity of different French-speaking cultures (e.g., their histories, customs and traditions, artistic creations, dialects and accents, societal movements, issues).

Big Idea: Intercultural awareness

Skill Descriptor: Develop an awareness of and reflect on the role of languages and cultures in shaping identity.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Reflect on bilingual or plurilingual identity, and the factors that influence it.
  • Recognize how identity affects the ways of thinking, learning and acting.

Big Idea: Intercultural skills

Skill Descriptor: Apply intercultural skills and positive attitudes towards cultures and languages.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate flexibility, empathy, openness, and curiosity about other cultures when reading and listening.
  • Interact with people who speak different languages, have different experiences and ways of thinking