High School Block:

Visual Arts 10, 110, 120

Visual Art is a universal form of expression which encourages learners to refine ideas through cycles of planning, action, and reflection. The specific skills, vocabulary, techniques, processes, and technologies of visual art enable learners to examine the world around them and to express themselves in unique ways.

Visual art learners engage in curiosity, inquiry, and wonder. Through visual art, learners use feedback and mistakes to embrace discovery and build perseverance.

Developing visual skills, strategies, processes, and vocabulary enable learners to articulate ideas, create expressive works and to make connections in other areas of learning.

Experience in visual art is fundamental to developing Global Competencies. It provides learners unique ways of knowing, doing, living, contributing, and belonging in the local and global communities. Visual arts provide learners a voice and language to express themselves authentically. Art has the potential to change the world.

Visual literacy develops creative problem-solving, encouraging learners to find many different and unique solutions to the problems that they encounter. It builds skill in design thinking and innovation. These transferrable skills support cross-curricular and exploratory learning making connections stronger and richer.




  • Create art to express personal values, beliefs, ideas, and experience
  • Create art with skill and purpose using a variety of media
  • Create art using a variety of technologies
  • Develop skills to support making art in a specific medium


  • Create and respond to art that is important to communication, history and understanding each other


  • Create a body of work with artistic intent
  • Present work for specific purpose
  • Analyze artistic intent in the work of others using the language of visual art

Strand: Create

Big Idea: Exploration and Technique

Skill Descriptor: Select materials and techniques to support decisions about art-making practice.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate increasing complexity in elements of art and principles of design through artwork created
  • Select art materials based on their unique properties
  • Manipulate art materials to express ideas

Big Idea: Application and Product

Skill Descriptor: Create expressive works in visual arts for specific audiences and purposes using a variety of art media.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create work that shares ideas and voice through direct observation, personal experience, and imagination.

Big Idea: Creative Process

Skill Descriptor: Use the creative process in different situations.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Develop artwork using a creative process
  • Identify how creative processes are transferrable to other contexts
  • Examine own artworks using feedback from others and considering original intent

Strand: Connect

Big Idea: Art and Culture

Skill Descriptor: Investigate the role of visual art in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Analyze the role and influence of visual images in daily experience
  • Discuss how art and interpretation emerges from human needs, values, beliefs, ideas, and experiences
  • Compare the characteristics of artwork from different cultures and periods in history
  • Discuss legal, ethical, and moral considerations involved in appreciation vs. appropriation and inspiration vs. plagiarism

Strand: Communicate

Big Idea: Critical Response

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate critical analysis skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Determine how artists have used the elements of art and principles of design to convey a message
  • Apply independent thinking in interpreting and making judgments about subject matter
  • Constructively critique of the work of self and others

Big Idea: Personal Communication

Skill Descriptor: Present expressive works.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create a display of personally meaningful, self-created works
  • Identify and discuss areas of artistic growth and development
  • Use terminology specific to art to discuss personal work

Skill Descriptor: Develop skills in art critique.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, CL, CM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Constructively critique the work of self and others with guidance and support
  • Begin to refine own artworks based on feedback from others with guidance and support

Strand: Create

Big Idea: Exploration and Technique

Skill Descriptor: Select materials and techniques to support decisions about art-making practice.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Apply elements of art and principles of design through artwork created
  • Demonstrate improvement of technical skills and understanding of properties of a variety of media
  • Manipulate art materials with increased expertise to express ideas

Big Idea: Application and Product

Skill Descriptor: Create expressive works in visual arts for specific audiences and purposes using a variety of art media.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create work based on guided inquiry sharing ideas and voice through direct observation, experience, and imagination

Big Idea: Creative Process

Skill Descriptor: Use the creative process in different situations.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Experiment with various creative processes to create artwork
  • Research opportunities in the world of work in which creative processes can be integrated

Strand: Connect

Big Idea: Art and Culture

Skill Descriptor: Investigate the role of visual art in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Investigate the role and influence of visual images in daily experience
  • Analyze how art and interpretation emerges from human needs, values, beliefs, ideas, and experiences
  • Interpret characteristics of artwork from different cultures and periods of time
  • Analyze legal, ethical, and moral considerations involved in appreciation vs. appropriation and inspiration vs. plagiarism.

Strand: Communicate

Big Idea: Critical Response

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate critical analysis skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use the language of elements of art and principles of design to describe the work of self and others with guidance and support
  • Critically analyze artworks independently and discuss with peers

Big Idea: Personal Communication

Skill Descriptor: Present expressive works.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Curate and present a selection of personally meaningful, self-created works with limited guidance and support
  • Examine and characterize areas of artistic growth and development
  • Discuss artistic intent, materials and process using specific art terminology

Skill Descriptor: Develop skills in art critique.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, CL, CM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Constructively critique the work of self and others with limited guidance
  • Evaluate and respond to feedback to align with artistic intent with guidance and support

Strand: Create

Big Idea: Exploration and Technique

Skill Descriptor: Select materials and techniques to support decisions about art-making practice.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Consistently and independently apply elements of art and principles of design through artwork created
  • Independently choose media for expressing personal creative ideas
  • Manipulate media in unique ways to express creative ideas

Big Idea: Application and Product

Skill Descriptor: Create expressive works in visual arts for specific audiences and purposes using a variety of art media.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create a sustained body of work inspired by a personal interest inquiry

Big Idea: Creative Process

Skill Descriptor: Use the creative process in different situations.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Articulate the creative process applicable to the work created
  • Research how the transferrable skills learned through the creative process can enrich future plans

Strand: Connect

Big Idea: Art and Culture

Skill Descriptor: Investigate the role of visual art in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Articulate an understanding of the role and influence of visual images in daily experiences
  • Respond to the role and influence of visual images in daily experiences through artwork, written response and/or discussion
  • Produce artwork that reflects a personal need, value, belief, idea, and/or experience
  • Analyze characteristics of artwork from different cultures and periods of time
  • Evaluate legal, ethical, and moral considerations involved in appreciation vs. appropriation and inspiration vs. plagiarism

Strand: Communicate

Big Idea: Critical Response

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate critical analysis skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Fluently use the language of elements of art and principles of design to describe the work of self and others
  • Consistently use the critical analysis process to respond to art

Big Idea: Personal Communication

Skill Descriptor: Present expressive works.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Present a cohesive body of personal sustained work
  • Appraise areas of artistic growth and development
  • Present insight about artistic intent, materials, and process

Skill Descriptor: Develop skills in art critique.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, CL, CM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Consistently critique the work of self and others
  • Independently evaluate and respond to feedback to align with artistic intent