High School Block:

Indigenous Engagement and Leadership 120

Indigenous leadership is informed by a communal lens, and by Indigenous values, worldviews, cultures, and perspectives. Indigenous cultures, worldviews, and perspectives are evident in various forms of Indigenous Leadership both contemporary and traditional. Indigenous worldviews tend to emphasize the connectedness of all things including land, spirit, people, animals, and all other physical and non-physical phenomenon. These relationships are guided by concepts such as respect, reciprocity, and responsibility. Indigenous leadership is culturally relevant and responsive; guided by belief in reciprocity and sharing; is distributed between many members of the community; and is guided by care for all things.

Indigenous leadership differs from mainstream, Canadian, or Eurocentric leadership styles which may be familiar to many learners and educators. From a Western perspective, leadership development fosters personal growth, self-confidence, and a strong sense of self and belonging. While individual growth is important in Indigenous perspectives also, the focus is much more rooted in mutual growth and development. The focus is less on self and more on all relations and the well-being of all being.

Thus, the purpose of this course is not only to develop leadership skills in all students, but also foster an understanding of Indigenous leadership knowledge and values, community protocols, ceremonies, responsibilities, and the role of Elders in traditional leadership and governance.

To ensure this course is culturally grounded, activities and projects for the outcomes need to be developed based on the cultural strengths, traditions, and values of each First Nation, or other Indigenous community.

Especially important for non-Indigenous students and educators is the recognition that leadership impacting Indigenous communities must be Indigenous led. We encourage you to reach out to Indigenous knowledge keepers, Elders, and community members before beginning this course. Learners need to know that Indigenous Peoples often seek allies to support their work. Non-Indigenous allies can help by amplifying Indigenous voices and responding to Indigenous calls.

While this course is written to be broadly inclusive of Indigenous Peoples from across Canada, and beyond, special focus should be placed on the Indigenous Peoples of the territory that this course is taking place on. In most situations, that will be on either the homelands of the Mi’kmaq, Peskotomuhkati, or the Wolastoqey Peoples. If this course is being delivered from another nation (including outside of North America) then please take care to ensure that the Indigenous Peoples of that territory are considered and consulted. Learning from the Indigenous Peoples from lands around the world is a deeply rewarding and enriching experience.

Additional time (30 hours) outside of regular school hours will be required for community engagement. This community engagement will be an integral part of the course.


Indigenous Engagement and Leadership 120 focuses on developing agency and leadership skills, fostering an understanding and respect for  Indigenous cultures, celebrating communal and cultural identity, as well as, identities outside of their own cultural experience, strengthening sense of belonging and community connectedness and, exploring opportunities on and with Indigenous communities through meaningful, experiential learning and participating in various formal ceremonies and activities.

Strand 1 – Personal Development

In this strand, learners will develop knowledge of themselves, those around them and the world. This will help students in clarifying their identity, self-image, and roles within the community. Students will be able to assess, and maximize on, their strengths (gifts) in order to recognize their potential for leadership. Recognizing strengths and accepting individual variances in people helps students understand the way individuals view and respond to their environment. In this strand, students will gain an understanding of Indigenous leadership principles such as self-determined leadership, active listening and observing, reciprocity, etc., as well as appreciate and learn (in) Indigenous languages. Effective Indigenous leadership rests in the ability to combine knowledge of self and of others, as well as developing strong interpersonal relationships to advance both personal and group goals. In addition, students will develop perseverance through wellness so they can further develop social and emotional strengths to draw on in challenging or inopportune situations.

Strand 2 – Indigenous Leadership

In this strand, students will learn about traditional and contemporary leadership values within communities. They will examine the various types of leadership in communities and how these skills can be used in a variety of situations. Students will also examine roles and responsibilities of various community leaders (including leaders who work in governmental structures such as Aboriginal Affairs, Education and Early Childhood Development, Indigenous Services Canada, etc.). Students will investigate traditional and contemporary protocols on the selection or appointment of leaders in communities. Students will also explore Indigenous and Western leadership concepts and practices so they can gain a better knowledge of both. Students will also examine aspects of community life and develop action plans to address some issues and opportunities.

Strand 3 – Community Engagement

Leadership through engagement and experiential learning will create opportunities for students to practise and continue to develop leadership skills. It will encourage students to define themselves within their community and to assess, mobilize, identify, foster and appreciate community strengths and assets. Students will assist in a variety of appropriately identified ceremonies to gain first-hand knowledge of traditional practices and cultural values, as well as participate and lead activities they are passionate about. Students will also develop an understanding of relationships to land, place and culture, as well as gain a better understanding of their role as keeper of the land.


Strand: Personal Development

Big Idea: Acquire a strong sense of self, community, and place.

Skill Descriptor: Develop respect and appreciation for selves and community

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain their individual strengths (gifts) and recognize strengths (gifts) in people, as well as accept individual differences and similarities.
  • Reflect on past experiences and apply the learning to future activities, tasks, and challenges.
  • Relate their individual strengths to all living things and how they are relevant, reciprocal, respectful and responsible.
  • Develop their capacity for arriving at a point of view based on evidence and critical thinking.

Skill Descriptor: Recognize Wabanaki leaders and their achievements

Global Competencies: CM, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • See leadership attributes in Wabanaki leaders and in themselves and peers
  • Engage with community members
  • See leadership qualities in my self and my community
  • Explore ways to engage, advocate, and work for a goal they are passionate about.

Skill Descriptor: Connect with Wabanaki Elders and Knowledge Keepers

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

Develop an ongoing relationship with a Wabanaki Elder of knowledge keeper either in person (preferred) or through World of Wisdom.

Strand: Indigenous Leadership

Big Idea: Gain an appreciation for Indigenous leadership.

Skill Descriptor: Examine various aspects of Indigenous leadership development.

Global Competencies: ICE, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Distinguish between Indigenous leadership and Western ways of leadership.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of Indigenous leadership.

Skill Descriptor: Examine the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in public organizations.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in public organizations (Indigenous or non-Indigenous organizations).
  • Analyze examples of Indigenous Peoples facing racism and other barriers in public institutions.

Skill Descriptor: Analyze issues related to Indigenous governance structures.

Global Competencies: ICE, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine current and emerging opportunities within their community.
  • Utilize community strength to foster leadership.
  • Explain the existing leadership systems within their community.
  • Able to examine the tools needed to be an Indigenous leader.
  • Advocate for needed change.

Strand: Community Engagement

Big Idea: Value the importance of engaging in community.

Skill Descriptor: Amplify the voices of Wabanaki advocacy and resiliency.

Global Competencies: SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Contribute as leaders within their community and/or beyond.

Skill Descriptor: Explore relationship to land, place, and culture.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe various Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
  • Explain the responsibility to “all my relations”.
  • Demonstrate a holistic model of leadership.
  • Describe the importance of meeting their present desires without sacrificing future generations.