High School Block:

Entrepreneurship 110

The vision for this course is to allow learners to explore the field of entrepreneurship focusing on people, the process, the impact, and the actions of entrepreneurs. The course will improve the learner’s ability to access opportunities and develop an appreciation for the entrepreneurial spirit and the effort behind running a business through the development of skills in critical thinking and problem solving. This course is designed to have a high degree of learner engagement and exploration. The concepts developed in this curriculum will prepare students to apply their knowledge to real world unpredictable situations. The knowledge and skills acquired from the course are transferrable to personal and career pathway opportunities.

Learners in Entrepreneurship 110 will cover a variety of areas related to the skills, knowledge, and strategies of an entrepreneur. Learners will develop a business plan through the exploration of resources available to entrepreneurs. The topics will include entrepreneurial influences on individuals, the entrepreneurial process, the external impacts of entrepreneurship, business development, and making career connections.


Entrepreneurial Individuals

  • Concept of entrepreneurial mindset
  • Wabanaki Peoples
    • Ceremony in business
    • Interrelatedness of economy and community
    • Colonizing practices that impact trade
    • Netukulimk
  • Learning from failure
  • Work-life balance
  • Types of business opportunities
  • Connecting with entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial Process

  • Developing an idea
    • Innovation and invention
    • Identifying needs
    • Geographic influences
  • Wabanaki and Indigenous Peoples innovations
  • Responding to changes
    • In product
    • In target market needs
    • Personal adaptability
The Impact of Entrepreneurship

  • Sustainable business practices
  • Green washing
  • Environmental impacts
  • Ethical responsibilities to the planet and people
  • Protection laws
    • Consumers
    • Product or idea
  • Business technology
    • Hardware and software
    • Digital devices
    • Machines
    • Communication
    • E-commerce
Planning and Career Connections

  • Sustainable business plan
    • Market research
    • Management and operational plans
    • Costs and funding
  • Branding
  • Effective communication strategies
  • Making connections
    • Diverse entrepreneurs
    • Challenging potential barriers
  • Beyond high school
    • Training programs
    • Post-secondary institutions
    • Self-employment supports

Strand: Entrepreneurial Individuals

Big Idea: Entrepreneurial Mindset

Skill Descriptor: Distinguish how ways of thinking influence an individual’s decision to become an entrepreneur.

Global Competencies: CTPS, CM, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine the attributes of entrepreneurs.
  • Explore how entrepreneurs view success.
  • Discuss the concept of entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Reflect on and share personal interests that support being self-directed.

Skill Descriptor: Gain an understanding of Wabanaki and other Indigenous Peoples as entrepreneurs.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SGC, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Connect with First Nations Elders about trade and business.
  • Research how economies in Wabanaki communities are supported within the community.
  • Investigate the impact of colonization on trading practices of Wabanaki and other Indigenous Peoples.
  • Discover the pre-contact trade relationships, alliances, and sharing of resources between Wabanaki Nations.

Skill Descriptor: Examine the importance of resiliency in entrepreneurship.

Global Competencies: CTPS, CM, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine examples of Wabanaki resiliency through entrepreneurship.
  • Reflect on and share failure as a tool for learning.
  • Discuss the importance of establishing a healthy work-life balance as an entrepreneur.

Big Idea: Entrepreneurship in the Marketplace

Skill Descriptor: Outline considerations that influence starting a business.

Global Competencies: CTPS, CM, CL, SGC, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Consider the influence of Netukulimk as a sustainable practice in establishing and maintaining a business.
  • Examine the impact of local businesses on the global market.
  • Engage with organizations that assist with business development.
  • Research opportunities in New Brunswick related to small business.

Skill Descriptor: Consider types of businesses and ownership structures.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss various types of business organizations.
  • Investigate ways to start a business.
  • Examine the strengths and challenges of purchasing an existing business.

Skill Descriptor: Explore examples of entrepreneurship.

Global Competencies: CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss local entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Connect with a Wabanaki entrepreneur.
  • Connect with a local entrepreneur working in an area of personal interest.

Strand: Entrepreneurial Process

Big Idea: Ideation

Skill Descriptor: Distinguish between innovation and invention.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Compare an idea to an opportunity.
  • Analyze the impact of geography and region on fads and trends.
  • Define the difference between an innovation and an invention.
  • Compare the different types of innovation.
  • Create an innovative use for an existing product or service.
  • Engage with innovations of Wabanaki and First Nations Peoples.

Big Idea: Decision-making

Skill Descriptor: Explore business-related decision-making.

Global Competencies: ICE, CM, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Apply the decision-making process to solve a business problem.
  • Discuss how skills, interests, and personal experiences influence decision-making.
  • Reflect on and share strategies for adapting to changing situations.

Strand: The Impact of Entrepreneurship

Big Idea: Ethical and Legal Considerations

Skill Descriptor: Outline the impacts of a business on the community.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Research local labour market needs.
  • Recognize environmental business opportunities.
  • Assess the positive impacts on community and self of operating a sustainable business.
  • Discuss the purpose and contributions of a social enterprise on the planet, people, and profit.
  • Consider the impact of green washing in business.

Skill Descriptor: Consider the legal aspects that protect a venture and consumers.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Investigate how to protect a product or idea.
  • Analyze sustainability laws related to an innovative business idea.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of consumer protection laws and regulations.

Big Idea: Technology in Business

Skill Descriptor: Analyze the impact of technology in areas of business ownership.

Global Competencies: CTPS, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain how information technology supports business activities both internally and externally.
  • Describe how technology has changed the way businesses communicate and operate.
  • Consider the strengths and challenges of e-commerce.
  • Reflect and share on how e-commerce has changed the business landscape for small businesses.

Strand: Planning and Career Connections

Big Idea: Making a Business Plan

Skill Descriptor: Create a sustainable business plan.

Global Competencies: ICE, CTPS, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Develop a sustainable business idea.
  • Conduct and apply market research to determine the focus of the business and marketing plan.
  • Outline a management and operational plan.
  • Develop a brand identity.
  • Identify start-up costs and sources of funding.
  • Create an executive summary.

Big Idea: Career Connected

Skill Descriptor: Connect entrepreneurship to career pathways.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Connect with a diverse range of entrepreneurs, including people underrepresented in their career pathway.
  • Examine post-secondary opportunities in business and self-employment.
  • Reflect on and share the realities and possibilities of non-standard employment.