elementary Block:
Learners acquire and use scientific vocabulary, apply measuring techniques, and collect data. Their explanations are supported with observations and collected data which often lead to further questions. The learning contexts include their local environment, properties and uses of Earth materials, and living and technological systems. The development of scientific literacy empowers engagement in society and increased skill in problem-solving and critical thinking.
For Educators:
➔ PL Hub: Science
- Natural cyclical events
- Seasonal weather conditions
- Weather hazards
- Introduction to ecosystems
- Interactions of living and non-living components
- Characteristics, structures, functions, needs, and uses of local plants
- Characteristics, needs, structures, functions, needs, and uses of local animals
- Sustainability
- Environmental (biodiversity) awareness
- Conservation
- Stewardship
- Practices for scientific inquiry/technological inquiry
- Severe weather procedures
- Earth’s composition
- Two types of crust
- Cycles
- Forces changing Earth’s surface (rapid and slow)
- Types of rocks
- Fossils
- Formation processes
- Physical properties
- Scientific testing
- Identification of minerals
- Weathering and soil formation
- Physical properties of soil
- Characteristics of natural resources including rocks and minerals, soils, fossil fuels
- Renewable versus non-renewable
- Sustainability
- Conservation
- Practices for scientific inquiry/technological inquiry
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Human body systems
- Explore how the different body systems are interconnected
- Determine what the body needs to be healthy and functional
- Common simple machines
- Different types of forces
- Body mechanics
- Sustainability & stewardship
- Healthy living
- Practices for scientific inquiry/technological inquiry
Strand: Scientific Literacy
Big Idea: Investigation
Skill Descriptor: Plan investigations to solve problems relating to the local natural world: weather and climate, habitats, plants, and animals.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Ask questions about familiar phenomena
- Make predictions about posed questions based on prior knowledge
- Suggest plans for how to carry out scientific inquiry
- Suggest and explain the required equipment and materials to carry out scientific inquiry
- Explain the types of data and data collection to answer posed questions
- Respond to the ideas of others and acknowledge their contributions
Skill Descriptor: Collect data during scientific inquiry into the local natural world.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Collect and record data using formal measurements, lists, tallies, tables, pictographs, and bar graphs
- Describe observations and compare with others
- Differentiate between observed and measured data
Big Idea: Sensemaking
Skill Descriptor: Analyze data to construct explanations and conclusions based on evidence from scientific inquiry.
Global Competencies: CL,CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Represent titled and labelled collected data graphically and in tables
- Identify classifications, patterns, sorting rules, or trends in collected data
- Construct explanations and conclusions from collected data
- Connect explanations and conclusions to scientific knowledge and experience
- Identify new questions that arise from scientific inquiry
- Apply what has been learned through inquiry to other situations
Big Idea: Communication
Skill Descriptor: Communicate procedure, result, and conclusion of scientific inquiry using a variety of media.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate procedures, results, and conclusions of scientific inquiry in a clear and logical order
- Discuss observations and ideas from scientific inquiry
- Support claims or draw conclusions using evidence from data analysis
- Communicate how problems were solved or can be solved
- Use science, mathematics, and technology language that others understand
Strand: Learning & Living Sustainably
Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application
Skill Descriptor: Apply scientific knowledge and an understanding of sustainable practices responsibly with respect to the local natural world.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss Wabanaki understandings of interconnectedness with the land (the land is not owned; people “borrow” what the land has to offer and in return take care of the land)
- Investigate the impact colonization had and continues to have on the ways that Wabanaki people interact with the natural environment
- Explore Wabanaki identity including connection to the land, the interconnectedness of all things, responsibility to the natural world, and responsibility to each other
- Demonstrate respect and responsibility for all living things
- Identify parts of different plants and animals that provide humans with useful products
- Describe how useful plants and animals are replenished
- Identify human behaviours that can lead to habitat loss
- Explore solution criteria to reduce the impact on organisms when a habitat changes
- Explore careers in related areas of personal interest
- Distinguish between scientific facts, beliefs, and opinions when answering scientific questions
- Apply scientific knowledge when considering issues of concern
- Use equipment safely while carrying out scientific inquiry
- Use tools and materials safely when building models and prototypes
- Connect scientific inquiry to technological knowledge and experiences
- Practise safety rules when carrying out field studies
- Conduct investigations and application while following environmentally sustainable practices
- Reflect on aspects of applications, decisions, and possible actions of issues of concern
Strand: Scientific Literacy
Big Idea: Investigation
Skill Descriptor: Plan investigations to solve problems relating to the natural world: the Earth’s crust, changes in the Earth’s surface, rocks, minerals, soils, and uses of Earth’s resources.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Ask questions about familiar phenomena
- Make predictions about posed questions based on prior knowledge
- Identify the measured variable and the variable being changed in scientific inquiry
- Brainstorm working criteria (specifications, constraints, etc.) for scientific inquiry
- Suggest plans for how to carry out scientific inquiry involving fair tests
- Suggest and explain the required equipment and materials to carry out scientific inquiry
- Explain the types of data and data collection to answer posed questions
- Respond to the ideas of others and acknowledge their contributions
Skill Descriptor: Collect data during scientific inquiry into the natural world.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Collect and record data using formal measurements, labelled drawings, tables, bar graphs, and various methods
- Create diagrams or models that include important details
- Describe observations and compare with others
Big Idea: Sensemaking
Skill Descriptor: Analyze data to construct explanations and conclusions based on evidence from scientific inquiry.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Represent titled and labelled collected data using drawings, digital technologies, simple text, tables, and other graphical formats
- Identify classifications, patterns, sorting rules, or trends in collected data
- Construct explanations and conclusions from collected data
- Connect explanations and conclusions to scientific knowledge and experience
- Identify new questions that arise from scientific inquiry
- Apply what has been learned through inquiry to other situations
Big Idea: Communication
Skill Descriptor: Communicate procedure, result, and conclusion of scientific inquiry using a variety of media.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate procedures, results, and conclusions of scientific inquiry in a clear and logical order
- Discuss observations and ideas from scientific inquiry
- Support claims or draw conclusions using evidence from data analysis
- Communicate how problems were solved or can be solved
- Use science, mathematics, and technology language that others understand
Strand: Learning & Living Sustainably
Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application
Skill Descriptor: Apply scientific knowledge and an understanding of sustainable practices responsibly with respect to the natural world.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Discuss Wabanaki understandings of interconnectedness with the land (the land is not owned; people “borrow” what the land has to offer and in return take care of the land)
- Explore Wabanaki identity including connection to the land, the interconnectedness of all things, responsibility to the natural world, and responsibility to each other
- Investigate the impact colonization had and continues to have on the ways that Wabanaki people interact with the natural environment
- Describe ways of using Earth’s materials to make useful objects
- Identify responsible and/or sustainable interactions between humans and Earth
- Describe how Earth’s materials are replenished
- Explore solution criteria to reduce the impact of natural and human forces on the landscape
- Explore careers in related areas of personal interest
- Distinguish between scientific facts, beliefs, and opinions when answering scientific questions
- Apply scientific knowledge when considering issues of concern
- Use equipment safely while carrying out scientific inquiry
- Use tools and materials safely when building models and prototypes
- Connect scientific inquiry to technological knowledge and experiences
- Practise safety rules when carrying out field studies
- Conduct investigations and application while following environmentally sustainable practices
- Reflect on aspects of applications, decisions, and possible actions of issues of concern
Strand: Scientific Literacy
Big Idea: Investigation
Skill Descriptor: Plan investigations to solve problems relating to simple machines or human systems: digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and musculoskeletal.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Ask questions about familiar phenomena that lead to fair scientific tests or practical problems to solve
- Make predictions about posed questions based on prior knowledge
- Identify and control independent, dependent, and control variables in scientific inquiry
- Identify the measured variable and the variable being changed in scientific inquiry
- Brainstorm working criteria (specifications, constraints, etc.) for scientific inquiry
- Plan to carry out scientific inquiry involving fair tests
- Suggest and explain the required equipment and materials to carry out scientific inquiry
- Explain the types of data and data collection to answer posed questions
- Respond to the ideas of others and acknowledge their contributions
Skill Descriptor: Collect data during scientific inquiry into simple machines or the human systems.
Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE
Achievement Indicators:
- Select and use measurement tools
- Collect and record qualitative and quantitative data using formal measurements, labelled drawings, tables, bar graphs, and various methods
- Create models that include important details
- Describe observations and compare with others
- Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative collected data
Big Idea: Sensemaking
Skill Descriptor: Analyze data to construct explanations and conclusions based on evidence from scientific inquiry.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Represent and organize titled and labelled collected data using drawings, digital technologies, simple text, tables and other graphical formats
- Identify classifications, patterns, sorting rules, or trends in collected data
- Confirm the validity/reliability of tests and identify possible sources of errors
- Construct explanations and conclusions from collected data and other sources
- Connect explanations and conclusions to scientific knowledge and experience
- Identify new questions that arise from scientific inquiry or new information
Big Idea: Communication
Skill Descriptor: Communicate procedure, result, and conclusion of scientific inquiry using a variety of media.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM
Achievement Indicators:
- Communicate procedures, results, and conclusions of scientific inquiry in a clear and logical order
- Discuss observations and ideas from scientific inquiry
- Support claims or draw conclusions using evidence from data analysis
- Communicate how problems were solved or can be solved
- Use science, mathematics, and technology language that others understand
Strand: Learning & Living Sustainably
Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application
Skill Descriptor: Apply scientific and technological knowledge and an understanding of sustainable practices responsibly with respect to simple machines and human systems.
Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC
Achievement Indicators:
- Demonstrate respect and responsibility for all living things
- Explore solution criteria to evaluate technologies developed to improve living conditions
- Explore careers in related areas of personal interest
- Identify ways simple machines influence daily life
- Identify ways simple machines lead to new technological advances
- Identify tools, techniques, and materials used to respond to own needs at school, home, and play
- Develop models of natural phenomena or solutions to problems
- Distinguish between scientific facts, beliefs, and opinions when answering scientific questions or seeking solutions to technological problems
- Apply scientific knowledge when considering issues of concern
- Use equipment safely while carrying out scientific inquiry
- Use tools and materials safely when building models and prototypes
- Connect scientific inquiry to technological knowledge and experiences
- Practise safety rules when carrying out field studies
- Conduct investigations and application while following environmentally sustainable practices
- Reflect on aspects of applications, decisions, and possible actions of issues of concern