Archives: Resources
By the end of this unit, students will be able to demonstrate a deeper understanding of qualitative, quantitative, and control variables, and apply their knowledge to design and analyze complex experiments.
- Grade 8
Rights Appeal Project
Beginning with an exploration of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, students will acquaint themselves with Supreme Court of Canada cases dealing with breaches of s.8, the right of security against unreasonable search and seizure.
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
Minors’ Rights Inquiry
Having already gained a basic understanding of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and NB’s Human Rights Act, students will investigate the legal justifications of school and family rules that restrict their personal rights and freedoms. This inquiry project helps develop competency in researching and interpreting legal documents.
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
Values, Decision-making and Politics
This bundle is about world view and its influence on decision making and politics. It is intended to help students understand their personal values and beliefs, and how they are linked to family, culture, and history. Students will assess their personal values, identify culturally influenced responses, engage with Western and Wabanaki worldviews, be introduced to the political spectrum, place themselves on the political spectrum, and examine current issues in politics to assess how worldview and values influence party platforms and political decision making. Students will end by creating a “Presentation of Me” which can take the form of a PowerPoint or video, where they discuss their beliefs, values, world view, their understanding of Wabanaki worldview, their place within the political spectrum and what that will mean for how they vote and the type of government they want. There are possible extensions into Wabanaki worldview and sustainable fishing practices, along with examining current events and new legislation for evidence of values and world view and how they impact our laws and the decisions governments make.
- Grade 10
Identity and Intersectionality
This bundle includes worksheets, links to resources, interactive slideshows (from Curipod.com) which help students understand concepts of identity, the identity iceberg, intersectionality, and current issues involving intersectionality (including Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls). Student will use videos, articles, and websites to explore these issues and questions and create a poster for a MMIWG.
- Grade 10
Being a Global Citizen
The goal is for students to be able to understand global citizenship and identify ways that they can be active global citizens. They will identify Canadian and Human Rights, recognizing the importance of the responsibilities that go with these rights. They will consider how their choices, including how they treat those around them, the words that they use, and the products they consume have impacts on others. They will identify issues that are important to them and ways that they could affect positive change in these issues.
- Grade 7
What do Historians do?
Running for 4 consecutive classes, this bundle is aimed at introducing the role of a historian to a grade 4 or 5 social studies class.
The classes focus on the concept of ‘historical significance’ and how historians decide what is and isn’t historically significant.
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Solving Radical Equations
This bundle will work through how to solve radical equations with a single radical, two radicals, verifying solutions, and extraneous solutions.
There are opportunities for guided and independent practice. There is an exit slip that can be used as either a formative or summative check on the outcome.
- Grade 11
Radical Operations
This bundle will work through how to perform operations on radical expressions, determining like terms and restrictions as well as simplifying radical expressions.
There are opportunities for individual and group practice. There are exit slips that can be used as either a formative or summative check on the outcome.
- Grade 11
Ratio and Rate
This resource bundle will extend student’s understanding of ratio and introduce them to the idea of rate / unit rate. Students will work individually as well as in small groups and as a whole class and complete a variety of explorations, exercises, and critical thinking activities.
- Grade 8
Improper Fractions as Mixed Numbers
• What are improper fractions?
• What are mixed numbers?
• How are improper fractions represented as mixed numbers?
• How are mixed numbers represented as improper fractions?
- Grade 6
Students will become familiar with equivalent fractions, the vocabulary associated with fractions, and how to create equivalent fractions using multiplication.
- Grade 4