Archives: Resources
myBlueprint Online Career/Life Planning Tool
Use these resources and lesson plans to empower students to make informed decisions about their future.
MyBlueprint follows a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests and aspirations of all students.
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
Emotional Regulation and Stress Management
This activity is designed to teach the importance of identifying moods and emotions, while equipping children with different methods of coping with stress. Learning to identify, and understand what different emotions are, is the first step in teaching children about stress coping mechanisms, and how to use different coping skills.
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Random Acts of Kindness & Stan the Man’s Bookmobile
This lesson invites students to consider that kindness is an everyday, intentional choice to focus on seeing and uplifting others. It is putting the needs of someone else before self. How can I go about my day intentionally watching for others in need of kindness?
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
Hand Washing Experiment
The following lesson was created in collaboration by the Centre of Excellence for Health and the University of New Brunswick’s Nursing students (Community & Population Health 3068). This activity is designed to teach and/or reinforce the importance of proper handwashing in the prevention of illness and maintenance of personal and community well-being. Students will first discuss the importance of hand washing as a class and will then conduct an experiment using oil and flax seeds to represent germs on our hands.
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
211 Lesson Plans
211 is an anonymous, free, and confidential service that anyone can call to get information for a non-emergency personal need. Trained Community Navigators from 211 will listen and then direct callers to resources, programs and services to offer support. 211 NB has created lessons which feature role play, discussion, and even a mock call, in hopes to provide all Grades 6-8 students the information and confidence they need to be able to use this service at any time.
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
Tiny Homes
This kit features hands-on and inquiry-based learning activities exploring, creating, and constructing sustainable options for future home design. It is an invitation to experience a small snapshot of each of our 5 Centres of Excellence (Energy, Health, Entrepreneurship, Digital Innovation and Skilled Trades and Manufacturing). Happy Building!
*French Resources included as an attachment.*
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Free Food-Themed Books
Five fictional read-aloud books and classroom activities that weave elements of foods, nutrition and cooking along with cross-curricular learning connections!
These books have been developed by the team of Registered Dietitians at Dairy Farmers of Canada. They strive to make food and nutrition education fun and engaging. They provide credible, evidence-based information about all types of foods. Their mission is to nurture a love of food through learning!
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Intergenerational Bingo
In this activity your students will have an opportunity to generate intergenerational dialogue within your communities with a fun Easter activity (can be used for any occasion). Students will be encouraged to spend time with seniors and familiarize themselves with the nursing home facilities in the community. The activity will help expose students to the career opportunities and possibilities offered in the nursing home and educate students about different age populations within our society.
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
Healthy Eating Balanced Plate Activity
Are you looking to teach your students the basics of healthy eating? In this activity, your students will learn and practice how to balance their plates and build healthy snacks and lunches. You and your students will also receive a healthy eating guide that can assist you when making decisions about what you should include on your balanced plate each day.
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Positive 4 Corners – Social & Emotional Learning
Positive communication, through words and action, is an essential skill for daily living. With emphasis on social-emotional well-being, this 45-minute lesson will give your students the opportunity to learn, discuss, practice, and explore various methods of positive communication, rotating through 4 different stations spread around the corners in your room.
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Envisioning a Future in Health with Horizon Health
Students will view a video from Horizon Health that highlights career opportunities here in New Brunswick. Using the career pathways page on the COE Health website, students will choose and explore a career of interest. With the storyboard from the Horizon video as an example, they will create a storyboard for a video that would outline the steps they might take to pursue their career of interest (high school courses, post-secondary, volunteer experience, work placements, etc…).
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
Mindful Breathing with Balloons
In this lesson, students will discuss the benefits of mindful breathing. This lesson will be divided into two activities. In the first activity, students will learn about mindful breathing, with the teacher using a balloon to demonstrate the breathing process. The teacher will talk students through the breathing process and then play a video for the class to follow along with. Students will use balloons and flour to make stress balls in the second activity. Next, students will learn how to use the stress ball to assist mindful breathing.
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5