middle Block:

French Immersion Language Arts (G6E)

Learners engage in a wide variety of activities to increase language proficiency while developing skills and
competencies in oral language, reading, and writing. Learning experiences are personalized, authentic, and
engaging. Learners build language skills through participation in modeled interactions, use reading strategies to
understand texts, and apply critical thinking skills to make inferences and predictions. They use modeled writing
tools to develop skills for supported writing.


Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Oral Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Use listening strategies to understand the overall meaning of a simple message in a familiar and academic context.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make connections and comparisons between known and new information
  • Predict the rest of the message
  • Identify important ideas (facts, opinions, ) or details (examples, descriptions, etc.)
  • Write general notes about the topic or theme of the presentation and include personal ideas or questions
  • Recognize known words and expressions in a dialogue
  • Use visual cues (gestures, posters, facial expressions, ) or audio support (music, intonation, etc.) to better understand the message
  • Identify the main idea in a message (e.g. directive, discussion, announcement, story, explanation, etc.)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of simple personal information and questions (family, other known people, house, interests, hobbies, )
  • Demonstrate an understanding of simple everyday conversations if people speak clearly and slowly and offer help

Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Present knowledge and preferences on familiar and academic topics using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary learned.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make short presentations with or without visual support (objects, music, slides, Internet, television excerpt, poster, etc.)
  • Use and follow the elements of a good presentation (correct vocabulary, clear ideas, connecting words, etc.)
  • Make a prepared/rehearsed presentation and answer a limited number of questions
  • Describe likes and dislikes (sports, music, school, colours, ) and explain why
  • Use simple words to describe everyday objects and activities (size, shape, colour, classroom materials, clothing, houses, animals, sports, music, etc.)
  • Demonstrate a way to attract the interest of listeners (share an interesting fact, ask a question, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Express knowledge, ideas, feelings, and opinions with simple justifications on familiar topics and interests using a variety of sentence structures and learned vocabulary.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Briefly describe where one lives and how to get there (means of transportation, distance, travel time, etc.)
  • Briefly describe future plans (weekend, vacation, )
  • Describe activities from the past (yesterday at school, last evening at home, etc.).
  • Describe oneself, family, and other known people
  • Describe daily routines and activities
  • Describe personal hobbies and interests
  • Provide basic information to other people about a class (size, favourite subjects, etc.)
  • Explain personal likes and dislikes (sports, music, school, colours, etc.) and explain why
  • Use idiomatic expressions related to the Francophone culture (e.g., J’ai couru à toutes jambes chez moi)
  • Explain what one does well and what one doesn’t do as well (at school, in sports, etc.)
  • Describe one’s favourite meal
  • Present something that is known well (a sports team, a music group, a hobby, etc.)
  • Use vocabulary and language functions adequately if they are modelled and practised

Skill Descriptor: Actively participate in conversations related to familiar and academic topics using a variety of sentence structures and learned vocabulary

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Request or offer something and say thank-you
  • Answer the telephone and exchange simple information or plan activities
  • Make simple purchases by describing what one is looking for and asking the price
  • Plan an activity with other people (what we will do, where we will go, when we will meet, etc.)
  • Speak politely to someone and ask them something (directions, the time, etc.)
  • Ask and answer simple questions about family, community, school, free time, likes and dislikes, etc.
  • Ask and answer simple questions about past events
  • Ask simple, familiar questions and react to what people say
  • Use language structures that have been learned
  • Wish someone a happy birthday and respond to others’ wishes (e.g., new year or another special event)
  • Describe certain physical conditions using simple words and expressions (J’ai froid, J’ai faim, Je suis fatigue, ) and ask people how they feel
  • Make, accept, or politely decline invitations
  • Make and accept excuses
  • Ask for or give directions with a map or another visual tool

Skill Descriptor: Recognize spoken sounds.

Achievement Indicators:

Awareness of sentences and words in spoken language

  • Identify words that rhyme (e.g., Do ballon and chanson rhyme?)
  • Produce words that rhyme (e.g., What words rhyme with ballons?)

Syllable awareness

  • Produce a word orally from the syllables heard (e.g., ba / teau = bateau)
  • Segment a heard word into syllables (e.g., salon = sa / lon)

Phonemic awareness (spoken sounds of French)

  • Identify the initial sound in a word (e.g., The word ‘pupitre’ starts with what sound? “p”)
  • Identify the last sound in a word (e.g., The word salon ends with what sound? “on”)
  • Produce a word orally from the sounds that have been heard (e.g., b/a/t/eau = bateau)
  • Identify the different sounds in a word that has been heard (e.g., salon = s-a-l-on)
  • Replace, add, or remove a sound from a word to create a new word (e.g., château-gâteau; if you add c to loup, it becomes clou; if you add ch to ou, it becomes chou; and if the f sound is removed from the word fil, what is left?)

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading

Skill Descriptor: Make connections between spoken sounds (phonemes) and written sounds (graphemes).

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Produce the sound of each letter of the alphabet (e.g., What sound does the letter “s” make? ssss)
  • Recognize vowels in writing and produce the sounds
  • Recognize long consonants in writing and produce the sounds
  • Recognize short consonants in writing and produce the sounds
  • Recognize complex written forms and produce the sounds
  • Recognize less common written forms and produce the sounds
  • Use knowledge of graphemes to read the words in a text correctly
  • Decode a word correctly using learned graphemes (e.g., au-t-o)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate to the complexity of a text to comprehend its message/meaning.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the key elements of very simple audiovisual texts in which the visual element and actions heavily support the story/scenario/intrigue
  • Locate information sought, the overall meaning, or components of various texts
  • Read a simple, very short text, sentence by sentence, and demonstrate understanding
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main idea of stories with visual support
  • Demonstrate an understanding of simple greetings and messages (birthday cards, party invitations, text messages, etc.)
  • Locate and demonstrate an understanding of simple, important information in ads, folders, and posters
  • Follow simple written directions (e.g., How to get from point X to point Y)
  • Insert information in a form (name, date of birth, address, )
  • Summarize a simple text
  • Answer literal questions (read the lines)
  • Answer questions inferring a connection (read between the lines)
  • Answer evaluative questions (read beyond the lines)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate to the complexity of the vocabulary in a text to comprehend unfamiliar words.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Recognize and read the words displayed on the frequent word wall
  • Locate a word on the word wall using cues (find a word that contains two syllables; find a word that ends with the sound “en”; )
  • Locate frequent words found in a text (avec, et, est, aime, maison, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate the complexity of a text to read accurately and fluently.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read with accuracy
  • Read groups of words (il y a, parce que, est-ce que, le beau garçon, etc.)
  • Read while paying attention to silent letters (un chat, les ballons, jouent, etc.)
  • Read without too much hesitation
  • Read expressively
  • Read while taking into account punctuation

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Write simple texts about familiar topics.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write for the purpose of informing, explaining, entertaining, or expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions
  • Identify the intention and choose the type of text related to the target audience
  • Write very simple messages and questions intended for other people (text messages, short notes, etc.)
  • Write information about oneself (age, family, address, hobbies,etc.) in a note or an e-mail
  • Use simple words to describe familiar items (colour, size, and shape of objects in the classroom, etc.)
  • Write a simple description (house, room, friend, )
  • Complete a questionnaire with personal information
  • Write a simple thank-you message

Skill Descriptor: Write simple texts following the phases of the writing process as modelled by the teacher.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Present ideas related to a familiar topic
  • Present the topic
  • Put ideas in logical order
  • Compose simple, complete sentences
  • Use simple, familiar vocabulary related to a theme
  • Start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a punctuation mark
  • Spell most frequent words correctly
  • Correctly spell the words worked on in class that are related to the theme
  • Add adjectives to the text for colour, size, shape, emotions,
  • Start to use “s” to indicate plural correctly
  • Start to use “e” for the feminine (une grande girafe, ma petite soeur, )
  • Start to use the right determiners (la, le, les, l’, des, ma, mon, notre, ces, ses, mon, ma, etc.)

Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Oral Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Use listening strategies to understand the overall meaning and essential details of a simple message in a variety of contexts that include elements of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make connections and comparisons between known and new information
  • Use visual cues (gestures, posters, facial expressions, ) or audio support (music, intonation, etc.) to better understand the message
  • Predict the rest of the message
  • Identify important ideas (facts, opinions, ) or details (examples, descriptions, etc.)
  • Take notes on the topic or theme of the presentation and include personal ideas or questions
  • Identify changes in the topic of conversation (usually) when people speak slowly and clearly
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what the actors are saying in a movie or short video using the images to help
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to get to a location
  • Follow and understand simple short stories when they are explained clearly and slowly
  • Follow simple, concrete instructions especially if there is a demonstration (how to do something, rules of a game, )
  • Demonstrate an understanding of announcements and simple messages left on voice mail, announced in a hockey arena,
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a simple interview on the radio or television if the topic is familiar

Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Present knowledge of familiar, academic, and interesting topics using a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary in various formats.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make short presentations with or without visual support (objects, music, slides, Internet, television excerpt, poster, etc.)
  • Make a rehearsed presentation and answer a limited number of questions
  • Give a short report on a topic of interest
  • Demonstrate a way of attracting the interest of listeners (share an interesting fact, ask a question, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Express knowledge, ideas, feelings and opinions with simple justifications on familiar topics and interests using a variety of sentence structures, appropriate vocabulary, and expressions of the Francophone culture.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe future plans (weekend, vacation, graduation, )
  • Use most numbers without hesitation (time, years, prices, )
  • State what is usually done at home, at work, and during free time
  • Describe simple plans including some details and options
  • Describe activities, events, and personal experiences from the past, (e.g., what I did last evening, last weekend, or last year)
  • Summarize simple stories using the language from the story
  • Check with the listeners to see if the message has been understood (observe their facial expressions and gestures, ask questions, ask them to repeat the message, listen to and answer their questions and comments, etc.)
  • Use idiomatic expressions about celebrations, traditions, and other special events
  • Describe people and their jobs, animals and their behaviour,
  • Provide a simple description of events or tell a simple story
  • Express an opinion using simple words and expressions
  • Describe an event that happened or that was experienced personally (a party or an excursion with the school or family, )
  • Explain personal like or dislike of something (different places, seasons, activities, objects, etc.)
  • Describe places, seasons, objects, or favourite activities and briefly explain why
  • Use vocabulary and language functions properly if they are modelled and practised
  • Select appropriate vocabulary according to the intention of the message (convince, inform, entertain, express, etc.)
  • Provide a simple description of events or tell a simple story
  • Use expressions related to the Francophone culture (e.g. J’avais la chair de poule en regardant le film d’horreur)

Skill Descriptor: Actively participate in and maintain conversations related to familiar and academic topics using a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Ask others to repeat or explain what they just said if something is not clear
  • Ask questions to find out if the person has understood what has been said in a conversation
  • Get and give simple information about shows, sports matches, or films, purchasing tickets, etc. and convey information about the location, time, cost, etc.
  • Give and follow simple instructions
  • Have short conversations about current or past events with friends, and ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics (weather, recreation, pets, music, sports, etc.)
  • Phone someone to give or receive news
  • Maintain simple conversations on familiar topics (weather, hobbies, pets, music, sports, etc.)
  • Participate in group communications activities using technology to explore or solve simple problems and accomplish simple tasks
  • Share ideas and experiences using technology
  • Ask for a favour from someone familiar and respond if someone asks for a favour
  • Ask and answer simple questions about past events (yesterday, last week, last year, etc.)
  • Ask and answer simple questions about upcoming events (tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.)
  • Explain to someone how to get to a specific location, even without a map
  • Useappropriate language structures
  • Talk to people about what they are doing at work, at school, or in their free time

Skill Descriptor: Recognize and produce spoken sounds.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

Phonological awareness

  • Awareness of sentences and words in spoken language
  • Produce words that rhyme (e.g., What words rhyme with matin?)
  • Produce a word orally from the syllables heard (e.g., le / de / main = lendemain)
  • Segment a word into syllables (e.g., chemin = che / min)

Phonemic awareness (spoken sounds of French)

  • Identify the last sound in a word (e.g., The word salon ends with what sound? “on”)
  • Identify the different sounds in a word (e.g., chemin = ch-e-m-in)
  • Replace, add, or remove a sound from a word to create a new word (e.g., château-gâteau)

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading

Skill Descriptor: Make connections between spoken sounds (phonemes) and written sounds (graphemes).

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

Knowledge of written sounds (graphemes)

  • Recognize vowels in writing and produce the sounds
  • Recognize complex written forms and produce the sounds
  • Recognize in writing and produce the sounds of less common written forms
  • Use knowledge of graphemes to read the words in a text accurately
  • Decode a word correctly using learned graphemes (e.g., ch-an- son)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategiesappropriate to the complexity of a text to comprehend its message/meaning.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

Skills related to comprehension of a text

  • Recognize certain genres of texts and their reading intent
  • Identify and explain certain strategies used in the text
  • Use print and non-print resources, including technology, to help with reading comprehension
  • Demonstrate an understanding of most of the elements read in short, simple texts on familiar topics
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main points of short articles appearing in magazines for children and adolescents, if something about the topic is already known
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what is happening in a short story if it is well structured and identify the most important characters
  • Demonstrate an understanding of most descriptions of people (e.g., a celebrity)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main elements in articles containing short, simple news if the topic is familiar (sports, local or international events, celebrities, etc.)
  • Follow simple instructions, especially if the most important steps are illustrated (preparing a recipe, doing a scientific experiment, )
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what is happening in an illustrated story and imagine the nature of the different characters
  • Demonstrate an understanding of short, simple messages from friends (e-mail, chat, text message, etc.)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a simple personal letter in which the person writes about familiar topics, such as friends or family, and asks similar questions on this topic
  • Answer literal questions (read the lines)
  • Answer questions inferring a connection (read between the lines)
  • Answer evaluative questions (read beyond the lines)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate to the complexity of the vocabulary in a text to comprehend unfamiliar words.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

Knowledge of frequent words

  • Recognize and read the words displayed on the frequent word wall
  • Locate a word on the word wall, using cues (e.g., find a word that contains three syllables; find a word that starts with the sound “ch”, etc.)
  • Read frequent words found in a text (maintenant, dehors, est, aime, maison, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate the complexity of a text to read accurately and fluently.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

Ability to read accurately and fluently

  • Read with accuracy
  • Read groups of words (il y a, parce que, est-ce que, le beau garçon, etc.)
  • Read while paying attention to silent letters (beaucoup, ils, discutent, )
  • Read without too much hesitation
  • Read expressively
  • Read while taking into account punctuation

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Write texts about topics of interest and academic topics.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write for the purpose of informing, explaining, entertaining, or expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions
  • Identify the intention and choose the type of text related to the target audience
  • Write short, simple, fiction or non-fiction descriptive or creative texts
  • Write about familiar people and things using simple sentences and expressions (school, family, hobbies, daily routine, people, places, etc.)
  • Write a personal schedule with the days of the week, dates, times, and activities
  • Write an invitation to a party or celebration
  • Explain where one lives and how to get there with the help of a drawing or simple map
  • Write short, simple notes and messages (to make or change an appointment, etc.)
  • Write simple notes about important dates in a notebook, calendar, or agenda
  • Write the start or continuation of a story using a model or dictionary
  • Write a short message to friends to ask a question
  • Write and connect simple sentences with et, parce que, and mais

Skill Descriptor: Write simple texts following the phases of the writing process as modelled by the teacher.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify and apply strategies that will help before, during, and after writing
  • Plan the writing process using brainstorming
  • Plan the writing process using a graphic organizer
  • Write a first draft
  • Reread the text to self-correct using resources in the classroom (model texts, success criteria list, word wall, visual supports, personal dictionary, theme wall, readers, etc.)
  • Have conferences or conversations with peers to correct the texts
  • Publish a text of choice
  • Use print or non-print resources and technology to help write words and simple sentences

Skill Descriptor: Write texts using the writing traits from model texts.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Present ideas related to a familiar topic
  • Present the topic
  • Put ideas in logical order
  • Compose simple, complete sentences
  • Use simple, familiar vocabulary related to a theme
  • Start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a punctuation mark
  • Spell most frequent words correctly
  • Correctly spell the words worked on in class that are related to the theme
  • Add adjectives to the text for colour, size, shape, emotions,
  • Use “s” correctly for the plural (les maisons, )
  • Start to use “e” for the feminine (une grande girafe, ma petite soeur, etc.)
  • Start to use the right determiners (la, le, les, l’, des, ma, mon, notre, ces, ses, mon, ma, etc.)

Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Oral Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Use listening strategies to understand the overall meaning and essential details of a simple message in a variety of contexts that include elements of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make connections and comparisons between known and new information
  • Use visual (gestures, posters, facial expressions, ) or audio (music, intonation) support
  • Predict the rest of the message
  • Identify important ideas (facts, opinions, ) or details (examples, descriptions, etc.)
  • Take notes on the topic or theme of the presentation and attach personal ideas or questions to them
  • Usually identify changes in the topic of a conversation when people speak slowly and clearly
  • Demonstrate understanding of what the actors are saying in a movie or short video (using the pictures to help)
  • Demonstrate understanding of how to get to a location
  • Follow and understand simple short stories when they are explained clearly and slowly
  • Follow simple, concrete instructions (how to do something, rules of a game, etc.) especially if there is a demonstration
  • Demonstrate understanding of simple announcements and messages left in a voicemail box, announced in a hockey arena,
  • Demonstrate understanding of a simple radio or television interview if the topic is familiar

Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Present knowledge of familiar, academic, and interesting topics using a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary in various formats.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make short presentations with or without visual support (object, music, slides, Internet, television excerpt, poster, etc.)
  • Make a rehearsed presentation and answer a limited number of questions
  • Give a short report on a topic of interest
  • Demonstrate a way of attracting the interest of listeners (share an interesting fact, ask a question, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Express knowledge, ideas, feelings, and opinions with simple justifications on familiar topics and interests using a variety of sentence structures, appropriate vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate a way to capture the interest of listeners (share an interesting fact, ask a question, etc.)
  • Give a short, prepared presentation on familiar topics and answer clearly asked questions\
  • Check with listeners to see if the message is understood (observe facial expressions and gestures, ask questions, ask them to repeat the message, listen to and respond to their questions and comments, etc.)
  • Express an opinion on a range of topics related to everyday life
  • Choose the appropriate vocabulary, depending on the intent of the message (convincing, informing, entertaining, expressing, or telling a story)
  • Describe a variety of familiar topics related to personal interests
  • Relate the main content of short texts
  • Relate what happened in a movie or a book and personal thoughts about it
  • Describe personal dreams, hopes, and goals
  • Use vocabulary and language functions properly if they are modelled and practised
  • Explain rules of behaviour at school, how to play a game,
  • Talk in detail about experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Briefly explain and justify personal opinions
  • Use expressions related to Francophone culture

Skill Descriptor: Express knowledge, ideas, and feelings, and justify opinions on a range of topics of interest, current events, and information by using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Check with listeners to see if the message is understood by observing their facial expressions and gestures, asking
  • questions, asking them to repeat the message, listening and responding to questions and comments, etc.
  • Express an opinion on a range of topics related to everyday life
  • Choose the appropriate vocabulary, depending on the intent of the message (convincing, informing, entertaining, expressing yourself, or telling a story)
  • Describe a variety of familiar topics related to personal interests
  • Relate the main content of short texts that have been read
  • Relate what happened in a movie or a book and say what is thought about it
  • Describe personal dreams, hopes, and goals
  • Use vocabulary and language functions properly if they are modelled and practised
  • Explain rules (rules of behaviour at school, how to play a game, )
  • Talk in detail about experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Briefly explain and justify personal opinions
  • Use expressions related to Francophone culture

Skill Descriptor: Actively participate in and encourage the exchange of ideas and opinions on topics of interest and academic topics using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Ask for or offer something and say thank you
  • Ask and answer a variety of questions that keep a conversation moving forward
  • Give and compare an opinion (on popular culture, bands, styles of music, movies, fashion, etc.) in a conversation with friends
  • Use the appropriate language structures
  • Give or ask for personal opinions in an informal discussion with friends, politely agreeing or disagreeing
  • Help solve simple problems by expressing thoughts and asking others what they think
  • Explain progress in schoolwork and where you are having difficulty to the teacher
  • Advise someone on simple things (where to go, what to do, )
  • Ask for and follow detailed directions
  • Start, maintain, and end simple one-on-one conversations on familiar topics and personal interests
  • Maintain a discussion although others may have difficulty understanding exactly what is meant
  • Express oneself and react to feelings or attitudes (amazement, happiness, sadness, frustration, indifference, etc.)
  • Give and compare an opinion on popular culture, bands, styles of music, movies, fashion, etc. in a conversation with friends
  • Have simple phone conversations
  • Participate in group communications activities using technology to explore and/or solve simple problems and accomplish simple tasks
  • Share ideas and experiences using technology

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading and Viewing

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate to the complexity of a text to comprehend its message/meaning.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Recognize types of texts and their reading intention
  • Identify and explain the strategies used
  • Participate in reading activities in different contexts to come to an overall understanding of a text
  • Identify the information sought, the overall meaning, or the components of various texts appropriate for Grade 9
  • Demonstrate understanding of texts of various lengths that contain familiar words and tap into areas of interest (music, sports, travel, etc.)
  • I can understand simple factual texts on subjects I am familiar with (sports reports from newspapers, brief reviews of books or movies, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Use strategies appropriate to the complexity of the vocabulary in a text to comprehend unfamiliar words and elements of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Look up the meaning of new words
  • Learn new vocabulary words from context while reading
  • Locate the most important information in authentic documents such as announcements, brochures, or timetables depending on the vocabulary used

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Write texts about topics of interest and academic topics.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write for the purpose of informing, explaining, entertaining, or expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions
  • Identify the intention and choose the type of text related to the target audience
  • Recognize types of texts and their communication intention
  • Write brief messages to tell friends about everyday situations (I’m late, the bus is late, I’m sick, etc.)
  • Describe objects, places, and people using short, simple sentences
  • Write a simple advertisement for classified ads online, a bulletin board, etc.
  • Respond with a short message to an advertisement on classified ads online, a bulletin board, etc.
  • Write about events or experiences describing what happened and where, and when it happened in simple sentences
  • Write a simple story (best vacation, life in the future,)
  • Write simple compositions on familiar topics and connect ideas using words such as et, parce que, ensuite, etc.
  • Complete a simple questionnaire, graphic organizer, or survey using full sentences

Skill Descriptor: Write texts following the phases of the writing process.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify strategies that will help before, during, and after writing
  • Plan the writing process using a graphic organizer
  • Write a first
  • Reread text to self-correct using resources in the classroom (model texts, success criteria list, word wall, visual supports, personal dictionary, theme wall, readers, etc.)
  • Meet in a group or one on one with peers to correct texts
  • Publish a text of choice
  • Use print or non-print resources, including technology, to help write words and simple sentences

Skill Descriptor: Write texts using the writing traits from model texts.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Present ideas related to any topic
  • Present ideas in logical order
  • Compose simple and complex sentences
  • Spell common words correctly
  • Spell correctly the words worked on in class that are related to the theme
  • Start to use the right determiners (la, le, les, l’, des, ma, mon, notre, ces, ses, son, sa, etc.)