High School Block:

Sport and Recreation Leadership 120

The vision for this course is to have learners successfully plan, organize, and administer their own event, tournament, and program. Educators will facilitate opportunities for learners to develop sport and recreation leadership skills within their school, community and beyond. The learner’s leadership potential is developed when initiatives serve to reinforce skill development around leadership roles. This course seeks to use sport and recreational activities as a tool for creating concrete leadership experiences and develop leadership potential. Learners will explore various roles in team dynamics, including being a leader, mentor, and collaborating positively with others in inclusive experiences. The emphasis of this course focuses on planning, performance, evaluation, and reflection. Planning and operation of events, tournaments, and programs will require learners to dedicate time outside of school hours (e.g., before school, after school, evenings, and/or weekends).



Sport and Recreation Leadership

  • Attributes
  • Styles
  • Skills

Leadership Opportunities

  • Careers
  • Planning and coordination
  • Present and future contribution
  • Reflection

Team Dynamics

  • Skills
  • Roles
  • Inclusivity
  • Elements
  • Risk management

Leadership through Service

  • Current and future planning and coordination
  • Communication
  • Management of challenges and obstacles
  • Reflection

Strand: Theory

Big Idea: Physical Education, Sport and Recreation

Skill Descriptor: Define physical education, sport, and recreation.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Differentiate between physical education, sport, and recreation
  • List examples of physical education, sport, and recreation
  • Discuss factors related to physical education and physical inactivity
  • Explore traditional and contemporary Wabanaki forms of recreation, games, and sports
  • Explore forms of recreation, games, and sports from around the world

Big Idea: Sport and Recreation Leadership

Skill Descriptor: Examine sport and recreation leadership attributes.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss attributes of good leadership in sport and recreation
  • Investigate attributes of leaders in history, and from past experiences

Skill Descriptor: Examine teaching/ coaching styles.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Differentiate between different teaching/coaching styles
  • Discuss ways in which educators/coaches can positively or negatively impact team dynamics
  • Connect teaching/coaching styles to a variety of situations

Skill Descriptor: Examine coaching/officiating skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Model effective coaching/officiating skills
  • Discuss the qualities of a competent coach/official

Strand: Connection

Big Idea: Effective leadership for self and others

Skill Descriptor: Use leadership skills in multiple situations.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Assess how leadership skills can affect performance and outcomes
  • Investigate how different leadership styles are required for specific situations
  • Model inclusive language
  • Differentiate between ethical and unethical behaviours in a variety of situations

Skill Descriptor: Examine event/tournament management skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss the elements required to run a successful event, tournament, or program
  • Differentiate between effective and ineffective management skills

Skill Descriptor: Examine team dynamics.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define the elements of team dynamics
  • Analyze practices of successful teams
  • Demonstrate understanding of risk management responsibilities when leading others

Skill Descriptor: Examine the roles within team dynamics.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define roles within a successful team
  • Justify my role in planning an event, tournament, or program

Skill Descriptor: Investigate leadership opportunities in physical education related careers.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Reflect on how leadership may benefit own career path

Skill Descriptor: Investigate leadership opportunities in the school and community.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify potential leadership opportunities for school and community after graduation

Strand: Practice

Big Idea: Leadership through service

Skill Descriptor: Model leadership theory through practice.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create and respond to a needs assessment for an event, tournament, or program to be implemented
  • Create and implement an inclusive physical education lesson plan
  • Create and implement an event, tournament, or program
  • Present a summary report of the event, tournament, or program for future groups to learn from and build upon
  • Reflect on own growth as a leader by using a reflection tool

Skill Descriptor: Apply team dynamics in a real-life situation.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify when to adapt to different roles within a group
  • Model effective communication with a target audience during an event, tournament, or program
  • Model support for peers during an event, tournament, or program
  • Model skills in conflict resolution