High School Block:

Physical Education 10

Physical Education 10 provides learners with introductory skills and concepts in the areas of sport and recreation leadership, outdoor education, kinesiology, and fitness.

Skills developed through sport and recreation leadership benefit learners by improving communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. By engaging with the basics of leadership through sport and recreation, learners will understand the interrelationships among physical education, society, and the environment, and can become better equipped for future leadership roles.

Outdoor education promotes an appreciation for nature and the environment while also providing opportunities for experiential learning and physical activity. Through outdoor education activities, learners will develop skills such as navigation, survival, and teamwork.

Physical Education 10 also introduces kinesiology: the study of human movement. This area of study helps learners understand the mechanics of the human body and how to optimize movement to improve physical performance. By gaining an understanding of kinesiology, learners can develop healthy habits and techniques that will help them reduce the risk of injury and improve their overall physical fitness.

Through Physical Education 10, learners will explore different types of functional movement, resistance programs and create a resistance program to improve personal fitness.

Successful completion of Physical Education 10 will prepare learners for courses such as Outdoor Education, and Sport and Recreation Leadership.

Physical Education Safety Guidelines:



Leadership Theory            

  • Attributes
  • Team dynamics

Physical Literacy

  • Essential elements
  • Teaching models

Leadership in Action


Environmental Learning            

  • Awareness
  • Protection
  • Navigation skills

Skeletal System            

  • Structure
  • Function

Muscular System

Functional Movement Pattern Components

Resistance Programs


Strand: Discovery

Big Idea: Leadership theory

Skill Descriptor: Explore physical education, sport, and recreation leadership attributes.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define physical education, sport, recreation, and leisure
  • Discuss ways in which physical education, sport, recreation, and leisure can impact a community
  • Discuss attributes of good leadership in physical education, sport, and recreation
  • List personal leadership attributes

Skill Descriptor: Explore the elements of team dynamics.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define the elements of team dynamics
  • Identify situations when roles within a group may need to be adapted

Big Idea: Physical literacy

Skill Descriptor: Examine the four essential elements of physical literacy.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Differentiate between confidence, competence, and motivation in physical literacy
  • Discuss essential elements of physical literacy

Skill Descriptor: Analyze how games support the development of physical literacy skills.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss types of games that support the development of physical literacy skills
  • Assess physical literacy skills while participating in a variety of games

Skill Descriptor: Analyze how teaching models support fundamental movement skills through physical activity.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss advantages and disadvantages of a variety of teaching models
  • Examine traditional and contemporary Wabanaki forms of recreation, games, and sports
  • Examine forms of recreation, games, and sports from around the world
  • Develop and implement an inclusive physical education class activity
  • Discuss ways to improve inclusive physical education activities for self and peers

Big Idea: Leadership in action

Skill Descriptor: Explore physical education, sport, and recreation opportunities.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify potential physical education, sport, and recreation volunteer or work opportunities within own community and New Brunswick
  • Discuss how skills and concepts learned in physical education may be transferable to a career path

Skill Descriptor: Model leadership theory through practice.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Develop and implement a school or community-based inclusive activity or program
  • Discuss ways to improve future school or community-based inclusive activities or programs

Strand: Exploration

Big Idea: Environmental learning

Skill Descriptor: Explore environmental awareness and the importance of its protection.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain the principles of leave no trace
  • Contrast Wabanaki and Western views of the natural environment
  • Discuss strategies for sustainability in our natural world
  • Demonstrate respect and appreciation of the outdoors or natural surroundings

Skill Descriptor: Explore navigation skills in different contexts.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Investigate how tools are used for navigation
  • Discuss strategies for selecting appropriate tools for seasonal and environmental navigation
  • Discuss the role of oral traditions in passing on knowledge and in enhancing memory
  • Practise navigation skills to determine location and best routes when trip planning

Skill Descriptor: Apply movement concepts in a variety of outdoor activities.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate and extend movement concepts in a variety of outdoor activities
  • Discuss the impact of outdoor education on health and wellness

Strand: Movement

Big Idea: Skeletal system

Skill Descriptor: Explore skeletal system structure and function in movement.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain structures and functions of the skeletal system
  • Discuss the major bone groups of the body
  • Classify bones of the human body by shape

Big Idea: Muscular system

Skill Descriptor: Explore how muscular system facilitates movement.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain the physiological properties of the muscular system
  • Discuss the basic principles of muscles
  • Discuss major muscle groups of the body
  • Demonstrate the four principles (FITT) for muscular strength and endurance

Big Idea: Functional movement

Skill Descriptor: Examine the major components of functional movement patterns.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define major components of functional movement patterns
  • Discuss common errors in functional movement pattern techniques
  • Demonstate correct technique of each functional movement pattern

Big Idea: Personal fitness

Skill Descriptor: Explore resistance programs.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • List types of resistance programs
  • Research a specific resistance program to create and implement a resistance training activity for self and peers
  • Discuss ways to improve personal fitness through resistance programs