High School Block:

Health Care 110

Health care is one of the largest areas of diverse occupations with continued growth and stability. It is continuing to grow rapidly in all occupations and is expected to continue to grow as our population ages. When entering healthcare professions, students will enjoy occupations with more options and much better job security than in other professions (Government of Canada, 2019; Government of New Brunswick, 2019). The Health Care 110 course will help students explore healthcare career pathways. They will look in depth at the different health care professions in New Brunswick and around the globe. They will explore different occupational options available and gain an understanding of the requirements needed to enter post secondary education.

This course introduces students to content and concepts related to health care and the healthcare system. Students will learn how the Canadian healthcare system works and will be introduced to various medical professionals that work within the system. Students will learn what it takes to be a professional within the different healthcare occupations. They will examine the rights of a healthcare consumer, develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the field.


Healthcare Delivery

  • History and evolution
  • Indigenous health (e.g., pre and post European contact)
  • Financial cost
  • Government role in health care (e.g., provincial, territorial and federal)
  • Role of Health Canada
  • Five principles of the Canadian Medicare system
  • Technology in health care (e.g., digital consultation such as e-Visits NB)
  • Ethics within health care
  • Inequities in health care (e.g., people of visible ethnic minorities)
  • Patient’s Bill of Rights (e.g., patient rights and responsibilities for quality health care)
  • Ethics for healthcare professionals
  • Role of the Chief Privacy Officer of New Brunswick (e.g., keeping information safe)
  • Role of social media and privacy
Healthcare Wellness

  • Define personal health and wellness
  • Health promoting concepts (e.g., health habits, determinants of health)
  • Alternative aspects of health and medicine
  • Two eyed-seeing
  • Role of large corporations, media, advertisers, and government on the marketing and regulation of consumers’ choices (e.g., vaping, gender stereotypes, social media, etc.)
  • Healthy decision making (e.g., impacts on health)
Healthcare Consumers

  • Current issues in health care (e.g., vaccination, vaping, coronavirus, medical advice online)
  • Medical information (e.g., reliability, source checking)
Career Exploration

  • Distinction between healthcare profession and a healthcare professional
  • Attributes and skills required by a healthcare professional
  • Educational pathways for professions in health care
  • Characteristics of different health care professions
  • Academic requirements for entrance into various fields
  • Lifestyle impacts of healthcare professional (e.g., working hours, salary, scheduling, etc.)
  • Range of employment opportunities (e.g., locally, provincially, and nationally)

Strand: Health Care Delivery

Big Idea: History of Canadian health care

Skill Descriptor: Students will analyze the history of health care in Canada.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Compare current health care to health care before and after Medicare.
  • Describe the status of healthcare in New Brunswick.
  • Analyze issues related to Medicare.
  • Explain how Indigenous health outcomes have been impacted by first
  • European contact to Canada.
  • Explain the role of government in health care.
  • Describe how technology is changing health care.

Skill Descriptor: Students will examine privacy and confidentiality within health care.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examples how my rights as a healthcare consumer are protected.
  • Describe inequities in Canadian healthcare.
  • Analyze the concept of “Do No Harm” within the medical profession.
  • Describe a patient’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Demonstrate how to access the Office of the Integrity Commissioner for New Brunswick.
  • Examine ethical boundaries around social media and privacy.

Strand: Health Care Wellness

Big Idea: Health and Wellness

Skill Descriptor: Students will examine practices that support health and wellness.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Compare different definitions of health and wellness.
  • Examine various health concepts a person may apply to be healthy.
  • Examine how the determinants of health support personal and community health and wellness.
  • Discuss alternative medicines and practices that support health.
  • Explain how the concept of two eyed-seeing can positively impact health and well-being.
  • Explain how health and disease can co-exist.

Skill Descriptor: Students will evaluate the impact of lifestyle and healthcare decisions on a person’s health.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Analyze the role media and advertisements have on consumer choices and health.
  • Analyze the role of large corporations when marketing products.
  • Identify the credibility of products being marketed.
  • Evaluate the impact of lifestyle and healthcare decisions on a person’s health

Strand: Health Care Consumer

Big Idea: Informed consumers

Skill Descriptor: Students will demonstrate their knowledge and critical thinking regarding medical information taken from a variety of sources.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use various methods to access different sources of information (e.g., technology, newspapers, TV, magazines, guess speakers, etc.)
  • Determine if a medical source is reliable.
  • Formulate a research-based opinion.
  • Identify who is behind the information.
  • Determine the evidence to support information.
  • Analyze what other sources say about a topic.

Strand: Career Exploration

Big Idea: Health Care Pathways

Skill Descriptor: Students will examine the academic preparation needed to enter a healthcare field.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Differentiate between a healthcare profession and a professional.
  • Reflect on my attributes and skills and those that are required to pursue a career in health care.
  • Explain the academic requirements to enter various healthcare professions.
  • Engage with healthcare professionals about their profession.
  • Create a career pathway plan for a specific healthcare profession.

Skill Descriptor: Students will analyze the impact of lifestyle within different healthcare professions.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Consider how my chosen health care profession may impact my lifestyle.

Skill Descriptor: Students will determine the range of employment opportunities within health care.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify local, provincial, and national employment opportunities in health care.