High School Block:

Early Childhood Development 120

The vision of Early Childhood Development 120 is to engage learners in the developmental processes of young children. Understanding the stages of growth from conception to toddler will encourage learners to develop healthy strategies related to caregiving and recognize how to access supports as future caregivers and family leaders. Learners will consider the role they play in their own families’ and communities’ wellness and well-being.

Learners in Early Childhood Development 120 will explore the importance of creating a nurturing environment that includes emotional support, safety awareness, and access to basic requirements. This course is designed for learners who plan to undertake further studies in this or related fields, as well as learners who wish to expand their knowledge of the developing child. The topics include the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional well-being of the child from conception to toddler. This course also examines the importance of community and self-care in a healthy family.


Prenatal and infant wellness

  • Compare traditional and modern theories
  • Fertility options
  • Multiple births
  • Options for childbirth
    • Western
    • Global
  • Prenatal health
  • Community supports
  • Teratogens
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Embryonic and fetal stages of development
  • Care during delivery
  • Assessments at birth
  • UN Rights of the Child
The Developing Child

  • Changes from newborn to toddler:
    • Characteristics of a newborn
    • Gender expression
  • Developmental milestones
  • Communication skills
    • Non-verbal
    • Crying and babbling
    • Social influences
  • Motor skills development
  • Emotions
    • Early emotions
    • Self-regulation
    • Complex emotions
    • Attachment
    • Access to primary caregivers after separation
  • Socialization
Caring for the Whole Child

  • Caregiver needs:
    • Postnatal care for all caregivers
    • Childcare skills
    • Support from family and friends
    • Cultural and community support
  • Wabanaki perspectives on child-rearing
  • Child needs:
    • NB safety standards
    • Vaccinations and medical check-ups
    • SIDS precautions
    • Preventing shaken baby syndrome
    • Choking
  • Caregiver community supports
    • Social and health services
    • Income assistance programs
    • Legal services for children
    • Rights of disabled people

Strand: Prenatal and Infant Wellness

Big Idea: Child Development

Skill Descriptor: Describe what is meant by child development.

Global Competencies: CM, SGC, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss reasons why cultural contexts impact understandings of child development
  • Investigate how social and environmental factors influence growth and development
  • Examine current theories of development in children
  • Discuss the social/historical context of the “modern nuclear family” in western society
  • Examine child-rearing models around the world

Big Idea: Pregnancy and Conception

Skill Descriptor: Explore views about conception.

Global Competencies: CM, SGC, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Outline the stages of conception
  • Examine diverse views on fertility and childbirth
  • Investigate why the UN Rights of the Child were created and how it is reflected locally and globally

Skill Descriptor: Examine how pregnancy impacts expectant caregivers.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine emotional and physical influences of pregnancy on the biological mother
  • Explain the emotional impact of pregnancy on the expectant caregivers
  • Consider the importance of social supports during pregnancy

Big Idea: Prenatal Development and Wellness

Skill Descriptor: Outline human development during a prenatal period.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, CTPS, S

Achievement Indicators:

  • Classify steps of prenatal development
  • Discuss potential complications and their impact during prenatal development
  • Discuss inheritability traits
  • Distinguish between the types of multiple pregnancies
  • Describe ways in which family members can be involved during pregnancy and childbirth

Strand: The Developing Child

Big Idea: Development from Newborn through Infancy

Skill Descriptor: Investigate the physical changes in the first year.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss unique physical characteristics of a newborn which may cause concern for new parents
  • Examine physical and neural growth changes
  • Detail motor skills development from newborn to infancy

Skill Descriptor: Examine the cognitive changes in the first year.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify the milestones of cognitive development
  • Discuss the importance of sensory learning in newborns
  • Recognize how expressive and receptive communication skills develop

Skill Descriptor: Highlight the social and emotional needs in the first year.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine the importance of bonding and attachment to emotional growth in infants
  • Discuss the importance of healthy attachments with multiple caregivers
  • Evaluate the influence of socialization on future language development
  • Determine the characteristics of temperamental differences in infants

Big Idea: Toddler Development

Skill Descriptor: Examine the physical changes experienced in the toddler years.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe the physical characteristics of a toddler
  • Differentiate gross motor and fine motor skills development
  • Investigate strategies for motor skills development

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate an understanding of cognitive development in toddlers.

Global Competencies: ICE, CTPS, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Evaluate play-based learning as a strategy to enhance cognitive skills
  • Assess the influence of external factors on communication skill development
  • Examine the changes in neuroprocessing
  • Discuss the importance of reading diverse literature to young children
  • Discuss how gender expression emerges in toddlers

Skill Descriptor: Analyze the importance of social-emotional development in children.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Discuss the progression of emotional expression through infancy to toddler
  • Examine ways to encourage self-regulation in toddlers
  • Reflect on and share current examples of pro-social and anti-social behaviour

Strand: Caring for the Whole Child

Big Idea: Child Care and Safety

Skill Descriptor: Examine ways to ensure newborns and infants are in a safe environment.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Research ways to protect children from diseases and illnesses
  • Examine post-natal physical and emotional needs for caregivers and newborns
  • Identify agencies working on behalf of children
  • Outline what is necessary for a safe environment for newborns and infants
  • Investigate child safety laws and regulations in New Brunswick

Big Idea: Communities as Family

Skill Descriptor: Investigate ways to establish a healthy transition when introducing a new family member.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe supportive ways to introduce a new family member
  • Investigate strategies to support post-partum needs of caregivers
  • Explain the importance of self-care while caring for a newborn or child
  • Discuss options for nourishing a newborn through to toddler
  • Consider ways to evaluate personal readiness for having a child

Skill Descriptor: Appreciate social and cultural influences on child-rearing.

Global Competencies: SGC, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Examine how social relationships and identity of Wabanaki Peoples are shaped by the natural environment
  • Reflect on and share diverse approaches to child-rearing
  • Identify services within the community to support caregivers

Big Idea: Career connections

Skill Descriptor: Examine career pathways related to child development.

Global Competencies: CTPS, ICE, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Connect ones learning to a potential career pathway
  • Explore opportunities for engaging in career-connected experiential learning related to child development