High School Block:

Mathematics 9

Mathematics in Grade 9 represents the end of the K-9 mathematics continuum of learning. Learners work
individually, with partners, or in teams within the context of critical thinking, reasoning and justification, and
problem-solving. They apply exponent laws, proportional reasoning, and work with polynomials, and interpret,
interpolate, and extrapolate graphs. Learners develop their understanding, communicate, and justify through
concrete, pictorial, and/or symbolic representations of mathematics. Problem-solving includes the use of
mathematical tools (manipulatives), graphing, written work, and technology. Learners apply and consolidate
primary, elementary, and middle level mathematical knowledge and the processes of communication, connection,
reasoning, problem-solving, technology, and visualization. Complex and formal mathematics allows learners to
quantify and organize their world.




  • Using algorithms, mental procedures, technology/tools, and other strategies
  • Determining appropriate units of measure and precision
  • Using the most efficient strategies
  • Determining the reasonableness of the answer and explaining thinking
  • Verifying solutions with substitution
  • Simplifying
  • Comparing


  • Deriving mathematical rules and algorithms
  • Using calculators
  • Modeling and using simulations
  • Working with exponent laws
  • Extrapolation and interpolation
  • Using area tiles
  • Order and angle of rotation
  • Samples
  • Determining intervals or classes and range
  • Working with circles, chords, central angles, inscribed angles, arcs, tangents, points of tangency
  • Creating scale diagrams
  • Working with line and rotational symmetry
  • Working with and/or collecting population and census data
  • Creating histograms
  • Creating frequency tables


  • Conversion between formats, representations, and equivalents of numbers
  • Ways to present information/data
  • Similarity
  • Scale


  • Continuous data
  • Using variable terms and constant terms
  • Using coefficients, exponents, powers, and bases
  • Working with rational numbers
  • Working with inequalities
  • Polynomial expressions
  • Using degrees of terms and degrees of polynomials
  • Using titles, labels for axis, values
  • Addressing data and mathematical assumptions

Strand: Number

Big Idea: Number Sense

Skill Descriptor: Describe numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify numbers with square roots that are between two benchmarks
  • Identify rational numbers that are between two benchmark rational numbers
  • Make approximations using the roots of perfect squares as benchmarks
  • Determine square roots of rational numbers (that are perfect squares) using technology
  • Determine square roots of positive rational numbers that are perfect squares
  • Determine the corresponding positive rational numbers given square roots
  • Order rational numbers in fraction and decimal form using number lines
  • Identify errors in calculations of square roots
  • Explain why square roots of rational numbers shown on calculators may be approximations

Skill Descriptor: Describe powers with integral bases and whole number exponents (excluding base 0).

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Represent powers concretely, pictorially, or symbolically
  • Record powers as repeated multiplication and vice-versa
  • Evaluate powers with integral bases (excluding base 0) and whole number exponents
  • Explain the difference between two powers where the exponent and base are interchanged
  • Explain the role of parentheses in powers by evaluating a given set of powers
  • Demonstrate the difference between the exponent and the base
  • Demonstrate that a^0 is equal to 1 for a given value of a (a ≠ 0) using patterns

Big Idea: Operations

Skill Descriptor: Apply the order of operations, including exponents.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify errors in applying the order of operations
  • Solve expressions involving operations on rational numbers in fraction forms and decimal forms
  • Apply the order of operations to solve problems

Skill Descriptor: Apply operations to powers (integral bases excluding base 0, and whole-number exponents).

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify errors in simplifications of expressions involving powers
  • Determine the sum or difference of powers
  • Apply exponent laws to evaluate expressions
  • Explain exponent laws of powers with integral bases (excluding base 0) and whole number exponents
  • Solve exponent problems

Strand: Statistics and Probability

Big Idea: Data Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Compare and critique the presentation of data.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify mathematical data examples of discrimination and racism in contemporary forms of media, including popular culture, movies, and literature
  • Identify potential problems and describe limitations with data collection choices in case studies that use populations to answer questions
  • Analyze how and why some perspectives get privileged over Wabanaki perspectives by examining power relations in data collection
  • Analyze case studies involving data collection
  • Critique generalizations made from samples of populations and determine if they are valid or not valid for the populations

Skill Descriptor: Create and interpret graphs to solve problems.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe patterns found in graphs
  • Identify attributes of histograms including title, labels for axes, and intervals
  • Match equations with their corresponding graphs
  • Create histograms from sets of data
  • Graph linear relations, including horizontal and vertical lines
  • Extrapolate graphs to determine unknown elements
  • Extrapolate and interpolate approximate values of variables on graphs given the value of the other variable
  • Explain why sets of data can be represented by histograms (continuous data) or bar graphs (discrete data)
  • Interpret histograms to answer questions
  • Analyze graphs to solve problems

Big Idea: Chance and Uncertainty

Skill Descriptor: Describe theoretical, experimental, and subjective probability in society.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify assumptions and limitations associated with probabilities
  • Analyze examples where probability can be used to support opposing positions
  • Analyze examples where probability is used in forms of media
  • Analyze examples of decisions based on probability that may be a combination of theoretical probability, experimental probability, and subjective judgment

Strand: Patterns and Relations

Big Idea: Algebra

Skill Descriptor: Solve linear equations.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe contexts for solving linear equations
  • Represent problems using linear equations concretely, pictorially, or symbolically
  • Record linear equations representing patterns in tables of values
  • Record the process of solving linear equations
  • Verify linear equations by substituting values from tables
  • Verify solutions to linear equations by substituting rational numbers
  • Justify solutions of linear equations
  • Solve linear pattern problems using linear equations

Skill Descriptor: Solve linear inequalities (single variable with rational coefficients).

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Translate problems into single variable linear inequalities using the symbols ≥, >, < or ≤
  • Determine if rational numbers are possible solutions for linear inequalities
  • Graph solutions of linear inequalities
  • Verify solutions of linear inequalities by substitution
  • Explain the algebraic process of solving linear inequalities and linear equations
  • Explain and compare solutions of linear equations and linear inequalities
  • Apply rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative numbers to solve inequalities
  • Solve problems involving linear inequalities

Skill Descriptor: Describe polynomials (limited to polynomials of a degree less than or equal to 2).

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe contexts for first-degree polynomial expressions
  • Identify the variables, degree, number of terms, and coefficients (including the constant term) of simplified polynomial expressions
  • Match equivalent polynomial expressions in simplified form
  • Represent polynomial expressions concretely, pictorially, or symbolically
  • Record expressions for models of polynomials

Skill Descriptor: Apply operations to polynomial expressions (limited to polynomials of a degree less than or equal to 2).

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify like and unlike terms
  • Identify or provide examples of equivalent polynomial expressions pictorially or symbolically
  • Identify errors in simplification of polynomial expressions
  • Represent the addition and subtraction of polynomial expressions concretely, pictorially, or symbolically
  • Represent multiplication and division of polynomial expressions by monomials concretely, pictorially, or symbolically
  • Apply personal strategies for the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of polynomial expressions

Strand: Shape and Space

Big Idea: Measurement

Skill Descriptor: Estimate and measure using personal referents and measurement tools.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify faces of cylinders and prisms
  • Determine the area of overlap of composite or concrete 3D right cylinders, right rectangular prisms, and right triangular prisms
  • Determine surface area of composite or concrete 3D right cylinders, right rectangular prisms, and right triangular prisms
  • Apply strategies for determining the surface area of right cylinders, right rectangular and right triangular prisms
  • Explain the relationship between area of 2D shapes and surface area of composite or concrete 3D objects
  • Explain the effect of overlap on determining the surface area of composite or concrete 3D right cylinders, right rectangular prisms, and right triangular prisms

Skill Descriptor: Apply properties of circles to solve problems.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Determine the measure of angles inscribed in semicircles
  • Demonstrate that perpendicular lines from the centre of circles to chords, bisect the chord
  • Demonstrate that measures of central angles are equal to twice the measure of the inscribed angle subtended by the same arc
  • Demonstrate that inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are congruent
  • Demonstrate that tangents to a circle are perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency
  • Explain relationships between centres of circles, chords, and perpendicular bisectors of chords

Big Idea: 3D Objects and 2D Shapes

Skill Descriptor: Describe polygons and 3D objects.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe composite and concrete 3D objects including top, front, and side views
  • Compare views of composite 3D objects to the views of concrete 3D objects
  • Create composite or concrete 3D objects given top, front, and side views
  • Create top, front, and side views that result from rotations around the vertical axis (limited to multiples of 90 degrees)
  • Create polygons that are similar to given polygons
  • Predict top, front and side views that would result from described rotations around the vertical axis and (limited to multiples of 90 degrees)
  • Explain why sets of polygons are not similar
  • Explain the relationship between corresponding sides of similar polygons
  • Explain why right triangles with shared acute angles are similar
  • Solve problems that involve similarity of polygons

Skill Descriptor: Describe line and rotational symmetry.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe types of symmetry, line, rotational symmetry, order, and angle of rotation in examples of art
  • Describe types of symmetry that result from transformations of 2D shapes
  • Describe the order and angle of rotation of 2D shapes or designs with rotational symmetry
  • Identify lines of symmetry or the order and angle of rotational symmetry in tessellations
  • Classify 2D shapes or designs according to the number of lines of symmetry
  • Compare 2D shapes by determining rotational or line symmetry
  • Determine if 2D shapes or designs have rotational symmetry about the centre point of the shape or design
  • Record coordinates and complete 2D shapes or designs given one half of the shape or design and a line of symmetry
  • Record coordinates and complete transformations of 2D shapes
  • Rotate 2D shapes about a vertex
  • Apply translation rules to translate images of shapes and label vertexes and corresponding ordered pairs
  • Explain why translations do not result in line or rotational symmetry

Skill Descriptor: Solve scale diagram problems involving 2D shapes by using properties of similar triangles.

Global Competencies: CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Provide examples of scale diagrams in forms of media
  • Enlarge and reduce 2D shapes
  • Determine scale factors for diagrams drawn to scale
  • Determine if diagrams are proportional to original 2D shapes
  • Determine the scale factor of proportional scale diagrams of 2D shapes
  • Interpret scale factors of scale diagrams