High School Block:

Oral Communication Techniques 110

This is a practical course that is designed to increase learner confidence when speaking and interacting through the authentic use of the French language. While it contains elements of reading and viewing (15%), as well as writing (15%), the primary purpose of the course is to promote the development of oral competencies (70%). These skills include oral comprehension (listening), oral production (self-expression), and oral interaction (taking part in conversation). It is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and will be available to all high schools either in person or through the online platform (D2L Brightspace).

This course is a language elective and may be taken as a Grade 11/12 credit. The intended audience may be learners in French Immersion or English Prime who have successfully completed the Grade 10 French requirement – French Immersion Language Arts (FILA) 10 or Post-Intensive French (PIF) 10. Learners will enrol in the course to supplement required French offerings to improve their oral French skills and in preparation for Oral Proficiency Interviews.

Learners will self-assess using a CEFR-aligned language portfolio in the first two weeks of class. Simultaneously, they will be assessed by their instructor using the same instrument. Individual learning objectives will be collaboratively established by the learner and the educator.

While some time will be spent reading and writing (15% each) the bulk of class time will be used by learners to consume, discuss and present information of interest within four predetermined themes. The new curriculum will stress Global Competencies by extending student understanding of communication, self-awareness, global citizenship, innovation, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving. It will draw from the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) from the A1.2 to the C1.2 levels. Curriculum resources and supports will be reviewed and updated as necessary within a five-year cycle.


Strand: Oral Comprehension (listening)

Big Idea: Variety of types of oral speech

Skill Descriptor:

  • Plan to listen using strategies appropriate for the situation of communication and the task at hand.
  • Understand oral speech and decode familiar, complex, and abstract sound messages.
  • Manage own learning with the goal of improving listening competency.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can understand the gist of very basic information provided in a predictable situation, e.g. a tourist guide, as long as it is presented very slowly and clearly and interspersed with long pauses
  • Can recognize concrete information about a familiar day-to-day topic as long as it is clear and delivered slowly
  • Can locate concrete information (e.g. about places and times) in short recordings concerning familiar day-to-day topics as long as it is presented slowly using clear language


  • Can understand the gist of basic information provided in a predictable situation, e.g. a tourist guide (“This is where the President lives”)
  • Can grasp the key point of brief, simple, and clear advertisements or messages
  • Can understand the key points of a story and follow the general plot as long as it is told slowly and clearly


  • Can understand the general meaning of discussions about familiar topics
  • Can understand what is said if people speak slowly and clearly
  • Can manage own learning with assistance with the goal of improving listening competency in French


  • Can understand the main points of discussions concerning familiar topics
  • Can understand the substance of what is said about familiar and, occasionally, unfamiliar topics
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving listening competency in French


  • Can easily understand what is said in standard spoken language
  • Can follow conversations on a variety of topics
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving listening competency in French


  • Can understand exactly what is said in standard spoken language
  • Can generally understand arguments used in a discussion about a familiar topic
  • Can correctly identify the other speaker’s mood and tone
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving listening competency in French
  • Can easily follow detailed instructions


  • Can easily follow detailed instructions
  • Can follow presentations in areas of personal experience and interest
  • Can understand what is said in standard language, whether in person or recorded, even in a noisy environment
  • Can listen to current events, identify the key ideas, and form own opinion
  • Can understand the point of view and setting of discussions on social or academic topics
  • Can easily manage own learning with the goal of improving listening competency in French


  • Can understand a variety of programs from different media sources in familiar or highly formal language
  • Can easily follow complex exchanges in a debate, even on abstract or unfamiliar topics


  • Can understand all programs from different media sources on complex and abstract topics, regardless of context
  • Can follow all complex exchanges, even on abstract and unfamiliar topics

Big Idea: Produce a message

Skill Descriptor:

  • Convey a variety of simple or complex messages according to the intention of communication.
  • Explore the language for the purpose of enjoyment in informal and/or formal situations through use of supported arguments.
  • Plan oral production and analyze the situation of communication considering the target audience.
  • Manage own learning with the goal of improving oral competency.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM, CTPS, CL

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can describe basic aspects of own daily life using a series of simple phrases, words or signs and simple expressions as long as it is possible to prepare in advance
  • Can produce isolated, simple expressions about people and things
  • Can use a very short prepared text to make a repeated statement (e.g. to introduce someone formally, to propose a toast)


  • Can simply describe or introduce people, living or working situations, daily activities, or things liked or disliked, using short series of expressions or phrases from a list
  • Can make a repeated brief, basic presentation on a familiar topic
  • Can make very brief prepared announcements with predictable, pre-learned content that are intelligible to attentive listeners


  • Can speak in general terms about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a short presentation on a cultural topic of personal interest
  • Can orally summarize the main idea of short cultural excerpts from different media sources
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can speak in detail about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a short presentation on a familiar cultural topic and answer clear questions
  • Can orally summarize a few key points of short cultural excerpts from various media sources
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can speak with precision about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a short cultural presentation and answer questions
  • Can orally summarize some key points of short cultural excerpts from different media sources
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can orally summarize short excerpts from different media sources
  • Can provide clear, detailed descriptions on numerous topics related to areas of personal interest
  • Can clearly explain and highlight the main points of an excerpt
  • Can present a problem critically and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the various solutions to the problem
  • Can orally summarize the plot and sequence of events in a movie, television show, or other cultural media source
  • Can largely understand and identify the key points of cultural documentaries on television or from other cultural media sources
  • Can write essays and other detailed texts
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can orally summarize the plot and sequence of events in a movie, television show or other media source
  • Can provide clear, effectively developed, and detailed descriptions supported by examples on a variety of cultural topics
  • Can spontaneously set aside a prepared text to explore points of greater interest to an audience
  • Can explain a current culture-related topic critically by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages
  • Can easily manage own learning with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can communicate clearly in a structured, detailed manner concerning complex topics while also taking turns speaking
  • Can easily follow complex exchanges in a debate, even on abstract and unfamiliar topics


  • Can confidently field detailed questions and then spontaneously resume the conversation
  • Can give a detailed description or report about a relevant experience or topic by incorporating themes, expanding on specific points and drawing conclusions appropriately

Big Idea: Converse

Skill Descriptor:

  • Convey and exchange ideas and opinions to interact confidently in familiar and abstract situations.
  • Participate in formal and informal situations while respecting the standards of Francophone language and culture.
  • React easily and spontaneously in a multitude of situations.
  • Manage own learning with the goal of improving oral interaction competency.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can interact simply but communication depends entirely on slow repetition, rephrasing, and correction. Can ask and answer simple questions and make and react to simple statements in relation to immediate needs or concerning very familiar topics
  • Can take part in a simple factual conversation on a predictable topic (e.g. own living situation, country, family, studies)
  • Can ask and answer simple questions and can make and react to simple statements in relation to immediate needs or concerning very familiar topics
  • Can, during conversation, answer simple personal questions asked very slowly and clearly using direct, non-idiomatic language


  • Can chat in basic terms with peers, co-workers or members of a host family, ask questions about very ordinary topics and understand the answers
  • Can communicate while performing a simple, ordinary task requiring only the basic, direct exchange of information on familiar topics related to work and leisure activities
  • Can manage very brief social exchanges but is rarely able to understand enough to voluntarily keep a conversation going
  • Can indicate likes and dislikes
  • Can state thoughts about things if addressed directly at a formal meeting as long as it is possible for the other person to repeat if necessary
  • Can express feelings making use of very basic stock phrases


  • Can have short conversations with friends on topics of personal interest
  • Can exchange key information about own family, leisure activities, school, or work
  • Can convey factual information outside of personal interests
  • Can ask someone to repeat what was said
  • Can present a line of reasoning with some help and make certain arguments
  • Can manage own learning with help, with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can exchange information about own family, leisure activities, school, work, and happenings of general interest
  • Can convey a various piece of factual information outside of personal interests
  • Can ask someone to rephrase information
  • Can have conversations and express feelings about familiar topics.
  • Can present a line of reasoning and make certain arguments
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can exchange detailed information about own family, leisure activities, school, and work
  • Can convey factual information, including secondary aspects
  • Can ask someone to rephrase information or key points
  • Can have fairly long conversations about topics of interest
  • Can develop a line of reasoning and make main arguments
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can have a clear, wide-ranging conversation on diverse topics in areas of personal interest
  • Can initiate, maintain, and end a conversation
  • Can speak in detail about own experiences and justify the emotions experienced
  • Can share own ideas on familiar topics
  • Can clearly develop an argument, linking ideas logically and supporting viewpoints using appropriate examples
  • Can ask others to clarify their points of view
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can initiate, maintain, and end a conversation, while encouraging the other person to take part
  • Can develop supported arguments while adding details
  • Can interact concerning familiar, unfamiliar, or abstract topics
  • Can express self, negotiate and answer tactfully taking into consideration the feelings, attitudes, opinions, tone of voice, and viewpoints advanced by others
  • Can rephrase the other person’s message and ask for clarification of any points not understood
  • Can easily manage own learning with the goal of improving oral competency in French


  • Can communicate clearly in a structured, detailed manner concerning complex topics while also taking turns speaking


  • Can confidently field detailed questions and then spontaneously resume the conversation

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Texts and visual messages

Skill Descriptor:

  • Plan reading and viewing of media sources using strategies appropriate for the situation of communication and task at hand.
  • Manage own learning with the goal of improving reading and viewing competency.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can get an idea of the content of a fairly simple informative text and short, simple descriptions, especially when accompanied by a visual document
  • Can understand short illustrated stories about daily activities written using simple words
  • Can find and understand important but basic information in advertisements, event programs, handouts, and brochures (e.g. what is being promoted, prices, date, place, start time)


  • Can understand most information in a short description of someone (e.g. a celebrity)
  • Can understand short stories and descriptions about someone’s life if written using simple words
  • Can understand a short factual description or report in own field as long as the language is simple and does not include any unanticipated details


  • Can locate the main information in simple articles based on the visual elements
  • Can understand the main elements of short, simple texts on familiar, basic topics
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving reading competency in French
  • Can understand the main points of short documentaries on television or from other media sources if the language is simple


  • Can locate and understand key information found in a variety of texts
  • Can understand simple, factual texts on familiar topics
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving reading competency in French
  • Can understand the main points of documentaries on television or from other media sources if the language is simple


  • Can scan simple, factual texts and identify what they are about and whether they contain any information that may be useful
  • Can understand texts on current topics or opinion pieces
  • Can manage own learning with help with the goal of improving reading competency in French
  • Can largely understand documentaries on television or from other media sources if the topic is familiar


  • Can quickly grasp the key points of news articles and decide whether they are worth reading
  • Can read news and/or novels written in a simple language and style and identify their relevant elements
  • Can manage own learning with some help with the goal of improving reading competency in French


  • Can largely understand documentaries on television or from other media sources and pick out their key points
  • Can understand specialized articles in own area of expertise using reference tools if necessary
  • Can identify, and draw conclusions from, the main elements of a written text
  • Can summarize information and arguments from various sources (such as articles, presentations, and exhibitions)
  • Can easily manage own learning with the goal of improving reading competency in French
  • Can understand the details of documentaries on television or from other media sources


  • Can understand a variety of literary texts
  • Can easily understand movies and interviews on television containing large amounts of jargon and idiomatic expressions

Strand: Writing and other ways of representing

Big Idea: Produce texts

Skill Descriptor:

  • Write texts meeting a real or imaginary need to propose a worldview and to explore language.
  • Manage own learning with the goal of improving writing competency.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM, CTPS, CL

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can use simple words or signs and expressions to describe certain familiar objects (e.g. colour of a vehicle, own physical appearance)
  • Can provide information on relevant topics from own personal life (e.g. likes and dislikes, family, pets) using simple words and expressions
  • Can produce simple phrases and expressions about self or imaginary persons indicating where they live and what they do


  • Can create journal entries describing activities (e.g. daily pursuits, outings, sports, pastimes), people, and places, using concrete vocabulary and simple phrases and expressions with basic connectors like “et,” “mais,” and “parce que”
  • Can produce a series of simple phrases and expressions about own family, living situation, or current or last job
  • Can create imaginary biographies and short, simple poems about people


  • Can identify the key points of a movie or book
  • Can write simple texts about experiences or events. Can visually describe a character or person
  • Can manage own learning with help, with the goal of improving writing competency in French


  • Can write a summary of a movie or book
  • Can write short, simple texts about topics of interest
  • Can visually summarize familiar content
  • Can manage own learning with assistance with the goal of improving writing competency in French


  • Can summarize a plot from different sources (movie, song, video, television show)
  • Can express own point of view regarding a topic of personal interest
  • Can write briefly about plans for the future
  • Can manage own learning with some help, with the goal of improving writing competency in French


  • Can summarize a plot and the sequence of events from various sources (movie, song, video, television show)
  • Can write detailed texts such as essays, reports, or summaries, on a variety of topics of personal interest
  • Can present a problem and make a systematic argument about it in essay form
  • Can manage own learning with some help, with the goal of improving writing competency in French


  • Can express own opinion on various aspects of a topic and arguments for or against some aspect
  • Can write a text or report, developing complex supported arguments and highlighting main points
  • Can write a clear text to express personal or abstract ideas
  • Can easily manage own learning with the goal of improving writing competency in French


  • Can take notes or summarize a complex topic, while highlighting key points

Strand: Sociolinguistic appropriacy and cultural repertoire

Big Idea: Respect diverse cultures, values, and traditions

Skill Descriptor:

  • Engage and raise awareness regarding the various aspects of the French language and cultures of La Francophonie in a global intercultural community.

Global Competencies: CM, SASM, CTPS, CL

Achievement Indicators:


  • Can repeat a few simple facts having to do with the diverse cultures of La Francophonie
  • Can understand certain main points of short cultural documentaries using basic vocabulary
  • Can recognize that a media source is from La Francophonie and is in French
  • Can identify a document as being from a Francophone source


  • Can answer some basic questions about own life
  • Can understand main points of a media source from La Francophonie
  • Can speak in general terms about the culture of La Francophonie
  • Can create lists or basic phrases about experiences or events related to Francophone culture


  • Can speak in general terms about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a brief cultural presentation on a topic of personal interest
  • Can understand the main points of short cultural documentaries on television or from other cultural media sources if the language is simple
  • Can write simple texts about experiences or events related to the Francophone culture


  • Can speak in detail about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a brief cultural presentation on a familiar topic and answer clear questions
  • Can orally summarize some key points of short cultural excerpts from different media sources
  • Can understand the main points of cultural documentaries on television or from other cultural media sources if the language is simple
  • Can write short, simple texts on topics related to La Francophonie


  • Can speak with precision about own experiences, feelings, and reactions
  • Can make a short cultural presentation and answer questions
  • Can orally summarize various key points drawn from short cultural excerpts from different media sources
  • Can understand the main points of cultural documentaries on television or from other cultural media sources if the language is simple
  • Can write short, simple texts on topics related to La Francophonie


  • Can provide clear, detailed descriptions on a variety of cultural topics related to areas of interest
  • Can explain clearly and highlight the main points of a cultural excerpt
  • Can present a problem critically and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions to this problem
  • Can orally summarize the plot and sequence of events in a movie, television show, or program from another cultural media source
  • Can largely understand, and identify the key points of, cultural documentaries on television or from other media sources
  • Can write essays and other detailed texts


  • Can provide clear, effectively developed, and detailed descriptions supported by examples on a variety of cultural topics
  • Can spontaneously set aside own prepared text to explore points of greater interest to an audience
  • Can explain a current culture-related topic critically and analyze associated advantages and disadvantages
  • Can understand the details of, and draw conclusions from, cultural documentaries on television or from other cultural media sources
  • Can write a concise text expressing personal, abstract, or cultural ideas


  • Can communicate in a clear, structured, and detailed manner concerning complex topics and take turns speaking
  • Can easily understand cultural movies and interviews on television containing large amounts of jargon and idiomatic expressions


  • Can give a detailed description or report about a relevant experience or topic, incorporating themes, expanding on specific points, and drawing conclusions appropriately