High School Block:

French Immersion Language Arts 9 (G3E)

In Grade 9, learners are embracing the concept of bilingualism and can understand detailed messages. French
Immersion Language Arts is structured using a comprehensive literacy approach whereby learners, with the
support of the educator, develop skills and competencies in oral language, reading, and writing. Learners are
engaged in authentic and personalized learning experiences and can speak with confidence about subjects in
which they have prior knowledge and participate in conversations on familiar and studied subjects, subjects of
personal interest, current events, and concepts explored through other subject areas.

Learners are comfortable with making choices based on their own interests and can respond to what they read in
a meaningful and critical manner by making connections with prior knowledge. Learners are adept at following
the steps of the writing process, discussing ideas orally, engaging in modeled writing tasks, and creating their own
writing pieces. In Grade 9, learners continue to write about topics of personal interest, concepts explored through
other subject areas, and various current events. They can share and justify their opinions and feelings in their


Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Oral Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Use listening strategies to understand the overall meaning and essential elements of a more complex and detailed message related to topics of interest or current events or providing information and incorporating elements of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Make connections and comparisons between known and new information
  • Identify important ideas, facts, and opinions or details, examples, and descriptions
  • Make notes on the topic or theme of a presentation and attach own ideas and/or questions
  • Demonstrate understanding and take part in everyday conversations if familiar with the accent
  • Follow the main ideas of long conversations generally if people speak clearly
  • Follow a lecture or presentation in class or on a topic of interest if familiar with the subject and the presentation is clearly structured
  • Demonstrate understanding of information in spoken advertisements and other recordings if they are pronounced in standard language
  • Demonstrate understanding of the message of most TV shows on topics of personal interest if people speak clearly
  • Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of the message in songs related to Francophone culture

Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Present, in various formats, knowledge, ideas, opinions, and arguments on topics of interest and current events by using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate a way to capture the interest of listeners (e.g., share an interesting fact, ask a question)
  • Choose the appropriate vocabulary depending on the intent of the message (convincing, informing, entertaining, expressing oneself, or telling a story)

Skill Descriptor: Express knowledge, ideas, and feelings and justify opinions with arguments on topics of interest and current events by using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Check with listeners to see if the message is understood (e.g., observe their facial expressions and gestures, ask questions, ask them to repeat the message, listen to and respond to their questions and comments)
  • Express feelings clearly about something that has happened and explain why
  • Express and justify opinions on various topics related to daily life
  • Speak understandably and with relative ease for a period of time, sometimes with pauses to think about what to say next or to correct an error made
  • Use a wide variety of words and expressions but with regular pauses to think about what to say next
  • Present arguments well enough to be understood without difficulty most of the time
  • Give detailed practical instructions on how to do something (cooking, looking after a pet, using technology, etc.)
  • Speak in sufficient detail about similarities and differences between different regions, celebrities, events, etc.
  • Describe an incident or event while making the main points clear
  • Give a prepared presentation and answer clearly asked questions
  • Summarize new information from various sources on familiar topics and present it to others
  • Use expressions related to Francophone culture

Skill Descriptor: Participate actively in and encourage the exchange of ideas and opinions on topics of interest and current events using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary, and expressions of Francophone culture.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Start a conversation, express opinions and ideas, and ask questions to keep it going
  • Express opinions on abstract topics, describe personal reactions, and ask others what they think
  • State a problem and explain why it is a problem
  • Compare and contrast options and possibilities and discuss what to do, where to go, etc.
  • Give practical instructions in the form of steps to follow to make a pizza, use an ATM, purchase music online, etc.
  • Complain effectively (e.g., to a seller if something is of poor quality or broken)
  • Have lengthy conversations on topics of mutual interest if everyone makes an effort to understand each other
  • Express opinions and make suggestions when working with others
  • Participate in group communications activities using technology to explore and/or solve simple problems and accomplish simple tasks
  • Share ideas and experiences using new technologies for oral production, oral interaction, and writing

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Use appropriate strategies to manage the comprehension of a text according to its complexity.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Recognize types of texts and their reading intention
  • Participate in reading activities in different contexts to come to an overall understanding of a text
  • Skim through simple factual texts in magazines, brochures, user guides, textbooks, websites, etc. to determine if they contain useful information
  • Identify the main conclusion of texts that clearly argue a viewpoint
  • Distinguish the main and secondary ideas in a short text on a familiar topic
  • Read simplified versions of novels and stories that are clearly structured making minimal use of dictionaries or other reference sources
  • Answer literal questions (read the lines)
  • Answer related inference questions (read between the lines)
  • Answer evaluative questions (read beyond the lines)

Skill Descriptor: Use appropriate strategies to grasp the meaning of vocabulary and the elements of Francophone culture of a text according to its complexity.

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read and understand simple factual texts on topics related to personal interests or school subjects
  • Demonstrate understanding of short texts on current topics or opinion pieces
  • Demonstrate understanding of the main idea of short, clear letters related to personal interests with the use of a dictionary or other reference sources
  • Skim through a user guide or other instructions to find and understand explanations and directions regarding a specific issue
  • Find the most important information in authentic documents such as announcements, brochures, or timetables depending on the vocabulary used

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Produce Texts

Skill Descriptor: Write a variety of texts about topics of interest and academic topics.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write for the purpose of informing, explaining, entertaining, or expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions
  • Identify the intention and choose the type of text related to the target audience
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of abstract things of personal concern (e.g., rules at school) and justify your opinion
  • Express an opinion on abstract or controversial topics (e.g., texting while driving) if the specific vocabulary related to the theme is known
  • Take notes while listening
  • Describe something in detail (e.g., a new video game)
  • Write a text on current topics of personal interest (climate change, human rights, etc.) and make points about what is especially important
  • Write blog posts, opinion pieces, or letters expressing various viewpoints describing feelings, experiences, and facts in detail
  • Write standard formal letters following a model text
  • Write a simple summary or story containing factual information on familiar topics

Skill Descriptor: Write texts following the phases of the writing process.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify strategies that will help before, during, and after writing
  • Plan writing using a graphic organizer
  • Write a first draft
  • Use print or non-print resources, including technology, to help write words and simple sentences
  • Reread the text to self-correct using resources in the classroom (model texts, success criteria list, word wall, visual supports, personal dictionary, theme wall, readers, etc.)
  • Meet in a group or one on one with peers to correct the texts
  • Publish a text of choice
  • Use print or non-print resources, including technology, to help write words and simple sentences

Skill Descriptor: Write texts using the writing traits from model texts.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Present ideas related to any topic
  • Put ideas in logical order
  • Compose simple and complex sentences
  • Spell common words correctly
  • Correctly spell the words worked on in class that are related to the theme
  • Start to use the right determiners (la, le, les, l’, des, ma, mon, notre, ces, ses, son, sa, etc.)