High School Block:

Creative Arts

Creative Arts: The concepts Create, Connect and Communicate are central to learning in and through creative arts. Create refers to the learner’s ability to create artistic works, compose music, sing, play instruments, and perform individually or within a group. Create also balances process with product. Connect and Communicate refer to the learner’s ability to analyze, appreciate, and evaluate creative arts.

Through prescribed creative arts courses, learners develop skills and concepts related to drama, music, and visual art. Learners also develop confidence as performers and creators; develop understanding of the role of the arts in society and its power to affect change; practise respect for varying opinions and tastes; and potentially discover lifelong learning pathways.

PL Hub: Creative Arts

Courses and Cluster Options

Compulsory Creative Arts 4 credit hour minimum:

Preferred Options for Scheduling: Creative Arts 110, Dramatic Arts 110/120, Graphic Art and Design 110, Music 10, Music 112/122, Music 120 (World Music), Visual Arts 10, Visual Arts 110/120, Fashion Technology and Design 110/120*, Media Studies 120* (updated version – 2023), Digital Production 120*, Approved AP/IB Creative Arts courses

*Courses with an asterisk may be used to fulfil the requirements for no more than one cluster.

To endeavour to support this cluster in the development of a well-rounded citizen, schools with approved Locally Developed Courses identified as Creative Arts may accept these for the fulfilment of credit hours in the Creative Arts. Active courses: Indigenous/ Wabanaki Art 110, Recording and Sound Design 120, Contemporary Directors in Film 120, Introduction to Cinema 120, History of Rock and Roll 120, Popular Music 120, Art History 120, Art in Atlantic Canada 120, Photography 120, 3D Studies 120; others may be considered in the future.

Note: EECD will expand the variety of prescribed creative arts curriculum over the next few years.