elementary Block:

Intensive French

French Learning Experiences seeks to create a positive and enriching environment for learners to develop their
French language skills. By integrating French into their routine, learners can naturally and authentically develop
their skills. The program provides early exposure to the French language and offers engaging experiences to
cultivate a lifelong interest in French culture, while highlighting the benefits of learning an additional language.

This program places a strong emphasis on fostering an understanding and appreciation of French culture. Learners
will be exposed to various aspects of French culture, such as customs, traditions, art, music, and cuisine. This
exposure aims to expand their cultural awareness and foster a deeper connection to the French-speaking world.

In Grade 5, the intensive French program focuses on creating a positive and enriching environment for learners
to develop their French language skills. It uses a learner-centred approach, emphasizing language modeling
and meaningful communication. This program aims to foster French literacy through real-life language use and
informal learning based on the learner’s interests and experiences. Intensive equips students with language
proficiency and essential life skills.





  • Communicating simple ideas on familiar subjects in French
  • Sharing simple information about self
  • Describing likes and dislikes
  • Sharing basic information about immediate community


  • Understanding very simple expressions, instructions, sentences, and invitations
  • Reading very short text
  • Retrieving very basic information

Grade 5


  • Purposeful communication
  • Interacting with sensitivity
  • Communication in a variety of situations
  • Sharing thoughts, ideas, feeling and experiences


  • Reading and viewing a variety of texts
  • Using a variety of strategies to select and interpret information
  • Responding personally and critically to a range of texts
  • Create effective writing and media

Strand: Oral Communication

Big Idea: Speak, Listen, Communicate, Interact

Skill Descriptor: Ask for and provide information in school settings with some accuracy.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Share personal information by using complete sentences and by asking and answering simple questions
  • Participate in classroom routines conducted in French using phrases and expressions that are useful in school context (e.g., naming and describing objects and places in school, saying where to find someone, talking about school routine, etc.)
  • Share personal preferences such as favourite activities in specific seasons and favourite foods
  • Narrate a personal event

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Read, Comprehend, Respond, Interpret

Skill Descriptor: Read, comprehend, and interpret very simple texts.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Interpret a variety of very simple texts on familiar topics in guided situations
  • View and respond to a variety of simple texts and media in a school context

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Create Simple Texts

Skill Descriptor: Produce simple texts on familiar topics.

Global Competencies: SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Provide and compare information on familiar topics
  • Describe persons, objects, places, or events
  • Write about a life event

Strand: Oral Communication

Big Idea: Speak and Listen

Skill Descriptor: Explore, extend, and clarify thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Share personal information by using complete sentences and by asking and answering simple questions
  • Participate in classroom routines conducted in French using phrases and expressions that are useful in many different situations (e.g., asking for repetition, clarification, position, direction, etc.)
  • Relate personal experiences with some understanding of the present, past, and future, and express feelings
  • Share preferences and interests with respect to familiar topics
  • Listen to others’ ideas and respond in simple sentences
  • Ask and respond to a variety of simple questions
  • Express opinions and give simple explanations for some of the opinions

Big Idea: Communicate

Skill Descriptor: Communicate effectively in French in a variety of situations that relate to needs and interests.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Participate in conversation and small group discussions, when linguistically prepared, while recognizing the roles and responsibilities of speakers and listeners
  • Use gestures and tone to help clarify and convey meaning in conversations and presentations
  • Respond to and give simple directions or instructions
  • Engage in and respond to simple oral presentations of others

Big Idea: Interact

Skill Descriptor: Interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use some basic courtesies and conventions of conversations in group work
  • Use language appropriate to different situations and audiences (given linguistic preparedness)

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Read, Comprehend, Interpret

Skill Descriptor: Select, read, and view a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Select texts, independently or with teacher assistance, appropriate to interests and learning needs
  • Construct meaning from text using a combination of cues (semantic, syntactic, graphophonic, and pragmatic) with support and a variety of strategies
  • Locate information using pictures and illustrations, word structures, and text features (e.g., table of contents, headings, subheadings, etc.)
  • Identify the main ideas and some supporting details in texts containing familiar and some unfamiliar vocabulary

Skill Descriptor: Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Interact with a variety of simple texts, as well as peers and educators, to answer questions and obtain information to complete projects or complete texts on familiar topics
  • Generate simple questions to guide the development of projects

Big Idea: Respond

Skill Descriptor: Respond personally and critically to a range of texts.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Express and begin to support opinions about texts and illustrations
  • Make personal connections to texts, and describe, share, and discuss reactions and emotions in simple language
  • Respond personally to texts in a variety of ways (e.g., drawing, writing, mime, drama, readers’ theater, etc.)

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Create Text

Skill Descriptor: Communicate reflections on thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Communicate messages, recount experiences, express feelings and opinions using imaginative writing and other forms of representation

Skill Descriptor: Create texts collaboratively and independently using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes.

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create written texts using familiar forms (e.g., messages, letters, recounts, stories, poems, records of observations, surveys, etc.)
  • Write one or two paragraphs with reasonable accuracy about a topic/subject that has been developed orally

Skill Descriptor: Create effective writing and media products with clarity and precision using a range of strategies.

Global Competencies: CTPS, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Create written texts on topics developed orally using the various stages of the writing process and incorporating information from a variety of resources
  • Use some prewriting strategies (e.g., discussion, researching, interviewing, etc.) to generate and organize ideas for writing
  • Create a draft and make simple revisions to ensure message clarity
  • Use editing strategies to check for the spelling of familiar words and punctuation
  • Check spelling and sentence structure using a personal journal as a resource
  • Publish/present media using technology (e.g., MS Word, PowerPoint, etc.) and include illustrations, charts, diagrams, etc. to enhance writing