High School Block:

Career Pathway Design 10

Career is the journey through life, learning and work. It encompasses much more than just employment. To achieve a sense of self and life satisfaction, each student requires personalized, equitable, and inclusive career pathway planning to secure their preferred future. The Career Pathway Design 10 course addresses this goal, amplifying learner agency, as informed by evidence-based research found in the New Brunswick Career Education Framework.

The “New Brunswick Portrait of a Learner” defines learner agency as the belief and capacity to take action to make life better for oneself and others. This course is structured on the three strands of “Thinking, Exploring, and Experiencing” potential career pathways from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD):  Career Readiness Project research. Students engage in informed career pathway planning through self-awareness, exploration of opportunities and engagement in authentic career-connected experiences. In the Learning Expectations listed below, each of the three OECD strands is organized into Big Ideas, Skill Descriptors, and Achievement Indicators. While it is necessary to build the foundational “Thinking” to lead to meaningful “Exploration”, the key to learner engagement in this course lies within the “Experiencing” strand. This strand will capture the hearts and minds of students, and is where the teacher should focus the majority of time. The experiential nature of this course has the potential to positively impact each learner’s personal career trajectory, and should not be underestimated. 

Building upon the Personal Wellness 3-9 continuum and Career Connected Learning K-12, this course takes a student-centred, strengths-based approach to providing learners with autonomy to further their skills and competencies to connect and contextualize high school learning with career pathway and transition planning. Ultimately, Career Pathway Design 10 supports student well-being, offering a means to building confidence in creating a personalized plan that informs decision-making for high school and life after graduation.



  • Self-awareness, (motivation, personal skills and attributes)
  • Strengths, passions, interests
  • Cultural and linguistic competencies
  • Design Thinking
  • Career development and connection to mental health
  • Dimensions of wellness
  • Social justice, barriers
  • New Brunswick Global Competencies (Self-Awareness and Self-Management, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Global Citizenship)
  • SMART Goals
  • MyBlueprint



Strand: Thinking About Potential Career Pathways

Big Idea: Planning Pathways

Skill Descriptor: Apply the components of career pathway planning

Global Competencies: CTPS, SASM, CM, CL

Achievement Indicators:

  • Research Labour Market Information
  • Share personal connection to career pathway decisions
  • Apply problem-solving competencies to potential challenges
  • Construct SMART goals
  • Collaborate with trusted supports
  • Reflect on how family, community, and outside perspectives influence career pathway planning

Big Idea: Life-Long Learning

Skill Descriptor: Connect learning to desirable career pathway

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explore high school course offerings
  • Analyze other sources of learning outside of the classroom
  • Explain the importance of global competencies in life, learning and work
  • Self-assess global competency development
  • Analyze learning opportunities to support global competency development that align with personal goals
  • Demonstrate growth within global competencies

Big Idea: Personal Wellness

Skill Descriptor: Explain how designing career pathways supports positive mental health.

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Evaluate the Wellness Wheel, highlighting the occupational dimension
  • Research how designing career pathways supports positive mental health
  • Assess self-management skills as it relates to career pathway goals and planning
  • Consider strategies for wellness when career pathway plans require changes
  • Describe how Financial Wellness impacts and contributes to career pathway decision-making
  • Share effective strategies for personal wellness

Big Idea: Planning for Success

Skill Descriptor: Explain potential barriers in desired career pathways.

Global Competencies: SGC, CTPS, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain the barriers relating to career pathways faced by Indigenous Peoples, Black, People of Colour, 2SLGBTQIA+, Newcomers, women, impoverished, and other marginalized populations
  • Identify supports that create more accessible career pathways for people with diverse abilities and disabilities
  • Explore how unconscious bias and privilege impact career pathways
  • Investigate supports for career pathways with under-represented populations
  • Investigate actions that can help create a fairer working world

Strand: Exploring Potential Career Pathways

Big Idea: Employment Readiness

Skill Descriptor: Develop the knowledge and skills needed to access employment

Global Competencies: ICE, SASM, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explore passions and interests that relate to developing personal skills relevant to labour market and future projections
  • Apply relevant Labour Market Information to search for career opportunities
  • Explore available community resources and supports for employment
  • Explore current and innovative ways to market oneself
  • Identify ways to create a positive, professional, and safe online presence to support career pathway goals

Big Idea: Collaborative Career Decision-Making

Skill Descriptor: Engage in career-connected learning conversations

Global Competencies: CM, CL, SASM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Engage individuals in career conversations
  • Discuss NB Graduation Requirements to determine the best pathway to success, aligning with personal goals and strengths
  • Conference with school personnel on available course options
  • Explore options for work-integrated learning
  • Analyze the realities and possibilities of standard and non-standard employment
  • Network with trusted adults outside the school community to explore  possible career options

Big Idea: Life After High School

Skill Descriptor: Explore the range of post-secondary pathways.

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Research post-secondary pathway options
  • Compare options for post-secondary related to preferred pathways
  • Discover options for post-secondary from people working in career pathways of interest
  • Apply post-secondary options for personal career pathway design
  • Analyze financial considerations for planning post-secondary options

Strand: Experiencing Potential Career Pathways

Big Idea: Experiencing Career Pathways

Skill Descriptor: Engage in frequent and ongoing career-connected experiential learning related to designing a career pathway

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify personal strengths and passions to support development of personalized goals
  • Analyze career-connected Experiential Learning opportunities
  • Design a career-connected experience related toward goals
  • Participate in an experiential career opportunity (if possible)
  • Investigate potential entrepreneurial pathways related to personalized goals
  • Investigate the realities and possibilities of working (paid/unpaid) alongside education

Big Idea: Reinforcing Career Pathways

Skill Descriptor: Explore the realities and possibilities of incorporating extra-curriculars into designing career pathways

Global Competencies: SASM, CTPS, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe how engaging in extra-curriculars can contribute to pathway planning
  • Evaluate current commitments and responsibilities
  • Explain rationale for decision-making regarding extra-curricular experiences
  • Participate in potential extra-curricular opportunities
  • Identify a network of connections to support career pathways
  • Explore volunteering opportunities alongside education