elementary Block:

Arts de la langue anglaise

Imaginatifs et curieux, les apprenants sont inspirés par les expériences et le monde qui les entoure. Ils racontent des histoires pour communiquer leurs idées et commencer à acquérir des compétences en communication et en travail de groupe. Ces apprenants deviennent des lecteurs autonomes et affichent une préférence pour certains types de textes par rapport à d’autres. Les apprenants s’exercent à lire et à écrire et à utiliser leurs compétences en expression orale, en combinant leurs apprentissages des premières années et en rassemblant tous les éléments. À mesure que les apprenants acquièrent la capacité à trouver l’information qu’ils cherchent, ils commencent à appuyer leurs opinions et leurs points de vue. C’est au cours de ces années élémentaires que les apprenants utilisent leurs compétences pour approfondir leur compréhension du monde qui les entoure et communiquer de l’information aux autres.




  • Utiliser la communication intentionnelle


  • Nourrir les intérêts, la curiosité, les traditions et le plaisir
  • Préférer certains textes
  • Faire preuve de persévérance


  • Raconter des histoires élaborées
  • Tenir compte des autres


  • Lire et écrire de façon autonome, avec de l’aide
  • Faire référence à des textes
  • Utiliser les textes de mentors
  • Apprécier les choix


  • Faire part d’histoires et de liens personnels
  • Écrire des textes détaillés, exacts et cohérents
  • Montrer et raconter
  • Exprimer ses préférences


  • Réfléchir
  • Établir des liens avec les autres
  • Poser des questions approfondies



Skill Descriptor: Décrire des pensées, des sentiments, des expériences, des idées et des opinions et en discuter.

Global Competencies: CSAG, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Décrire des émotions, des expériences personnelles et des situations en détail.
  • Discuter d’idées et de sentiments avec les autres en donnant des exemples d’expériences.
  • Utiliser des adjectifs et des mots de deuxième niveau (tout usage) et de troisième niveau (propres au programme ou au contenu).
  • Utiliser un langage descriptif pour exprimer ses idées et ses opinions.
  • Utiliser des phrases ou des idées complètes pour faire valoir un point de vue.
  • Expliquer des opinions en les étayant avec des renseignements ou des raisons.

Skill Descriptor: Sélectionner et présenter du contenu pour communiquer des faits, des idées et des opinions aux pairs et aux éducateurs.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

Utiliser un langage descriptif pour communiquer de l’information, des idées ou des interrogations sur un sujet ou un thème précis.

Skill Descriptor: Utiliser le langage de l’harmonie et du respect.

Global Competencies: CSAG, CL, CM, PCRP, DCM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Décrire un langage utile, respectueux et équitable.
  • Indiquer les différences entre un langage courtois et blessant.
  • Tenter d’utiliser un langage inclusif qui respecte l’identité de genre.
  • Tenter d’utiliser un langage qui témoigne de sensibilité culturelle et de respect.


Skill Descriptor: Décrire des pensées, des sentiments, des expériences, des idées et des opinions et en discuter.

Global Competencies: CSAG, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

• Décrire des émotions, des expériences personnelles et des situations en détail.
• Discuter d’idées et de sentiments avec les autres en donnant des exemples d’expériences.
• Utiliser des adjectifs et des mots de deuxième niveau (tout usage) et de troisième niveau (propres au programme ou au contenu).
• Utiliser un langage descriptif pour exprimer ses idées et ses opinions.
• Utiliser des phrases ou des idées complètes pour faire valoir un point de vue.
• Expliquer des opinions en les étayant avec des renseignements ou des raisons.

Skill Descriptor: Sélectionner et présenter du contenu pour communiquer des faits, des idées et des opinions aux pairs et aux éducateurs.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

• Utiliser un langage descriptif pour communiquer de l’information, des idées ou des interrogations sur un sujet ou un thème précis.

Skill Descriptor: Utiliser le langage de l’harmonie et du respect.

Global Competencies: CSAG, CL, CM, PCRP, DCM

Achievement Indicators:

• Décrire un langage utile, respectueux et équitable.
• Indiquer les différences entre un langage courtois et blessant.
• Tenter d’utiliser un langage inclusif qui respecte l’identité de genre.
• Tenter d’utiliser un langage qui témoigne de sensibilité culturelle et de respect.

Skill Descriptor: Poser des questions et y répondre pour préciser l’information, explorer des possibilités ou trouver des solutions à un problème.

Global Competencies: CSAG, CL, CM, PCRP

Achievement Indicators:

• Réagir aux présentations et aux récits oraux par des questions, des interrogations ou des réflexions.
• Réagir à un texte multimodal par des questions, des opinions ou des réflexions.

Skill Descriptor: Donner et suivre des consignes.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Begin to use conversational courtesies
  • Use turn-taking when interacting with others
  • Demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)

Big Idea: Reception

Skill Descriptor: Receive and critically reflect on the ideas and opinions of others.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Receive and demonstrate consideration for the personal beliefs of others
  • Receive and demonstrate consideration for questions and comments of others
  • Discuss the reasons for differing opinions or beliefs
  • Reflect on differing opinions before responding in agreement or disagreement
  • Demonstrate consideration of feedback and responses from those assessing their work to extend learning

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Word Study

Skill Descriptor: Differentiate sounds in spoken language.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Count, identify, delete, and/or modify sounds within longer and multisyllabic words
  • Delete one or more sounds of an initial and/or final blend to create a new word (e.g., If we remove /pr/ from spring, what is the new word?)
  • Identify where and how a phoneme change has occurred within a word (e.g., How can we change clip to chip?)

Big Idea: Fluency

Skill Descriptor: Read with accuracy and expression.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read affixes effortlessly and with voice variation (student-‘s, bitt-en, bigg-er, bigg-est, dis-organized, in-visible, care-ful, care-less, stick-y, slow-ly, etc.)
  • Respond to internal and end punctuation when reading aloud with appropriate expression and pausing
  • Automatically read a variety of words when reading, including high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
  • Read familiar passages fluently with appropriate phrasing and expression to convey a sense of text to audience
  • Read a variety of longer, simple sentences and compound sentences with accuracy and expression, at an appropriate pace and without hesitation

Big Idea: Vocabulary

Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Organize words into themes, categories, and subcategories according to their meanings
  • Use Tier Two (all purpose) words and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words in expressive language (spoken words, signs, symbols, and/or print)
  • Identify word relationships (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, etc.)
  • Use figurative language to enhance and enrich meaning
  • Use known root words to understand the meaning of a new word

Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from printed text when reading independently.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond accurately to literal questions by locating specific details
  • Make predictions and inferences, citing reasoning
  • Create alternate story endings citing new events (The character made a different decision, and didn’t need to apologize, etc).
  • Summarize key elements, citing events in proper sequence
  • Investigate prior understandings to build background knowledge
  • Self-monitor for understanding by re-reading, reading around unknown words, or slowing down

Skill Descriptor: Describe reading comprehension processes.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe reading comprehension processes, including:
    • linking to prior knowledge
    • meta-cognition
    • re-reading
    • reading around unknown words
    • context clues

Skill Descriptor: Connect and respond personally and critically to text.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
  • Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
  • Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
  • Ask to view texts and be read to
  • Seek text to build upon prior knowledge or current understandings
  • Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
  • Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
  • Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
  • Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
  • Ask to view texts and be read to
  • Seek text to build upon prior knowledge or current understandings
  • Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
  • Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify text characteristics (characters, settings, plot, etc.)
  • Identify text forms (fiction, non-fiction, videos, poems, posters, letters, imaginary text, etc.)
  • Use text features to gain additional information from the text (table of contents, chapters, figures, etc.)
  • Locate topics and obtain information
  • Describe some elements of an author’s/creator’s style

Strand: Representations

Big Idea: Spelling

Skill Descriptor: Apply appropriate spelling conventions when creating written works.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use strategies for using and editing conventional spelling
  • Use meaning and syntax patterns as well as sound cues to monitor clarity
  • Attempt to use homophones correctly
  • Use consonant doubling rules
  • Attempt to use uncommon prefixes (fore-, pro-, intra-, inter-, trans-, non-, over-sub-, super-, semi-, anti-, mid-, ex-, post-, etc.)
  • Attempt vowel changes for suffix addition (dropping silent -e > likable; changing -y to -i > cried, etc.)

Big Idea: Sentence Structure

Skill Descriptor: Compose sentences and short paragraphs.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Print, write in cursive, or represent words and sentences using a writing utensil or assistive technology.
  • Use subjects, verbs, and pronouns
  • Use upper- and lower-case letters accurately (in names, days of the week, months, familiar place names, first words in sentences, the pronoun ‘I’, and in some cases holidays and titles)
  • Use contracted forms (am, is, has, not, have, would, will)
  • Use simple paragraphing
  • Use a variety of simple and more complex sentence structure
  • Use correct end punctuation consistently
  • Use commas and apostrophes correctly
  • Use quotation marks in direct speech
  • Begin to list pronouns in the correct order (e.g., Jo and I are going to the store; Pass it to Joe and me)
  • Begin to use subject-verb agreement (e.g., The goose flies south > The geese fly south)

Big Idea: Composition

Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written and media texts.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Generate ideas for writing and representing
  • Decide upon a topic or a purpose and select an appropriate form
  • Create drafts, using strategies such as:
    • note-taking, re-writing, summarizing, imaginative language, etc.
    • various written or represented forms based on personal interest and choice
    • re-writing and summarizing the information
    • illustrations, charts, and diagrams to enhance writing where appropriate
    • imaginative writing and intentional language
    • identifying the audience (who?) and purpose (why?) for writing and representing
  • Use:
    • capitals for proper names, titles, places, days, months, holidays, and beginning of sentences
    • periods at the ends of sentences and for abbreviations, commas in a series and in dates
    • apostrophes for possessives and contractions
    • question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks
    • full thoughts and sentences (in cursive or in print, or using augmentative technology)
  • Present ideas in a logical order
  • Use language that demonstrates an ability to transition between ideas clearly
  • Use technology to draft, revise, edit, illustrate, add graphic elements, and publish
  • Re-read and revise written works for clarity, word order, and spelling based on personal observations and teacher or peer feedback
  • Use reference materials (dictionary, anchor charts, etc.) and revision techniques to ensure writing makes sense and is clear for the audience

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select information from multiple sources to support ideas and construct meaning.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use information from one or two sources to support ideas
  • Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem
  • Use information to form a simple argument

Strand: Interactions

Big Idea: Expression

Skill Descriptor: Express and discuss thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, and opinions, and consider those of their peers.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe their thoughts and emotions, personal experiences, and the experiences of others with details
  • Use adjectives, Tier Two (all-purpose) words, and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words
  • Use descriptive language to express personal ideas and wonderings
  • Use complete sentences and/or full thoughts to make a point
  • Explain opinions, providing supportive information or reasons

Skill Descriptor: Select and present content to communicate facts, ideas, and opinions to peers and teachers.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use descriptive language to share simple facts, opinions, and ideas about a specific topic or theme

Skill Descriptor: Use language of harmony and respect.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language
  • Use language that is not hurtful or offensive
  • Identify differences between kind and hurtful language
  • Attempt to use inclusive language that respects gender identity
  • Attempt to use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect

Big Idea: Exchanges

Skill Descriptor: Ask and respond to questions to clarify information, explore possibilities, and identify solutions to a problem.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Ask for more information to help understand the question or problem
  • Demonstrate consideration of all factors contributing to the problem
  • Respond with solutions or suggestions and relevant information from text or other sources
  • Respond with possible next steps or actions

Skill Descriptor: Give and follow directions and instructions.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Give multi-step and increasingly complex instructions
  • Follow multi-step and increasingly complex instructions

Skill Descriptor: Begin to use appropriate communication conventions.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Begin to use language specific to topic
  • Begin to use language specific to audience
  • Begin to use language specific to situation

Skill Descriptor: Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and a variety of multi-modal text.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond to presentations and oral stories with questions, wonderings, or reflections
  • Respond to multi-modal text with questions, opinions, or reflections

Skill Descriptor: Begin to use social conventions when interacting.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Begin to use conversational courtesies
  • Use turn-taking when interacting with others
  • Demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)

Big Idea: Reception

Skill Descriptor: Receive and critically reflect on the ideas and opinions of others.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Receive and demonstrate consideration for the personal beliefs of others
  • Receive and demonstrate consideration for questions and comments of others
  • Discuss the reasons for differing opinions or beliefs
  • Reflect on differing opinions before responding
  • Reflect on readers’/listeners’/viewers’ questions and comments
  • Reflect on feedback and responses from those assessing their work to extend learning

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Word Study

Skill Descriptor: Apply letter-sound knowledge and decoding strategies when reading unfamiliar connected text.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use morphology-based strategies to decode unfamiliar and/or complex words (e.g., polysyllabic words, less-common words, Tier Three vocabulary, etc.)
  • Use morphology-based strategies to decode a variety of derivational affixes and root words (non-, pre-, bi-, tri-, under-, mega-, over-, quad-, oct-, -ion, -ation, -ness,- ment, -hood, -less, -sion, -tion, -ness, -er/or, etc.)
  • Analyze affixes and root/base words to aid meaning (non-stick, pre-school, bi-annual, tri-cycle, under-coat, mega-byte, over-react, quad-rilateral, oct-agon, frac-tion, apart-ment, neighbour-hood, fruit-less, firm-ness, report-er/investigat-or, etc.)

Big Idea: Fluency

Skill Descriptor: Read with accuracy and expression.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read affixes effortlessly and with voice variation (non-stick, pre-school, bi-annual, tri-cycle, under-coat, mega-byte, over-react, quad-rilateral, oct-agon, frac-tion, apart-ment, neighbour-hood, fruit-less, firm-ness, report-er/investigat-or, etc.)
  • Respond to internal and end punctuation when reading texts of increasing complexity aloud with appropriate expression and pausing
  • Automatically read a variety of increasingly complex words when reading, including high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
  • Read familiar and unfamiliar passages fluently with appropriate phrasing and expression to convey a sense of text and enhance meaning to audience
  • Read simple, compound, and complex sentences with accuracy and expression, at an appropriate pace and without hesitation

Big Idea: Vocabulary

Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Organize and expand word themes, categories, and subcategories, citing rich and complete definitions
  • Use Tier Two (all-purpose) words and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words that have been learned from reading in expressive language (spoken words, signs, symbols, and/or print)
  • Explain word choice and relationships between words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, super-/sub-ordinates, etc.)
  • Use figurative language with new vocabulary to enhance and enrich meaning
  • Use some word-learning strategies to understand the meaning of a new word

Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from printed text when reading independently.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond accurately to most literal and inferential questions by citing details or big ideas
  • Make predictions and inferences, citing prior understandings and reasonings
  • Create alternate story ending to satisfy a specific outcome (How might the character want the story to end?)
  • Summarize key elements, citing events and story elements (characters, setting, plot, etc.) in sequence
  • Research prior understandings to build background knowledge and enhance meaning when reading
  • Self-monitor for understanding by re-reading, reading around unknown words, or slowing down

Skill Descriptor: Describe reading comprehension processes.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe reading comprehension processes, including:
    • linking to prior knowledge
    • meta-cognition
    • re-reading
    • reading around unknown words
    • morphology clues
    • context clues

Skill Descriptor: Connect and respond personally and critically to text.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain connections between text and text, text and world, and text and self, citing prior knowledge and understandings
  • Respond critically to a variety of text features and forms with questions, opinions, or reflections
  • Use background knowledge to analyze information presented in print and visual texts
  • Identify instances where language is being used for a specific purpose (for emphasis, to entertain, persuade, manipulate, or control)
  • Identify examples of prejudice or stereotyping

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
  • Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
  • Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
  • Ask to view texts and be read to
  • Seek text to connect to current learning, enhance understanding, or build upon prior knowledge
  • Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
  • Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify text characteristics and key story elements (characters, settings, plot, problem resolution, theme/lesson, etc.)
  • Identify various text forms (narrative, report, instructions, explanation, autobiography, etc.) and their general purpose
  • Use text features to gain additional information from the text (table of contents, headings and subheadings, glossaries, key ideas, margin notes, captions, fonts, diagrams, maps, etc.)
  • Locate topics, and obtain and clarify information
  • Describe elements of an author’s/creator’s style or technique, citing examples from the text

Strand: Representations

Big Idea: Spelling

Skill Descriptor: Apply appropriate spelling conventions when creating written works.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use strategies for using and editing conventional spelling
  • Use meaning and syntax patterns as well as sound cues to monitor clarity
  • Use uncommon prefixes (fore-, pro-, intra-, inter-, trans-, non-, over-sub-, super-, semi-, anti-, mid-, ex-, post-, etc.)
  • Use a variety of derivational suffixes (-y, -ly, -ful, – ment, -hood, -less, -ness, -er, etc.)

Big Idea: Sentence Structure

Skill Descriptor: Compose sentences and short paragraphs.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use subjects, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and accurate pronouns
  • Use upper- and lower-case letters accurately in names, days of the week, months, familiar place names, first words in sentences, the pronoun ‘I’, and (in some cases) holidays and titles
  • Use contracted forms (am, is, has, not, have, would, will)
  • Use simple paragraphing
  • Use a variety of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) that vary in length
  • Use correct end punctuation consistently
  • Use commas and apostrophes correctly
  • Use quotation marks in direct speech
  • Use regular verb tenses consistently (e.g., guess>guessed; score>scored)
  • List pronouns in the correct order (e.g., Jo and I are going to the store; Pass it to Joe and me)
  • Use subject-verb agreement (e.g., The goose flies south > The geese fly south)

Big Idea: Composition

Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written and media texts collaboratively and independently.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Generate ideas for writing and representing
  • Decide upon a topic and a purpose and select an appropriate form
  • Organize ideas using a framework (web, drawing, graphic organizer, etc.)
  • Create drafts, using strategies such as:
    • note-taking, re-writing, summarizing, imaginative language, etc.
    • various written or represented forms based on personal interest and choice
    • re-writing and summarizing the information
    • illustrations, charts, and diagrams to enhance writing where appropriate
    • imaginative writing and intentional language (interesting language, technical language, creative language, etc.)
    • identifying the audience (who?) and purpose (why?) for writing and representing
  • Use:
    • capitals for proper names, titles, places, days, months, holidays, and beginning of sentences
    • periods at the ends of sentences and for abbreviations, commas in a series and in dates
    • apostrophes for possessives and contractions
    • question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks
    • full sentences (in cursive or in print, or using augmentative technology)
  • Present ideas in a logical order
  • Use language that demonstrates an ability to transition between ideas clearly
  • Use technology to draft, revise, edit, illustrate, add graphic elements, and publish
  • Re-read and revise written works for clarity, word order, and spelling based on personal observations and teacher or peer feedback
  • Use reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, anchor charts, etc.) and revision techniques to ensure writing makes sense and is clear for the audience

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select information from multiple sources to support ideas and construct meaning.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use information from one or two sources to support ideas
  • Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem
  • Use information to persuade audience or form an argument

Strand: Interactions

Big Idea: Expression

Skill Descriptor: Express and discuss thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, and opinions, and consider those of their peers.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe their thoughts and emotions, personal experiences, and the experiences of others with details
  • Use adjectives, adverbs, Tier Two (all-purpose) words, and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words
  • Use descriptive language to express personal ideas and wonderings
  • Use complete sentences and/or full thoughts to make a point
  • Explain opinions, providing supportive information or reasons
  • Identify similarities and differences between personal thoughts and beliefs and the personal thoughts and beliefs of others

Skill Descriptor: Select and present content to communicate facts, ideas, and opinions to peers and teachers.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

Use descriptive language to share facts and ideas or to persuade about a specific topic or theme

Skill Descriptor: Use language of harmony and respect.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language
  • Use language that is not hurtful or offensive
  • Identify differences between kind and hurtful language
  • Use inclusive language that respects gender identity
  • Use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect

Big Idea: Exchanges

Skill Descriptor: Ask and respond to questions to clarify information, explore possibilities, and identify solutions to a problem.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use questions in interview format
  • Ask for more information to help understand the question or problem
  • Demonstrate consideration of all factors contributing to the problem
  • Respond with solutions or suggestions and relevant information from text or other sources
  • Respond with possible next steps or actions
  • Reflect on questions and generate responses to their own questions and the questions of others.

Skill Descriptor: Give and follow directions and instructions.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Give multi-step and increasingly complex instructions
  • Follow multi-step and increasingly complex instructions

Skill Descriptor: Begin to use appropriate communication conventions.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Begin to use language specific to topic
  • Begin to use language specific to audience
  • Begin to use language specific to situation

Skill Descriptor: Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and a variety of multi-modal text

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond to presentations and oral stories with questions, wonderings, or reflections
  • Respond to multi-modal text with questions, opinions, or reflections

Skill Descriptor: Begin to use social conventions when interacting.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Begin to use conversational courtesies
  • Use turn-taking when interacting with others
  • Demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)

Big Idea: Reception

Skill Descriptor: Receive and critically reflect on the ideas and opinions of others.

Global Competencies: SASM, CL, CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Receive and demonstrate consideration for the personal beliefs of others, questions, and comments of others
  • Discuss the reasons for differing opinions or beliefs
  • Reflect on differing opinions before responding
  • Reflect on readers’/listeners’/viewers’ questions and comments
  • Reflect on feedback and responses from those assessing their work to extend learning

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Word Study

Skill Descriptor: Apply letter-sound knowledge and decoding strategies when reading unfamiliar connected text.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use morphology-based strategies to decode unfamiliar and/or complex words (e.g., polysyllabic words, tier three vocabulary, less-common and increasingly complex words, etc.)
  • Use morphology-based strategies to decode a variety of derivational affixes and root words (semi-, super-, multi, poly-, tele-, mis-, inter-, mid-, sub-, deca/deci-, kilo-, milli/mille-, centi-, -abla/ible, -ian/an, -ship, -ist, -logy/ology, -ism, -ence/ance, -ess, etc.)
  • Analyze affixes and root/base words to aid meaning (semi-transparent, super-sonic, multi-culturalism, poly-gon, tele-phone, mis-interpret, inter-play, mid-point, sub-tract, deca-hedron/deci-metre, kilo-gram, milli/mille-litre, centi-metre, vi-able/vis-ible,Mart-ian/Spart-an, friend-ship, Arbor-ist, Anthropo-logy, skeptic-ism, depend-ence/Remembr-ance, lion-ess, etc.)

Big Idea: Fluency

Skill Descriptor: Read with accuracy and expression.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read affixes effortlessly and with voice variation (semi-transparent, super-sonic, multi-culturalism, poly-gon, tele-phone, mis-interpret, inter-play, mid-point, sub-tract, deca/deci-metre, kilo-gram, milli/mille-litre, centi-metre, vi-able/vis-ible,Mart-ian/Spart-an, friend-ship, Arbor-ist, Anthropo-logy, skeptic-ism, depend-ence/Remembr-ance, lion-ess, etc.)
  • Respond to internal and end punctuation when reading texts with increasing complexity aloud with appropriate expression and pausing
  • Automatically read a variety of increasingly complex words from increasingly complex text, including high-frequency words varying in spelling regularity
  • Read increasingly complex familiar and unfamiliar passages fluently with appropriate phrasing and expression to enhance meaning, considering audience
  • Read a variety of complex sentence structures with accuracy and expression, at an appropriate pace and without hesitation

Big Idea: Vocabulary

Skill Descriptor: Use a range of vocabulary when communicating.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Expand and investigate/research themes, categories, and subcategories, citing meanings
  • Research and use new and increasingly complex Tier Two (all-purpose) and Tier Three (curriculum/content specific) words that have been learned from reading in a variety of ways
  • Explain word choice and relationships (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, super-/sub-ordinates, etc.)
  • Use figurative language and new vocabulary, to explain or persuade and to enhance meaning
  • Use a combination of word-learning strategies to understand the meaning of a new word

Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

Skill Descriptor: Construct meaning from printed text when reading independently.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond accurately to literal and inferential questions by selecting relevant details after skimming a large amount of text
  • Make multiple plausible predictions and inferences, citing prior knowledge and contextual reasoning
  • Create alternate plotlines, characters, and endings to satisfy a specific outcome (How might the story been written differently to have a suspenseful ending?)
  • Summarize key elements, citing events and story elements (introduction, conclusion, overall theme, main idea, characters, setting, plot, etc.) in sequence
  • Research prior understandings to build background knowledge, enhance meaning, and analyze new information
  • Self-monitor for understanding by re-reading, reading around unknown words, or slowing down

Skill Descriptor: Describe reading comprehension processes

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Describe reading comprehension processes, including:
    • linking to prior knowledge
    • re-reading
    • reading around unknown words
    • morphology clues
    • context clues
    • slowing down
    • researching unfamiliar vocabulary and themes

Skill Descriptor: Connect and respond personally and critically to a range of texts across genres, topics, and subjects.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Explain how texts connect to personal perspectives and experiences, citing prior knowledge and understandings
  • Respond critically to a variety or text features and forms with questions, opinions, or reflections to formulate and deepen understandings
  • Use background knowledge to analyze information presented in print and visual texts, using details from the text to differentiate between fact and opinion
  • Identify instances where language is being used for a specific purpose and audience (for emphasis, to entertain, persuade, manipulate, or control)
  • Explain how all texts represent a purpose or point of view and suggest an alternate point of view
  • Identify examples of prejudice or stereotyping, citing reasons

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select and engage with a variety of text forms for specific uses.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (decodable text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)
  • Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages
  • Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others
  • Ask to view texts and be read to
  • Seek text to connect to current learning, enhance understanding, or build background knowledge or prior understandings
  • Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information
  • Interact with storytellers and people in the community (Elders, family members, librarians, etc.)

Skill Descriptor: Identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS

Achievement Indicators:

  • Identify text characteristics and key story elements (characters, settings, plot, problem resolution, theme/lesson, etc.), citing relevant details
  • Identify and distinguish between main idea and supporting details
  • Discuss how events in narrative text are related to a problem or overall theme
  • Identify various text forms (narrative, report, instructions, explanation, autobiography, etc.) and their general purpose
  • Use text features to gain additional information from the text (table of contents, headings and subheadings, glossaries, key ideas, margin notes, captions, fonts, diagrams, maps, etc.)
  • Explain text features and their purpose
  • Locate topics, and obtain and clarify information
  • Describe elements of an author’s/creator’s style or technique, citing examples from the text

Strand: Representations

Big Idea: Spelling

Skill Descriptor: Apply appropriate spelling conventions when creating written works.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use strategies for using and editing conventional spelling
  • Use meaning and syntax patterns as well as sound cues to monitor clarity
  • Use uncommon prefixes (fore-, pro-, intra-, inter-, trans-, non-, over-sub-, super-, semi-, anti-, mid-, ex-, post-, etc.)
  • Use a variety of derivational suffixes (-y, -ly- ful,- ment, -hood, -less, -ness, -er, etc.)

Big Idea: Sentence Structure

Skill Descriptor: Compose sentences and paragraphs.

Global Competencies: CM

Achievement Indicators:

  • Use subjects, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and accurate pronouns
  • Use upper-and lower-case letters accurately (in names, days of the week, months, familiar place names, first words in sentences, the pronoun ‘I’, and in some cases holidays and titles)
  • Use contracted forms (am, is, has, not, have, would, will)
  • Use simple paragraphing
  • Use a variety of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) that vary in length
  • Use correct end punctuation consistently
  • Use commas and apostrophes correctly
  • Use quotation marks in direct speech
  • Use regular and irregular verb tenses consistently (e.g., guess>guessed; break>broke)
  • List pronouns in the correct order (e.g., Jo and I are going to the store; Pass it to Joe and me)
  • Use subject-verb agreement (e.g., The goose flies south > The geese fly south)

Big Idea: Composition

Skill Descriptor: Organize ideas and create written and media texts collaboratively and independently.

Global Competencies: CL, CM, CTPS, ICE

Achievement Indicators:

  • Generate ideas for writing and representing
  • Select a topic, purpose, and form to develop (via discussion, personal interest, books, media, etc.)
  • Organize ideas using a framework (web, drawing, graphic organizer, research, jot notes, sample)
  • Create drafts, using strategies such as:
    • note-taking, re-writing, summarizing, imaginative language, etc.
    • various written or represented forms based on personal interest and choice
    • re-writing and summarizing the information
    • illustrations, charts, and diagrams to enhance writing where appropriate
    • imaginative writing and intentional language (precise and interesting language, technical language, creative or figurative language, etc.)
    • identifying the audience (who?) and purpose (why?) for writing and representing
  • Use:
    • capitals for proper names, titles, places, days, months, holidays, and beginning of sentences
    • periods at the ends of sentences and for abbreviations, commas in a series and in dates
    • apostrophes for possessives and contractions
    • question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks
    • full sentences and paragraphs (in cursive or in print, or using augmentative technology)
  • Present ideas in a logical order
  • Use technology to draft, revise, edit, illustrate, add graphic elements, and publish
  • Re-read and revise written works for clarity, word order, and spelling based on personal observations and teacher or peer feedback
  • Use reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, anchor charts, etc.) and revision techniques to ensure writing makes sense and is clear for the audience

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor: Select and organize information from multiple sources to support ideas and construct meaning.

Global Competencies: CM, CTPS, SGC

Achievement Indicators:

  • Gather information from a range of reference texts/databases/electronic searches
  • Identify relevant source content
  • Use information from multiple sources in an appropriate sequence to support ideas
  • Use information to persuade audience or form an argument
  • Identify personal and community needs for information