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Category: Technology

Dan Brown - Wild Symphony

EECD is partnering with Sistema New Brunswick and bestselling author Dan Brown to give schools access to cross-curricular resources to accompany Brown’s Wild Symphony. Resources have been created by EECD to support learning in Grades K – 8.

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Solar Oven Challenge

In this challenge, students will design, build and test a solar oven to be used by NASA in an upcoming trip to the moon.

The moon does not have any wind but it does have an abundance of sunlight. Harnessing that renewable resource will be essential to establishing a colony on the moon.
*French Resources Available As Attachments

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Solar Boat Activity

Students will engineer custom paddles and propellers and use the solar power to create a boat that can move in the sun.

Students will explore in depth how solar power turns radiant energy into electrical energy, then into mechanical energy. Students will learn the variables that affect solar panels and the factors that influence the performance of paddles and propellers, ultimately building a solar boat that can transport the most weight.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Cybersecurity Series: Suspicious Files and Hidden Folders (Windows 10)

After this course, the student should be able to search for and identify suspicious files, including files within hidden folders. These self-paced online courses include learning content, small quiz questions throughout, as well as a virtual lab environment where students can “spin up” virtual computers (Windows 10/11, Linux, etc.) in their browser and complete assigned tasks in a real-world environment.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Advertising All Around Us

This teaching unit helps students to become more aware of the language and techniques used in print advertising, as well as the impact of advertising on their daily lives. The unit will focus on three key media literacy concepts: construction of reality, representation, and audience.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Self-Paced E-Learning : Computer Hardware Basics

Computer Hardware Basics explores the fundamentals of computers and mobile devices, the components that comprise them, how they work, and basic troubleshooting tools and techniques.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9

Self-Paced E-Learning: Python Essentials 1

In this course, you will learn in-demand skills such as how to design, develop, and improve computer programs, methods for analyzing problems using programming, programming best practices, and more. The course also prepares you for the PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification (Exam PCEP-30-0x).

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9

Self-Paced E-Learning: Operating Systems Basics

Operating Systems Basics teaches the fundamentals of operating systems. It covers basic concepts and skills needed to understand the purpose and characteristics of operating systems, the implementation of basic OS security, and how to configure mobile device network connectivity and email.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9

My Social Media Life

This activity will assist students in identifying the role of social media in their lives. Secondly, to reflect on the positive and negative effects social media use has on their relationships. Finally, to help students recognize “red flag feelings” when using social media and use the Feelings & Options thinking routine to consider ways to handle them.

  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8

Media Smarts

MediaSmarts has been developing digital media literacy programs and resources for Canadian schools since 1996.

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Build a Birdhouse (Alternate)

This unit introduces students to concepts related to using basic and specialty hand tools, portable cordless power tools and stationary power tools.

  • Grade 8

Sew an Article of Clothing

This unit introduces students to concepts related to sewing an article of clothing with a sewing machine, from a pre-existing pattern.

  • Grade 8