middle Block:

Wabanaki Languages – Wolastoqey Latuwewakon

Wolastoqey Latuwewakon learners are exposed to everyday words, concepts, and traditional practices in their Indigenous culture. Through storytelling, observation, hands-on learning, place-based learning, and exploration, learners become familiar with language in context. Opportunity to learn from language keepers and Elders is a key part of this language learning programming. Most instruction time is devoted to developing speaking and listening skills.




  • Receiving and providing, instructions, directions, and other information
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Expressing thoughts, feelings, hopes, and goals


  • Providing information in social, cultural, and school settings
  • Describe people, places, ideas, experiences, feelings, hopes and goals
  • Describe talents, interests, hobbies, and personal knowledge


  • Demonstrating pride in Wabanaki identity
  • Participating in ceremony, and/or cultural activities

Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Respond to and demonstrate understanding of simple, everyday expressions, directions, instructions, and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond simply to greetings and goodbyes
  • Respond simply when asked, How are you?
  • Ask someone’s name and respond with their own
  • Use and demonstrate understanding of routine phrases like please and thank you
  • Ask for something (food, drink, ) with the help of gestures or by pointing
  • Demonstrate understanding of basic classroom instructions like come in and stand up

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Say simple words and phrases.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Count to 10 with the help of pictures or illustrations
  • Say basic information such as address, school, name, and age
  • Say or sing a familiar short song or verse
  • Say the names of some familiar words like colours, foods, objects in home, favourite places, etc.

Big Idea: Listening

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of simple statements and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Recognize everyday, familiar words when they are spoken clearly and slowly
  • Demonstrate understanding of some words in simple, short stories with illustrations
  • Recognize the names of simple, everyday objects in the classroom and home
  • Demonstrate understanding of numbers 1-10 when they are spoken clearly and slowly

Big Idea: Extracurricular Use

Skill Descriptor: Use and promote the use of Wolastoqey Latuwewakon to communicate outside of the classroom.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Speak Wolastoqey Latuwewakon outside the classroom
  • Collaborate with peers using Wolastoqey Latuwewakon
  • Ask for help or repetitions when needed

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading and Viewing

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate literacy skills in Wolastoqey Latuwewakon by reading and responding to a variety of texts.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Read and understand some words in a simple, short stories with illustrations
  • Read the words on a poster or picture about a familiar topic like animals, the weather, days of the week, colours, etc.
  • Demonstrate understanding of simple sentences when read slowly with repetition, if required

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Writing and Representing

Skill Descriptor: Produce simple words on very familiar topics using a model.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write very simple words, phrases, and sentences modelled by teacher
  • Write first and last names, age, and address with support

Strand: Knowledge and Identity

Big Idea: Protocol

Skill Descriptor: Apply Wolastoqey protocol and respectful behaviour in class, in school, and in the community.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Apply Wolastoqey protocol
  • Listen and speak respectfully
  • Show respect for self, peers, family, teachers, Elders, and storytellers

Big Idea: Cultural Activities

Skill Descriptor: Help organize and participate in Wolastoqey and Wabanaki traditional activities and events.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Help organize or host traditional activities and events
  • Participate in cultural activities and events

Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Respond to and demonstrate understanding of simple, everyday expressions, directions, instructions, and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Respond with I do not understand or I do not know when appropriate
  • Respond with Yes, No, Sorry, Please, Would it be possible? and Thank you when appropriate
  • Ask the teacher simple classroom requests politely like, May I go get a drink of water?
  • Use and respond to basic greetings like Hello, I will see you again, and How are you?

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Say simple words and phrases.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Say simple information about name, telephone number, territory, age and address
  • Name some very common objects such as food and drinks
  • Name some common clothing items
  • Recite numbers from 1 to 10 out loud

Big Idea: Listening

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of simple statements and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

Demonstrate understanding of:

  • personal questions
  • basic greetings and routine phrases
  • simple instructions and classroom tasks
  • simple questions regarding weather conditions
  • names and simple descriptions of everyday objects

Big Idea: Extracurricular Use

Skill Descriptor: Use and promote the use of Wolastoqey Latuwewakon to communicate outside of the classroom

Achievement Indicators:

  • Speak Wolastoqey Latuwewakon outside the classroom
  • Collaborate with peers using Wolastoqey Latuwewakon
  • Ask for help or repetitions when needed

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading and Viewing

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate literacy skills in Wolastoqey Latuwewakon by reading and responding to a variety of texts.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate understanding of short, simple texts when read slowly with repetition, if required
  • Identify familiar names, words, and basic phrases when read slowly with repetition, if required
  • Identify familiar names, words, and basic phrases regarding personal feelings and family members’ feelings when read slowly with repetition, if required
  • Demonstrate understanding of familiar simple instructions when they are supported by pictures/models

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Writing and Representing

Skill Descriptor: Produce simple words, phrases, and sentences on very familiar topics using a model.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write simple words, phrases, and sentences modelled by teacher
  • Complete a simple form with first name, last name, and birthday
  • Write short simple sentences about self and territory/address

Strand: Knowledge and Identity

Big Idea: Protocol

Skill Descriptor: Apply Wolastoqey protocol and respectful behaviour in class, in school, and in the community.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Apply Wolastoqey protocol
  • Listen and speak respectfully
  • Show respect for self, peers, family, teachers, Elders, and storytellers

Big Idea: Cultural Activities

Skill Descriptor: Help organize and participate in Wolastoqey and Wabanaki traditional activities and events.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Help organize or host traditional activities and events
  • Participate in cultural activities and events

Strand: Speaking and Listening

Big Idea: Interaction

Skill Descriptor: Respond to and demonstrate understanding of simple, everyday expressions, directions, instructions, and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Ask someone how they feel
  • Use expressions about time like today, yesterday, tomorrow, etc.
  • Ask and answer simple questions regarding days of the week, seasons and weather conditions with words, expressions, or short sentences
  • Order something to drink and eat in cafeteria/restaurant role-play scenarios

Big Idea: Production

Skill Descriptor: Say simple words and phrases.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Introduce self and other people
  • Describe personal likes and dislikes with support

Big Idea: Listening

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of simple statements and questions.

Achievement Indicators:

Demonstrate understanding of:

  • Simple questions about self, school, family, and feelings
  • Numbers from 1 to 31
  • Statements about other people being happy, tired, or sick

Big Idea: Extracurricular Use

Skill Descriptor: Use and promote the use of Wolastoqey Latuwewakon to communicate outside of the classroom.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Speak Wolastoqey Latuwewakon outside the classroom
  • Collaborate with peers using Wolastoqey Latuwewakon
  • Ask for help or repetitions when needed

Strand: Reading and Viewing

Big Idea: Reading and Viewing

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of basic written vocabulary in Wolastoqey Latuwewakon by reading and responding to a variety of illustrated texts.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Demonstrate understanding of words and expressions found on signs in everyday life
  • Recognize prefixes, suffixes, and infix parts of known words
  • Demonstrate understanding of simple, short texts with re-reading if required
  • Recognize where to add personal information on an information form like name, date of birth, and address

Strand: Writing and Representing

Big Idea: Writing and Representing

Skill Descriptor: Produce simple words, phrases, and sentences on very familiar topics using a model.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Write very simple messages and questions to other people
  • Write personal information like age, family and address in a short letter or email
  • Write simple words and sentences about location/position of common classroom objects
  • Write simple sentences about personal likes and dislikes

Strand: Knowledge and Identity

Big Idea: Protocol

Skill Descriptor: Apply Wolastoqey protocol and respectful behaviour in class, in school, and in the community.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Apply Wolastoqey protocol
  • Listen and speak respectfully
  • Show respect for self, peers, family, teachers, Elders, and storytellers

Big Idea: Cultural Activities

Skill Descriptor: Help organize and participate in Wolastoqey and Wabanaki traditional activities and events.

Achievement Indicators:

  • Help organize or host traditional activities and events
  • Participate in cultural activities and events