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Curriculum Framework

Shared Tenets

Shared tenets are beliefs that articulate what is important in and foundational to the provincial curriculum. They are agreed upon principles that serve to guide all school- based decision making and should be embedded in school improvement decisions.

The shared tenets put learners and communities at the centre of an equitable education system. Learners flourish when experiencing a cohesive curriculum that engages and challenges them and is forward-looking and inclusive. These shared tenets recognize that learners have a voice and unique identities that are always present in what and how they learn.

The shared tenets relate to how curriculum is formalized in a school; they are particularly relevant to the processes of planning, prioritizing, and reflection. They are interdependent and impact the experiences of all learners. The written and enacted curriculum must strive to meet these seven shared tenets:

As we are all Treaty people, our knowledges and ways of being are woven throughout our daily interactions with learners. Opportunities are co-created to understand and honour historical and contemporary cultures and the nationhoods of Wabanaki Peoples. The curriculum respects Wabanaki worldviews; understandings that are formed by both education in the community and in the provincial education system are equally valued. The responsibility to support the revitalization and preservation of languages of the Wabanaki Territory, Mi’kmawi’simk and Wolastoqey Latuwewakon, is evident in learning spaces.

The linguistic proficiencies and literacies of learners are supported and highly valued. Cultural heritages are visible, and action is ongoing to build increased understanding of and sensitivity to the diversity of cultural backgrounds, histories, and traditions in New Brunswick. Communication and multimodal literacies in all their forms are present, and the importance of learning the official languages of Canada is evident. Learning environments strive to be culturally inclusive and responsive. These identity-affirming learning environments respect multiple worldviews and represent the diverse heritages and cultures of the learners.

Inclusion is an ongoing process aimed at ensuring learners’ identities, languages, strengths, interests, needs, abilities, and characteristics are recognized and affirmed. Equity is achieved by identifying and addressing barriers faced by learners to support each learner’s future success. Inclusion and equity foster a complete school experience based on a system of values and beliefs promoting the best interest and affirmation of each learner, active participation, and social cohesion and belonging through positive interactions with peers and the school community.

The curriculum offers all learners a broad experiential and culturally responsive education across all learning areas and environments. It recognizes the learning that occurs before and outside school and it supports transitions. Education opens pathways to sustaining learning—connecting and contributing beyond school—to support the personal fulfillment, growth, and agency of all learners to make life better for themselves and others.

The curriculum has meaning for learners as it connects with and values their wider lives, acknowledging the profound influence of families and communities. By building connections with each other and each other’s communities, learners develop positive self-identities and strengthen relationships.

The curriculum encourages and empowers learners to make decisions informed by the generations before them, how they live today, and what they dream of for tomorrow through developing skill in exploration and investigation. Learners are supported to use their knowledge, attitudes, and value systems to explore significant future-focused issues through the lenses of sustainability, interconnectedness, and global citizenship.

The curriculum offers all learners opportunities to develop and balance the four aspects of wellness: mind, body, spirit, and heart. Positive identity development, mental health, and sense of belonging are nurtured and protected as learners develop the competencies to adapt and grow. Connecting to the land and physical activity are valued as an essential part of the curriculum.